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    In order for your FeedWordPress-enabled website to display information that will set off syndicated posts from original posts, or will provide attribution information about the original source of syndicated posts, you need to have a WordPress theme which takes advantage of the special template tags for syndicated posts that FeedWordPress makes available. You can accomplish this by working with your own WordPress template files to include this information; if you want to see it put into practice in working code, you can also look at any of several themes designed for FeedWordPress.

    Template Tags

    When activated, FeedWordPress makes the following functions available for use by template files in your WordPress theme:

    By default, FeedWordPress also places a filter on the standard functions
    get_permalink() and the_permalink() that substitutes the URI returned by get_syndication_permalink () for the URI generated by WordPress. This means that by default the permalinks listed on your website and in your newsfeed will link to the location of the posts on the source website, not to their location on your website. You can switch this behavior on or off at Syndication –> Settings in the WordPress Dashboard.

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    9 thoughts on “Templates

    1. Hello, if this this plugin import full description, how can I short it for only 500 characters? And how create original source link for every post, if permalinks point to: the local copy on my website?

    2. Hi,

      I missing a short code like [feedwordpress ….] – how can I find this?

      Second one: have you implement a support on cutom namespace?


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