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    The is_syndicated() template tag can be used in conditionals to take a specific action only for syndicated posts, or only for non-syndicated posts, or to take different actions for each kind of post. It returns TRUE if a post was syndicated through FeedWordPress, and FALSE if it was authored locally.


     <?php if (is_syndicated()) : ?>
       <p class="byline">This post by <?php the_author(); ?> originally
       appeared at <a href="<?php the_syndication_source_link(); ?>"><?php
       the_syndication_source(); ?></a>.</p>
     <?php else : ?>
       <p class="byline">By <?php the_author(); ?>.</p>
     <?php endif; ?>

    This code snippet, when used in the WordPress Post Loop, will display a different byline depending on whether the post was authored locally, or was reprinted from another website through FeedWordPress.


     function is_syndicated ($id = NULL)


    $id is an OPTIONAL parameter. If specified, it should contain the numerical ID of test post to check for syndicated status. If $id is NULL, or not specified, FeedWordPress will check the syndicated status of the current post in the Post Loop.

    Return value

    Returns TRUE if the post was syndicated through FeedWordPress; FALSE if it was authored locally.

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