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Fallout Wiki

Trogs are creatures in the Pitt.


Trog is the common name for humans that have become infected with the Troglodyte Degeneration Contagion (TDC).


Trogs are heavily deformed humans who have been mutated the radiation and toxic pollutants from the many factories in Pittsburgh. Their mutations render them completely hairless, their postures forced to crawls on all four, and have degraded their minds into feral creatures. Unlike feral ghouls however, they still retain a fraction of humanity, such as partial speech. Trogs also have a ranged attack, vomiting toxic bile which can devastate players in seconds.



FO76 Trog

The most commonly encountered in the Pitt, weak on their own but devastating in groups, using bile as a ranged attack.

Trog devourer[]

Trog Devourer

Trogs who have adapted to the Pitt and have become hardened and strong. They can emit a disorienting howl. Encountered during Union Dues.

Trog fledgling[]

Trog Fledgeling

The youngest of trogs, small and marked with a green paint-like substance and easy to kill on its own, but groups of them can devastate a player due to being able to produce a toxic sludge similar to the devourer and superior.

Trog striker[]

Trog Striker

Takes the place of the devourer during Union Dues if one manages to find all four striker's logs within one instance of Union Dues, has identical stats and appearance of the devourer, however this Trog is implied to be Pat Gerber.

Trog superior[]

Trog Superior

Similar to the devourer, these trogs have adapted to The Pitt's harsh environment more than normal trogs, looking identical to the Trog devourer, and possessing the same attacks. However, they are weaker but more commonly encountered than the devourer, making them all the more dangerous.

Glowing trog[]

Glowing Trog

Trogs that have become highly irradiated and developed bioluminescence due to the intense radstorms of The Pitt, glowing trogs are only seen during the final phase of From Ashes to Fire, in the radstorms at the Trench.



The achievement/trophy Troglodiced requires the player to kill 100 trogs with an auto axe.


Trogs appear in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update.

