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Fallout Tactics portal
Fallout Tactics Box

Welcome to Nukapedia's portal dedicated to Fallout Tactics!

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, developed by Micro Forté and published by Interplay in 2001, is the third title in the Fallout series, but is not a traditional RPG (so it wasn't entitled Fallout 3). Instead, Fallout Tactics focuses on squad-based combat and introduces near real-time combat, called "continuous turn-based" by the developers, as well as a multiplayer mode, to the Fallout series. The plot of the game takes place in the American Midwest rather than the West Coast, as the previous Fallout titles did.


Fallout Tactics

Characters (player)

Characters (non-player)



Robots and computers





Special encounters


Featured article
Super mutant (with armor)
Gammorin's Army is one of the offshoots of the Master's Army, initially led by a super mutant called Gammorin, and later by ex-Brotherhood of Steel Paladin Latham, who took Gammorin's name as his own. The army fled to the east after the death of the Master and the destruction of Mariposa Military Base, pursued by Brotherhood of Steel airships. While most of these ended up in the vicinity of Chicago, far from Gammorin's forces, one of the zeppelins crashed north of the mutant encampment. The leader, Paladin Latham, challenged Gammorin to single unarmed combat and, to surprise of everyone, killed the mighty mutant. As he defeated the previous chieftain, the super mutants expected him to become the new leader of their army, which he did with his mental health compromised by a head injury sustained in the fight.
