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Fallout Wiki

The Fasnacht raven mask and Fasnacht red raven mask are pieces of headwear in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


The papier-mâché mask resembles a cartoonish raven with green eyes and purple pupils. The raven wears a khaki-colored mask and a black top hat with a red band. There is a red Atomic Shop variant of the mask.


Avail Image Name Editor ID
Form ID
Seasonal content FO76WL Fasnacht raven mask Fasnacht raven mask Headwear_Fasnacht_Mask_Raven
10 Bottle cap
300 Atom Atx apparel headwear fasnacht raven red l Fasnacht red raven mask ATX_Headwear_Fasnacht_Mask_Raven_Red


  • The standard mask has a 0.24% chance to be received for completing the seasonal Fasnacht Day event with the best performance (all bots kept alive).
  • Red variant was originally 500 Atom but was reduced to 300 when brought back to the store in February 2021.


  • This mask was introduced in the 2020 return of Fasnacht Day.
  • The Fasnacht raven mask and the Fasnacht red raven mask are classified as a mask for all mask based SCORE and challenges.

Behind the scenes[]

Fastnacht is an annual carnival celebrated by Swiss, German and Austrian people while traditionally wearing masks that represent demons, jesters, witches and animals. In Helvetia, West Virginia it is normally celebrated once per year on the first weekend after Fat Tuesday,[1] and concludes with the burning of an effigy in a bonfire, without any robots or megasloths.[2]


