Link tags: gathering


theAdhocracy | IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024

An in-depth look at Indie Web Camp Brighton with some suggestions for improving future events. Also, this insightful nugget:

There was something really energising about being with a group of people that had a diverse range of backgrounds, ideas, and interests, but who all shared a specific outlook on one problem space. We definitely didn’t all agree on what the ideal solution to a given problem was, but we were at least approaching topics from a similar starting point, which was great.

Oh Hello Ana - Reflections from IndieWebCamp Brighton

I had a fantastic time and hope it will become a frequent event.


Plugging into the IndieWeb - Jon’s website

I just attended IndiewebCamp Brighton, where I had a mind-expanding time with a bunch of folks as enthusiastic about the web as I am. It left me with a sense of hope that there are pocks of people keeping the dream of a free and open web alive.

Qubyte Codes - IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024

Mark’s write-up of the excellent Indie Web Camp Brighton that he co-organised with Paul.

022. Web 2.0 Expo 2007

I’ve been enjoying Richard’s trip down memory lane with his memoirs of the Web2.0 years. Imagine my surprise when I showed up in this one!

I remember that fun panel from the Web2.0 Expo …Jesus! Seventeen years ago!

Gathering Structures

Really good advice from Maggie on running small community events:

No one else will organise the group you most want to be a part of. Whatever weird, specific things you enjoy – perhaps doing speed sudokus while smoking robusto cigars, or hosting a chemistry analysis session on sourdough bread techniques (I’m not judging either of these) – it’s worth trying to find the others. You are the most qualified person to create environments and experiences that you will personally enjoy, and in doing so you will attract people who like things that you also like. This is a decent way to make friends.

Service Design Breakfast Club meet-up for UK service designers

Service designers of Brighton!

We meet for 1–1½ hours from 8.30am on the first Thursday of every month at Clearleft’s studio in Brighton.

Brighton Brains

A directory of the regular science, technology, and creative events happening in Brighton.

List of Brighton & Hove Design, Development, and Various Other Tech / Nerdy Meetups

An up-to-date list of Brighton design and dev meet-ups. There’s quite a few!

Doctype Brighton

A new webby meet-up in Brighton organised by Davs Howard. It’ll be one the first Thursday of the month at The Joker. I often find myself in The Joker on Thursday nights anyway (for the wings) so I’ll be heading along to the inaugural event on February 1st.

How DIY communities are pushing the frontiers of science | Labs | eLife

A report on Science Hack Day Berlin (published on the excellent eLife website).

When I put together the first Science Hack Day back in 2010, I had no idea how amazingly far it would spread—all thanks to Ariel.

Material Conference by Amber Wilson

Amber describes Material much better than I could:

There’s an element of magic in the air that you get to grasp and breathe in when you gather in the same place with so many different people – people with stories and paths they could write books about. The passion, the ideas, the stories of difficult journeys (the behind-the-scenes that you never see on social media). All of this makes not a basic recipe for a good time, but one for a delicious, enlightening experience that I’ve not seen replicated in any other environment.

The only thing she neglects to mention is that her talk was very much part of what made the event so special.

bookcamp / PaperCamp

Matt has organised PaperCamp for this weekend and I'll be heading along. Should be good fun.

£5 app

This has become a regular event here in Brighton. Developers get up and talk about cheaply-made apps. I want to try and get a slot sometime.

A Hack for Europe! (

Registration for Hack Day Europe (June 16th-17th) is open. Sign up now! This is going to be a lot of fun.

Liberty Alliance Members

Upcoming events about Identity. A lot of these are happening in Europe; I should try to get to one.

Morethanseven » UK Meetup Finder

Gareth has mashed up Google Maps with meatspace geek gatherings in the UK.

YouTube - Liverpool Street flashmob, October 11th

This looks crazy! Everyone is dancing to the beat of a different drum... I mean, iPod.

Liverpool Street flashmob, October 11th