AI and Asbestos: the offset and trade-off models for large-scale risks are inherently harmful – Baldur Bjarnason

Every time you had an industry campaign against an asbestos ban, they used the same rhetoric. They focused on the potential benefits – cheaper spare parts for cars, cheaper water purification – and doing so implicitly assumed that deaths and destroyed lives, were a low price to pay.

This is the same strategy that’s being used by those who today talk about finding productive uses for generative models without even so much as gesturing towards mitigating or preventing the societal or environmental harms.

AI and Asbestos: the offset and trade-off models for large-scale risks are inherently harmful – Baldur Bjarnason

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Declare your AIndependence: block AI bots, scrapers and crawlers with a single click

This is a great move from Cloudflare. I may start using their service.

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Ideas Aren’t Worth Anything - The Biblioracle Recommends

The fact that writing can be hard is one of the things that makes it meaningful. Removing this difficulty removes that meaning.

There is significant enthusiasm for this attitude inside the companies that produce an distribute media like books, movies, and music for obvious reasons. Removing the expense of humans making art is a real savings to the bottom line.

But the idea of this being an example of democratizing creativity is absurd. Outsourcing is not democratizing. Ideas are not the most important part of creation, execution is.

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How do we build the future with AI? – Chelsea Troy

This is the transcript of a fantastic talk called “The Tools We Still Need to Build with AI.”

Absorb every word!

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Should I remove this blog from Google Search?・The Jolly Teapot

There was life before Google search. There will be life after Google search.

Google is not a huge source of traffic and visibility. I get most of my visits from RSS readers, other people’s links including fellow bloggers, or websites like Hacker News. It’s hard to tell at this point since I don’t track anything, but that’s an educated guess.

Removing my website from Google would have very little impact, so I was wondering if I should just do it.

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The mainstreaming of ‘AI’ scepticism – Baldur Bjarnason

  1. Tech is dominated by “true believers” and those who tag along to make money.
  2. Politicians seem to be forever gullible to the promises of tech.
  3. Management loves promises of automation and profitable layoffs.

But it seems that the sentiment might be shifting, even among those predisposed to believe in “AI”, at least in part.

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