The Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar 2022 · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

For 24 days this month, Matthias featured a different independent type foundry, writing about each one and selecting some lovely examplars of their typefaces.

The Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar 2022 · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

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Some of the best free fonts | Clearleft

If you start with a high-quality, legible, free typeface and experiment with size, weight, colour, line height, and (subtle) letter spacing, you might find these free options will get you further than you’d think. These are professional fonts crafted and maintained by experts and they can help your content land the way it deserves to.

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A fun variable font with three axes: inktrap, balloon, and curve.

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Five lovely monospaced variable fonts.

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Wilco Loft Sans – SimpleBits®

How cool is this‽ Dan made a font for Wilco!

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