The Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar 2022

The independent type design community has grown tremendously over the last couple of years and the quality and variety of fonts is truly breathtaking. A little while ago, I started jotting down a few type foundries to have a list that I could come back to whenever I was in need of inspiration for new typefaces for a project. What started with a few dozen foundries grew and grew over time to a list that now contains more than 110 foundries.

When I shared this on Mastodon, I did not only receive a reply from the Type Directors Club that my list is actually dwarfed by their own list of almost 2000 independent foundries, but also, Andreas suggested that instead of waiting forever until I share my list, I could also make an advent calendar out of it. So, here it is (sorry, Andreas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯):

The Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar 2022.

Each day of the advent calendar will feature a different type foundry and highlight some of their most notable typefaces. It will be a highly opinionated and almost arbitrary selection of a few of my favorites from the list. So don’t be upset, if your personal favorite foundry doesn’t make it into the calendar. And who knows, maybe we’ll have another calendar next year. But first, let’s look at 24 of the best independent type foundries from all over the world.


146 Webmentions

Photo of @matthiasott
@matthiasott this is an interesting webmention! 🤣;
Photo of @nhoizey
@nhoizey No, but I focus hardcore on everything else 😂;
Photo of @nhoizey
@nhoizey hahaha, yes, my Webmentions are a mess atm 😂;😎;
Photo of @matthiasott
@matthiasott that wasn’t serious! I feel sorry for imposing this on your pre-Christmas season 😬; But I love it.
Photo of @spielundzeug
@spielundzeug I loved the idea right away, so I hope it will be a lot of fun! 🤗;✨;
Photo of @spielundzeug
@matthiasott @spielundzeug love it! thanks for making it! (webmentions test test)
Photo of Pablo Lara H
Pablo Lara H
🔴;🟢; The Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar 2022 by Matthias Ott @m_ott Day 1: @grillitype… #IndependentFoundry #AdventCalendarofFoundries #Typography…
Photo of Roel Nieskens
Roel Nieskens
You don't *have* to get your fonts from a MegaCorp™! There's plenty of cool independent font foundries who create beautiful, affordable fonts that will give your project something unique. Matthias Ott (@m_ott) gathered some of them in an advent calendar:…
Photo of Roel Nieskens
Roel Nieskens
A list of independent font foundries:… It's not mine, but I'm sharing it because it's important: there's more to web typography than what big players like Google, MonoType, Adobe offer! There's a lot of beautiful, detailed fonts from indies—discover them!
Photo of @spielundzeug
@matthiasott @spielundzeug I think this is great, thank you for making it!
Photo of @matthiasott
@matthiasott That works! I'll update my original post (editing posts will never get old)
Photo of Sophia Type
Sophia Type
How cool is this Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar 2022 by @m_ott 🙌;…
Photo of @elly
@elly Thank you so much, Elly! Glad you enjoyed it! 🙌; I’ll write a summary soon and let you know when it’s online. 😁;
Photo of Jeremy Keith
Jeremy Keith
The Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar 2022 · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer December 27th, 2022 For 24 days this month, Matthias featured a different independent type foundry, writing about each one and selecting some lovely examplars of their typefaces.

