Link tags: typography


Config 2024: In defense of an old pixel (Marcin Wichary, Director of Design, Figma) - YouTube

Everyone’s raving about this great talk by Marcin, and rightly so!

Config 2024: In defense of an old pixel (Marcin Wichary, Director of Design, Figma) | Figma

Some of the best free fonts | Clearleft

If you start with a high-quality, legible, free typeface and experiment with size, weight, colour, line height, and (subtle) letter spacing, you might find these free options will get you further than you’d think. These are professional fonts crafted and maintained by experts and they can help your content land the way it deserves to.

Can you feel the rhythm‽ · 13 March 2024

Adam makes a very good point here: the term “vertical rhythm” is quite chauvanistic, unconciously defaulting to top-to-bottom writing modes; the term “logical rhythm” is more universal (and scalable).

Retrofitting fluid typography | Clagnut by Richard Rutter

Here’s a taste of what Rich will be delivering at Patterns Day on Thursday—can’t wait!

Responsive typography and its role in design systems | Clagnut by Richard Rutter

Okay, if you weren’t already excited for Patterns Day, get a load of what Rich is going to be talking about!

You’ve got your ticket, right?


A fun variable font with three axes: inktrap, balloon, and curve.


Five lovely monospaced variable fonts.

Wilco Loft Sans – SimpleBits®

How cool is this‽ Dan made a font for Wilco!

Brian Koberlein

What a beautiful website!

Canadian Typography Archives

Go spelunking down the archives to find some lovely graphic design artefacts.

*Punctuation Personified* (1824) – The Public Domain Review

Taking the child on a tour through punctuation, Mr. Stops introduces him to a cast of literal “characters”: there is Counsellor Comma, who knows “neither guile nor repentance” in his pursuit of “dividing short parts of a sentence”; Ensign Semicolon struts with militaristic pride, for “into two or more parts he’ll a sentence divide”; and The Exclamation Point is “struck with admiration”, his face “so long, and thin and pale”.

Typography Manual by Mike Mai

A short list of opinions on typography. I don’t necessarily agree with all of it, but it’s all fairly sensible advice.

CSS Text balancing with text-wrap:balance - Ahmad Shadeed

Ahmad runs through some of the scenarios where text-wrap: balance could be handy.

Even though it’s not well-supported yet in browsers, there’s no reason not to start adding it to sites now; it’s classic progressive enhancement.

Modern Font Stacks

This is handy—a collection of font stacks using system fonts. You can see which ones are currently installed on your machine too.

The most performant web font is no web font.

Some simple ways to make content look good - Set Studio

This is a terrific walkthrough from Andy showing how smart fundamentals in your CSS can give you a beautiful readable document without much work.

An end to typographic widows on the web | Clagnut by Richard Rutter

Rich explains what text-wrap:balance does …and what it doesn’t.

Container Queries and Typography

I feel like we need a name for this era, when CSS started getting real good.

I think this is what I’ve been calling declarative design.

clamp() Calculator · Chris Burnell

Like a little mini Utopia:

Handy little tool for calculating viewport-based clamped values.