Topic on User talk:Liridon

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Jared Preston (talkcontribs)

Hi Liridon! You've been doing a fantastic job of adding descriptions to name-items recently. I just noticed though that you've been using the translations "emër mashkullor" and "emër femëror" for male/female given names, but it was only recently that you wrote "emër mashkulli" and "emër femre" at MediaWiki talk:Gadget-autoEdit.js. Since I trust your additions, maybe you could tell me the difference in meaning? Whilst I'm here, maybe I could ask you for help with one more translation, namely, "Wikimedia portal". Then I could add that to my own list. Many thanks!

Liridon (talkcontribs)

Hi @Jared Preston. Thanks for asking, that was my mistake, its not wrong, but it doesn't sound good in Albanian "emër mashkulli" and "emër femre", please update script to "emër mashkullor" and "emër femëror". Wikimedia portal -> "portal i Wikimedias". You can ask me for any translation that can be automated with scripts/bots.

XXN (talkcontribs)

@Liridon, don't worry about adding descriptions to "technical" items (categories, templates, disambiguations and lists); a bot (emijrpbot) works regularly on this task and will add these descriptions on next run ;)

Liridon (talkcontribs)

@XXN that will be perfect, I started because coverage of Albanian language in Wikidata was low, and as usual bots dont cover small languages. Thanks a lot, then I can focus on more specific group of items.

Jared Preston (talkcontribs)

Sorry for not replying sooner, Liridon. I have made the changes. Thank you for your help and have a nice weekend!

Liridon (talkcontribs)
XXN (talkcontribs)
Emijrp (talkcontribs)

@Liridon: I added the sq: translation for villages in China to my bot code, but I didn't launch the bot yet. Because I was waiting for more languages so it is worth to do 500,000 edits (and because the Wikidata lag bottleneck, that makes difficult to edit so many items). If you can help adding other sq: translations to this file, it would be great. If you don't know how to use GitHub, paste here the translation and me or @XXN: will add them. I will launch the bot in the next weeks, when its current tasks are finished.

Liridon (talkcontribs)

Hey @Emijrp, just added translation in GitHub file (see my second commit). Thanks.

Emijrp (talkcontribs)

@Liridon: I can't see it. Did you send a pull-request? What is your username in Github?

Liridon (talkcontribs)

@Emijrp, Sorry, my fault, I did it now.

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