Constraint report

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This special page performs constraint checks on any entity you want. The entities are fetched from the live system, so every constraint violation you fix there will be instantly removed from this list.

The constraints are parsed from statements on properties each time those statements are edited, usually within a few minutes.

Result for Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (Q18199165)

: 1, : 6, : 747, : 16

publication dateThe parameter "item of property constraint" must be one of the following:allowed-entity-types constraint
depends on softwareValues of depends on software statements should be instances of software or software version (or of a subclass of them), but Unicode 13.0 currently isn't.value-type constraint
depends on softwareThe property depends on software should not be used in this location (as qualifier). The only valid location for this property is as main scope constraint
software version identifierStatements for software version identifier should have at least one reference.citation-needed constraint
said to be the same asWikipedia:Text of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License should also have the symmetric statement said to be the same as Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.symmetric constraint
authorAn entity should not have statements for both author and software version identifier.conflicts-with constraint
approved byValues of approved by statements should be instances or subclasses of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Debian Free Software Guidelines currently isn't: value-type constraint