sailboat class (E297)

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ensailboat classschema to describe a sailboat classedit
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

start = @<sailboatclass>

<sailboatclass> {
  # Defining properties
  wdt:P31 [wd:Q106179098];
  wdt:P279 @<subclass> +;
  # Required properties
  wdt:P18 .+;
  wdt:P176 .;
  wdt:P287 .;
  p:P2048 @<height>;
  p:P2049 @<width>;
  p:P2043 @<length1>;
  p:P2043 @<length2>;
  p:P2067 @<mass1>;
  p:P2067 @<mass2>;
  # Optional properties
  wdt:P5962 .*;
  wdt:P2079 .*;
  wdt:P516 .*;
  wdt:P5869 .*;
<subclass> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
  wdt:P31 [wd:Q16103215];

<length1> {
  pq:P642 [wd:Q2358152];

<length2> {
  pq:P642 [wd:Q1817392];

<width> {
  pq:P642 [wd:Q2376482];

<height> {
  pq:P642 [wd:Q244777 wd:Q2446632]

<mass1> {
  pq:P642 [wd:Q5636358]

<mass2> {
  pq:P642 [wd:Q5461048]