Policy and Governance for Health through the Life Course
The Policy and Governance for Health through the Life Course (PGH) unit enables countries to develop and implement sound and evidence-informed health policies that are supported by strong governance mechanisms and cover every stage of people’s lives.


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City leadership for age-friendly communities in the post-pandemic era: five lessons for building health emergency resilience from 16 European cities

The COVID-19 pandemic hit older people hardest. This policy brief, intended for planners, policy-makers and politicians, was produced by the 16 cities...

Monitoring children’s development in Europe and central Asia with a focus on primary health care: directions for policy and practice

This publication was developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (‎UNICEF)‎ Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and the World...

Developing and strengthening services to achieve an integrated continuum of long-term car in Türkiye: EVIPNet evidence brief for policy, number 12

The proportion of the elderly population and the number of individuals who experience limitations in performing basic daily activities independently have...


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