Types of Ableist Language and What to Say Instead

Language is always changing, and it's important to change with it

People using ableist language in a grief therapy session

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If you're someone who makes a point to be conscientious in your communication, it may be shocking to realize that you're unknowingly using ableist language. We're sometimes so used to hearing and seeing previous generations use ableist words that, without thought, we pick them up ourselves.

However, ableist language can be harmful to people with disabilities. Learn what this language entails so you can better recognize and avoid it in your own speech, as well as alternative words that are better to use instead.

What Is Ableist Language?

Ableism is centered around the notion that people with disabilities are imperfect and need fixing. It can show up on both personal and institutional levels and includes the many ways in which people with disabilities are considered "less than" people without impairments.

At its core, ableism is a form of discrimination. This discrimination can be intentional or unintentional and is based on the belief that people without disabilities are superior to people with these impairments.

It's important to understand that ableist language has negative impacts, and these impacts occur even when we aren't talking specifically about people with disabilities when we use them.

Types of Ableist Language

Ableist language typically falls into one of the two categories: words or phrases based on physical disabilities and words or phrases based on neurodivergence.

Ableist Words and Phrases Based on Physical Disabilities

Ableist language involves the use of words that have some reference to a physical or visible disability. This type of disability may affect the entire body or a certain body part.

For example, some use the expression "the blind leading the blind" to refer to people who don't know what they're doing. This may seem harmless but it enforces an untrue idea that people with a vision disability can't be in charge or take on leadership roles.

Here are some other common words people use that are ableist in a physical sense:

  • Dumb: We use the word "dumb" to say that someone or something isn't intelligent, but its true definition is a person who is unable to communicate verbally.
  • Lame: We say "lame" when we mean something is boring or dull, but this word actually refers to body parts (especially limbs) that don't function properly.
  • Spastic: When someone is behaving in a chaotic or erratic manner, we call them "spastic." However, this term refers to muscle control issues, such as those that occur with the condition cerebral palsy.

Ableist Words and Phrases Based on Neurodivergence

Ableist terminology can also be rooted in how different brains work. This type may be used to describe people who are neurodivergent. For example, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition involving obsessive thoughts and ritualistic behaviors. But we use this phrase colloquially about everyday things.

We might say that someone is "OCD about cleaning," meaning they clean their house often and thoroughly. Or we say we are "so obsessed" with things like someone's hair color or item of clothing, even if we have never seen them before and will never see that item again.

When we use these words about differences in mental health, we minimize the experiences of people with very real mental health conditions. And because many forms of neurodiversity are not visible to outsiders, we may be unknowingly using these words around people with the same conditions we're mocking.

Alternatives to Ableist Words

Now that you have a greater understanding of what ableist language is and why it's hurtful, you may be wondering what to do about it. The best place to start is to recognize which words in your vocabulary should be swapped out for words that are more sensitive.

In that vein, here is a handy list of words that are ableist and suggestions for what to say instead.

Instead of Saying
  • Stupid, retarded, etc.

  • Dumb

  • Crazy, nuts, psycho, etc.

  • I'm so OCD.

  • I'm obsessed with X.

  • I'm ADD about X.

  • Lame

  • Blind leading the blind

  • Falling on deaf ears

  • Barren

  • Crippled

  • Derp

Say This
  • Ignorant, dense

  • Ignorant, dense

  • Bizarre, outrageous

  • I'm particular.

  • I'm enamored with X.

  • I'm unfocused.

  • Boring, unexciting

  • Unknowledgeable

  • You didn't hear me.

  • Desolate, unfruitful

  • Disabled

  • Ignorant, dense

  • Stupid, retarded, idiot(ic), cretin, or moron(ic): People say these words to imply that something or someone isn't intelligent or worth their time, but they refer to people with intellectual disabilities. Instead, say that a situation or person is frustrating, ignorant, dense, unpleasant, cheesy, or awful.
  • Dumb: This word refers to a person who cannot speak verbally, but people often use it to mean that something or someone isn't intelligent or wise. It's listed separately from stupid and its synonyms because it references a physical disability instead of an intellectual one. Words like irritating or uncool are better alternatives.
  • Crazy, nuts, mad, psycho, or insane: "Wow, that's crazy!" may not seem like a harmful statement, but if you think about someone with a mental health condition hearing that statement, it's easy to realize that it is. Instead of using one of these words, try outrageous, bananas, bizarre, amazing, intense, extreme, overwhelming, or wild.
  • OCD: This term is used in reference to things that people do in a way that's jokingly considered obsessive or compulsive. Rather than saying you're "so OCD about" something, say "I'm particular about how I keep my things."
  • Obsessed: We're listing this separately from OCD because it's used differently and is one of the only ableist words meant as a compliment. People say "I'm so obsessed with X" to imply they like it, but it's ableist because it makes a joke about OCD. If you love something, you can say that you're enamored, absorbed, enchanted, charmed, or delighted by it.
  • ADD: "I'm ADD about my homework" means a person has a hard time focusing on it but not that they actually have attention deficit disorder (ADD). To avoid being unkind to people with this condition, other words to use include unfocused, short attention span, lacking focus, or uncontrolled.
  • Lame: You're probably just saying something isn't exciting, but really you're referencing injured or damaged extremities that don't have full function. Instead of using the word lame, try boring, bland, unexciting, pathetic, or unoriginal.
  • Blind: "I'm blind to my flaws" is said to imply a person can't see their shortcomings, not that they are visually impaired. So rather than saying something negative about people with blindness (e.g., blind spot), use ignorant, not knowledgeable, or a gap in understanding.
  • Deaf: If someone's idea was not well accepted or listened to, you might say that it has "fallen on deaf ears." You probably don't mean that the people listening literally cannot hear. So, instead of saying that someone or something is deaf, try saying these words instead: ignored, disregarded, passed over, not noticed, etc.
  • Barren: People who are assigned female at birth but cannot have children are called barren. However, this word, which is about a physical disability, is sometimes used to refer to any situation in which growth isn't possible, such as land that is not producing crops. More respectful alternatives are to use the words desolate or unfruitful instead.
  • Crippled: "Being yelled at so much crippled my ability to be productive at work" may sound like a good sentiment, but it's hurtful to people with disabilities. Instead of saying a person or object is crippled, say disabled.
  • Derp: This word is almost always meant as a joke and used to indicate something a person views as stupid or lame. It's also used as a noun, as in calling someone a derp. Though it isn't in reference to a specific disability, it is a play on intellectual disabilities at large, and that's harmful. Use any of the synonyms for "stupid" or "lame" instead.

These suggestions are meant to convey the same meanings as the ableist words, but you may find that some options work better in certain settings than others.

Tips for Changing Ableist Language

Change is challenging, but it is possible! Here are some tips to integrate more respectful words into your personal lexicon.

Get Support From Friends

Social support can help us cope with the adversities we face. But our relationships also help us thrive by encouraging us to actively pursue growth and development opportunities—such as changing to use more respectful language.

Tell your friends, colleagues, classmates, and loved ones that you are going to no longer use ableist words. Then, ask them to hold you accountable and point out when you slip up. If they're up for the same, help them out by making it a two-way street.

Create a Challenge

Getting away from ableist language helps us communicate more inclusively. Post on your social, write an email, or send a group text about your decision and ask others to join you in stopping the use of ableist language.

Pick a duration of time that seems viable, like an hour, a day, or a week, and challenge yourself and anyone interested to not use any ableist words for that period of time. Once that's gone successfully, create a longer challenge. Before you know it, those words will be history!

Practice Makes Practiced

There's no such thing as perfect when it comes to humans, and that's okay. Don't plan on succeeding at this immediately as these are words that we have often been conditioned to use every day.

Praise yourself and others for each time they use a non-ableist alternative word. If it takes you years to make the change, that's totally acceptable. The point is that you're making an effort to be a better person by speaking in less harmful ways, and that's what matters most.

6 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Janz HL. Ableism: the undiagnosed malady afflicting medicineCMAJ. 2019;191(17):E478-E479. doi:10.1503/cmaj.180903

  2. Collins dictionary. Dumb.

  3. Merriam-Webster. Lame.

  4. Collins dictionary. Spastic.

  5. Feeney BC, Collins NL. A new look at social support: A theoretical perspective on thriving through relationships. Personal Soc Psychol Rev. 2014;19(2):113-147. doi:10.1177/1088868314544222

  6. Manalili MAR. Ableist ideologies stifle neurodiversity and hinder inclusive education. J Autistic Cult. 2021;3(1):22-36. doi:10.9707/2833-1508.1072

By Ariane Resnick, CNC
Ariane Resnick, CNC is a mental health writer, certified nutritionist, and wellness author who advocates for accessibility and inclusivity.