
We meet so seldom by stock or stone

@tuulikki / tuulikki.tumblr.com

Lúthien (she/her). Grad student in Religious Studies. Professor Tolkien is my eternal fave. I love folklore, languages, trad. folk music, religion/mythology, horror movies, and words. 狂人日記. Eclectic, but tagging for it. 🇺🇦

ahhhh so the guilt is NOT supposed to be neverending and haunting and constant and persisting beyond a doubt over even the most menial of things that i would not be upset at someone else for. i understand now.

i think i hauve ocd.

nynpha i love you but i dont think your frame of reference for what's normal works here on account of you have ocd.


remember that biden’s american rescue plan act included an expansion of the child tax credit that immediately cut childhood poverty in half. the only reason it was allowed to expire was a single senator (joe manchin) who is not running for reelection

you can help get millions of kids out of poverty by voting for Biden & your democratic senate candidate this november

remember that democrats & the left talked for years and years about how the price of insulin was outrageously high, causing people to die from trying to ration it, and then Joe Biden’s inflation reduction act capped the price of insulin at $35/month. the madman just did it

(*technically he could do it only for medicare, but medicares market power pressured eli lilly to drop the price to $35 for everyone. that was a 70% price cut)

you’re never going to believe who cast the tiebreaking vote in the senate on BOTH the inflation reduction act and the american rescue plan — that’s right, our very own vice president Kamala Harris 🌴👏 this administration is the best of the best all the way through, and we can keep making life better for millions of people by voting blue up & down the ballot in november

and remember: you can be a part of it. sign up to get the word out to swing voters with me at https://events.democrats.org/event/569897/

I’m sorry did you say $370 BILLION with a B?


Wavy hair routines are like DON’T brush your hair when dry!!!! But also DON’T brush your hair when wet. Hope this helps!!!!


Oh god oh no, fuck, shit

The best approach to avoiding foolishness and propaganda is to critically examine and consciously evaluate new information, considering source, agenda, scope of claims, its relation to highly emotive narratives and existing patterns of conspiracy thought, and its relation to your own biases

This fucking sucks ass



Yes, in a perfect world we could vote for and elect a third-party candidate with a stronger pro-Palestine position than Harris. But without federal ranked choice voting, getting a third party candidate elected president is essentially impossible. Also, getting rid of the electoral college is a must. The Republican Party, meanwhile, will never let these things happen if they have their way. So let's do our best to keep the Republicans out of office this election, and stick these things on our future to-do list so that down the road so we can elect a third-party candidate.


Caribbean Sunset - Erika Toliusis , 2014.

Uruguayan , b. 1969 -

Oil on canvas , 90 x 90 cm .


Small thing that breaks my heart:

When I was in third grade, I told this boy that it would be my birthday in four days, and he said, “okay, then I’ll buy you flowers.” Four days later he comes up to me and says, “my mom wouldn’t let me get flowers but I found you this violet in the grass.” That in and of itself was iconic and so so sweet, but it gets better.

A month later, I had to move, and because it was third grade, the teacher made everyone write me letters to say goodbye. His said, “I hope you have so much fun in your new house that you forget about me. I hope that you’re always happy and you never miss us. I’m sorry I never gave you flowers, but I can give you some now.” And he fucking. Drew me flowers.

No, Joey, I never forgot you. You are the reason I have standards in this life, and I’m so grateful to have known you. I hope you’re happy, wherever you are, and I hope that the rest of your days are filled with as much joy as you gave to me. I spilled water on the card about five years ago, and half of it is a a jumbled mess now, but I still have it. It’s the only card I still have.

The funny thing is this dude and I hardly ever interacted. I knew he played football because he was on the town’s kids’ team and my brother was on the middle school team, and I knew he was one of, like, three Joeys in our year. I had a crush on him but obviously never communicated that because it was fucking third grade, but somehow those three interactions imprinted on who I am as a person. I am forever changed by Joey from third grade.

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