
English Willy Was My Fault. Sorry


Hi I’m Emily! 22/ Autistic
This is my tumblr where I post art sometimes! Terfs, Proshippers and Nazis not welcom

Hi! I hope you are all having a good day, if possible, it would mean the world to me if you could give your attention to Amal’s (@amalashuor) fundraiser!

Her family is hoping to escape Gaza and their gofundme is around halfway to their goal, so any money you spare would go a long way! I’ve corresponded with her a few times and she’s an incredibly kind and caring woman, who’s doing everything she can to keep her family safe. If you cannot donate, please at least share! Her account has also been verified here. The more people see this, the better! ❤️


They wanna say the word so bad

thats not a fag thats a canvasser for clean water action


this is like the boy version of “this is the butchest girl twitter can handle before they start getting scared.” that is a masc guy wearing a daisy pin


My friend Bilal @bilal-salah0 is in Germany tirelessly campaigning for the rest of his 18 family members in Gaza to escape genocide.

The German government is planning to deport Bilal on August 15th. With the stress of resisting this act of genocide, and potentially finding a new place to live, he cannot afford to campaign for his family alone. We have to help him as much as we can!!!

He is less than €9,000 away from his goal of €70,000! Please donate and share. No amount is too small, even a $5 donation will bring his family closer to safety.

Along with the kids depicted in my art, Bilal's family includes three newborn babies who are facing malnutrition because baby formula is scarcely available.

Don't delay! Don't look away!

The best time to act was yesterday and the second best time is right now.


i see a post talking doom and gloom about how we'll never escape toxic masculinity. i think about back in 2017 when american girl released their first boy doll, and a review for him went viral in the collecting community. the review was written by a mom, who said they went into the store to get their daughter a doll, only to see their son's eyes light up like fire when he saw a doll that looked like him, and now every night he puts his doll in pajamas and rocks him to sleep. i think about the toddler in my daycare room a few years back who was obsessed with baby dolls, carrying them everywhere, and his mom proudly told us he uses his sisters' old baby dolls and wants to be just like them. that toddler saw another toddler crying one day and gave her the doll he had to cheer her up. i think about the eight-year-old boy i saw a few years back, excitedly waving around raya's sword in a target checkout line like all his dreams were coming true. there was a video on my instagram the other day of a little boy at disneyworld crying with joy upon meeting his hero, mulan. i think about the voice actor for bow in the she-ra reboot saying his nephews only wanted adora action figures. celebrity men are wearing dresses on tv now. last halloween i saw a little boy dressed as elsa. i went to go see spiderverse over the summer, and in the line ahead of me was a boy who couldn't be older than twelve or thirteen, bouncing and beaming, giddy with excitement over getting to see the female-led romance movie elemental. i think about the five-year-old boy at my library who breathlessly asked me where the pinkalicious books were, eyes widening when i had more on my cart, his mom explaining that he is all about pinkalicious and fancy nancy. i saw so many pictures online of boys and men dressed in pink to see barbie. teenage boys are gonna open their phones and see the man who wrote fucking game of thrones dressed in pink to see barbie. when i was a kid, a boy dressing in pink was practically a social death sentence. there are boys running around in pink on my street right now.

Reading Comprehension Questions

  1. Did OP say that misogyny had ended completely because of boys wearing pink?
  2. Did OP say that men who wear pink cannot possibly do anything wrong?
  3. Was this entire post about men wearing pink or just the last few sentences?
  4. Does it seem like OP is suggesting we all fall into a matriarchal misandric dictatorship? Use quotes to support your answer. Anon if this is you you have a 250 word minimum and three hours before the saw trap goes off

mormons undoubtedly in the top 5 worst things the united states has ever invented which is really saying something

sorry that sometimes when I stay up too late I start posting abt how much I hate mormonism but the spirit just moves me to do it

like the mormon church is just such a perfect microcosm of everything wrong with christianity as it's practiced among the american right wing. everything abt it is so disgusting. one of the most utterly repulsive spectacles of racism, misogyny, and bigotry to ever leave a stain on the earth


Bringing this back because there’s been a bit of a push from Mormon influencers to normalize Mormonism, and as an exmormon I’m here to say fuck that

Do not allow the LDS Church to rebrand itself as some kind of harmless quirky church that just has a few silly rules. It’s a fucking cult that brainwashes its members and actively harms marginalized people. Mormonism deserves every ounce of hate it receives and then some


Hi! I hope you are all having a good day, if possible, it would mean the world to me if you could give your attention to Amal’s (@amalashuor) fundraiser!

Her family is hoping to escape Gaza and their gofundme is around halfway to their goal, so any money you spare would go a long way! I’ve corresponded with her a few times and she’s an incredibly kind and caring woman, who’s doing everything she can to keep her family safe. If you cannot donate, please at least share! Her account has also been verified here. The more people see this, the better! ❤️


Please do not pass. Stop, watch and post. I need your help and support for me. If you cannot donate, post to your friends. We need you. We are in Gaza. Our situation is catastrophic. We no longer have a home 🏚or a source of livelihood.You have destroyed all our hopes and the dreams of my children. Please help me spread the donation campaign..


3 components of worldbuilding:

1. The author’s kinks

2. The author’s power fantasy

3. The author’s political agenda

Plot and logic optional

4. The author's formative trauma(s), unrecognized until after they hit post and then reread it for typos, only to blink in shock and say, "Oh. Oh. Oh fuck."


5. The author's personal grievances with other works in the same genre. (May relate to #3 but not always)


6: the author's rage at seeing a great idea executed like shit and going "i could menstruate a better text"

7. The authors ability to take the thought, 'what if hummingbirds were carnivorous?' and build an ecosystem around that.


do I have permission to do an unpaid promo for a local business, queens?

there's a queer & trans owned jam company in Virginia called Dayum This is My Jam which is extremely important to the LGBT community here.

besides be a small business made up of about 10 trans/queer people, they also host frequent pride events under the name Trans Jam. and when I say frequent, I mean FREQUENT. Dayum Jam / Trans Jam is one of the biggest organizers for the LGBT community in central Virginia. and many of the events they do are also fundraisers (such as supporting local trans surgery funds or palestine)!

all that said, they ship their products so you don't have to live here to support them! & everything on their website is a sliding scale price!

they've got jam (raspberry link) (blueberry link)

they've also got salsas and pickles! (salsa verde link) (pickle bites link)

& they have gift baskets and sampler boxes :-) (gift basket link) (sampler box link)

I want to promo this company not just because of all the good they do for the community here, but also because I've heard from a source that they've been struggling financially lately. They're also starting to get publicly harassed by the local transmisogynistic abuser I've been vaguing the last couple months, so it's really just one thing after another rn.

Dayum Jam is a cornerstone of our LGBT community, and has been nothing but supportive to me & my friends, even in our most vulnerable moments. I want them to continue succeeding because they're more than just a company to us. here's a full website link, thanks for reading :-)


still so charmed by the way rose tyler is so unapologetically lower class without the narrative like. consistently telling you that. it’s all stuff you see between her flat and her bottle blonde hair with roots poking through and and her clumpy mascara and her clothes that don’t fit quite right and her passion for looking out for the underdog. it’s just so refreshing to have the protagonist of a show not be so squeaky clean and polished or a complete antihero but just some completely normal girl shaped by the way she grew up


Rose Tyler met aliens and immediately went “Hello, do you know what unions are? Do you want to learn?” and that’s so powerful of her.

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