
chemistry flavored meal

@phosphorus-noodles / phosphorus-noodles.tumblr.com

Hello I post funny things on tumblr and people like them sometimes. // Blog intro tagged with #pinned // (she/he/they/bug)

i did my best ok.

you can do that ?

gay cheese is gone

it’s now homophobic cheese

this is terrible.

this is what happens when you don’t go to hot topic

Did someone say homophobic cheese


Yep… totally fine…

Update the third.

True love is happening on the sticky hand wall.

As far as I’m concerned, this is art


I don’t think this even was the result of quarantine, I think he was just already like that


You're dying.

She gently kisses the palms of your hands, and you watch through the blur of your tears as the terracotta begins to soften and flake away. Your breath escapes you in a rush as your skin becomes skin again, as the curse fails and melts away.

You flex your fingers and look up. The Goddess of the Sea smiles at you, with pain in her eyes and tears on her cheeks, as if she is seeing you- the real you- tiny and fragile and helplessly mortal, for the very first time. Even still, she leans forward, the curtain of her hair brushing gently against your face as you close your eyes, and she presses her lips to her forehead.

(You knew this wouldn't be forever. You just hoped that maybe you'd have a little more time.)

You're dying.

It's getting worse. You thought the nightmares were bad before but they're nothing like this. You gasp for breath. Your arms are stiff- it's too late, it's always too late, but it can't be- you sit up rapidly, grabbing at your face and cutting your cheeks- before you look at your hands they're stone again-

You throw your legs over the side of the bed and sprint out of your palace, past the guards, the servants, your citizens, your clones. You stumble into the square, nearly tripping into the fountain. Tears fall down your cheeks as the water rushes over your hands, and with her blessing, her love- you're human again.

You're dying.

Does it matter? Did any of it matter?

It started on your legs this time. Or maybe your hands, again, you don't know, it doesn't matter. You're stuck like this- stopped for only a second to watch everything she loved slowly evaporate into golden dust, high on a cliff with a view of her ocean. You watched as it drained, left drier than your mesa, drier than the fountain she blessed for you, drier than your skin as it hardens and hardens and hardens a-

You're dying.

You closed your eyes as the stone creeped like ivy up your limbs, your torso, your neck, and no matter how hard you try you can't open them again.

(You just want to see her again.)

You can't breathe, either. You're a shell of whatever you used to be, though you're not as pretty as the ones she gave you, years ago. The ones that still sit on the side table in your bedroom, the first things you saw when you woke up, the last things you saw before you fell asleep.

(You wanted this to be forever- for the two of you to be forever.)

You're dying.

(Are you?)

(Maybe this is forever.)

(Would she love you if you were a shell?)

(You hope so.)


i did my best ok.

you can do that ?

gay cheese is gone

it’s now homophobic cheese

this is terrible.

this is what happens when you don’t go to hot topic

thank you dracula you get it

targeted attack.


i did my best ok.

you can do that ?

gay cheese is gone

it’s now homophobic cheese

this is terrible.

this is what happens when you don’t go to hot topic

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