
Blue Water Secrets

@naidje / naidje.tumblr.com

Nadia // mixed race // she/her // fake gamer girl

Transfem furry PNGTuber, streamer, and artist. 🐘

I stream on twitch.tv/naidje on Wednesdays and Sundays and tend to focus on point & click adventures and story-based games. I also really enjoy soulsbornes, metroidvanias, JRPGs, and 3D collect-a-thon platformers.

My streams tend to be fun, chill, and queer. 🏳️‍🌈

I have a youtube channel where I upload stream vods and clips, as well as a chill, queer discord server where you can get updates about my streams as well as just hang out. 💜


You can have any animal for a pet. Any complications such as “keeping the animal healthy and happy” and “the time and effort it would take to keep happy and healthy pet” and “keeping yourself uneaten” and “the pet I want is kind of extinct” have all been solved perfectly. You don’t have to think of that.

What is your pet?


Anyways here is the official gofundme set up by sonya masseys surviving family if you have the ability to give her family real tangible support


bunny boy summer time

(HE/HIM) 🐇🌅🌸

I know I posted this at a whack time but look!!! bunny boy with tummy!!!!

I tried to make this look like a poster/postcard and I hope it's working ddyhuhgggh. I plan on making something like this into physical posters so stay tuned!!!!


hello butch who's tired of being the strong one, tired of being the initiator, tired of putting in all the effort. c'mere. rest ur head on my chest. do you want me to braid your hair? i made cookies before you came over. they should be cool soon. i have your favorite movie queued up but we don't have to watch it. we can just listen to music or lay here quietly. it can be up to you, or i can choose for you. you don't have to make any decisions if you don't want to. i love you


Day 893 of posting pictures of elephants.

Source: earth.com



why IS petplay so popular with trans gals? am i just in a weirdly petplay-heavy circle on this hellsite, or is there actually something to it? it seems weirdly specific


i think it comes from like, the lack of love and affection in everyday life, and the desire for unconditional love. both ways, cuz like i both want to be a treasured and cared for pet, and also take care of and cherish and love my partners as pets too

tumblr definitely has more than say, reddit, but there's a good chunk of petplay trans girls in every community

also in general it's a somewhat "easy" kink to get into? it's mainly dynamic-based rather than requiring lots of materials, skill, or both, there are a toooon of ways you can work other kinks into it, it has a very broad scope (like, it's not restricted to dog girls and cat girls. and the like. i think stuff like pony play counts as petplay too), and like, you can buy a collar and leash at the pet store


Also praise/getting called a good girl for just like existing and being cute is so good or so I've heard

Also, being transfem is Fucking Exhausting. You have to spend an insane amount of mental and emotional energy trying to convince the world that no, you're not just setting people up to fall prey to your Evil Ulterior Motives or some shit, you really do just want to live, and mean well. You have to work harder, be better, nicer, more likeable to be given the same treatment as your peers.

Being a pet is a break from all that responsibility. It comes with implicit trust that you are a creature that loves and is loved and means well and deserves care. It removes the need to Always Be Making Decisions, and lets you just give the leash to someone you trust and get a bunch of love and affection in turn. You get to be seen as endearing for the way you are, for a change.

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