
Patton Sanders


Patton here. Engaged to @sassynerdlogan. @its-high-time-that-i-dropped-in & @acetatertot are my kids. I use They/Them. {Admin is over 18 and uses They/Them}. Profile Pic: QueerlingsMF on Twitter
Anonymous asked:

Play spot the bigot trying to tell people they "shouldn't leave bigots over political differences uwu" oh look I found your blog. Really really easy to figure out, gross piece of shit

You make it sound like it's illegal for me to have an opinion. Just block me and move on if you don't like what I post


Getting increasingly more uncomfortable. Five more weeks to go.. Also do not judge the bright colors. Patton suggested that I should wear brighter clothing. Anyway. Do you all have tips on how I can be more comfortable? Tips would be highly appreciated. Thank you for reading.

I’m so sorry :’(


I was told to post this by my lovely partner because they thought I looked cute. They took this at 6am. I was not exactly in a picture taking mood but it made them happy so I did it anyway.

I had to persuade you with food heehee. Look at my baby looking so cute I just want to kiss it all over 

I would love you to kiss it all over. You could make me do just about anything if you tempt me with Crofters.

only with Crofters my love? *tiny wink*

W-well… *blushes* maybe not JUST Crofters

You know I can be persuasive 


I was told to post this by my lovely partner because they thought I looked cute. They took this at 6am. I was not exactly in a picture taking mood but it made them happy so I did it anyway.

I had to persuade you with food heehee. Look at my baby looking so cute I just want to kiss it all over 

I would love you to kiss it all over. You could make me do just about anything if you tempt me with Crofters.

only with Crofters my love? *tiny wink*


I was told to post this by my lovely partner because they thought I looked cute. They took this at 6am. I was not exactly in a picture taking mood but it made them happy so I did it anyway.

I had to persuade you with food heehee. Look at my baby looking so cute I just want to kiss it all over 

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