

@elt / elt.tumblr.com

serial reblogger - shitpost connoisseur - love 🥦 - staff - he/him

welcome to my blog, i like reblogging stuff

my firmly held beliefs:

  • the reblog button was meant to be clicked
Source: tumblr.com

do you know what we don't talk about often enough? there is no physically comfortable posture in which to read a book


I swear to god raspberries get moldy so fuckin fast you just look at them wrong and they immediately go bad

2 for 1 sale of raspberries at the grocery store:

first pack: downed as soon as you got home

second pack: you only ate four out the pack the next day because you were trying not to be as much of a goblin and you want them to last longer except when you check it later that day half of them are covered in mold

wow,,,,, that’s so valid

Thank you berry farmer for your berry knowledge

So what you’re saying is… Downing an entire container in one sitting is actually the correct way to eat raspberries

Everything I have read about Raspberry Vines indicates to me that they would very much prefer you to go absolutely hog wild on their berries. Restraint is for Civilized folk.


oh god here comes the rumour mill. the post limit has been 250 posts per day for forever. if you don't believe me it's been publicly documented since july 2019. i'm sure there's a staff post from a decade ago announcing the increase from whatever the limit was before to 250/day but i can't be bothered to find it right now; i'm too busy playing Pokémon SoulSilver, which is a better hobby than making up shit to be mad about, btw


it's even my commit


(homemade beer forum help thread)

New PM from Moderator:

The question you asked is identical to a clay tablet found buried in Iran from 3200 BCE. This thread has thereby been locked and your account has been suspended permanently.


✨Ad-free Browsing is becoming Tumblr Premium ✨

You read that right: We’re upgrading Ad-free Browsing to a bigger, better package—based on your feedback and wishes. We hope you like it!

So, what’s in the box?

Alongside the beloved ad-free dash, every month, Premium subscribers will get one free Blaze and a free item in TumblrMart (except Premium itself, and some of the badges you have to earn)—to gift or use for yourself—as well as increased posting and liking limits and early access to experimental features like Communities and Patio! All for $6.99/month or $69.99/year (that’s 15% off when paying annually).

Are you a current ad-free browser? You’ll get an email from us about the price change and have 30+ days to decide if you want to keep your subscription. In the meantime, you’ll have Premium at the current price. You can manage your subscription right now here.

Questions? Visit the Help Center or let us know over at Support.

Source: staff

hhhgregg panasonic blu ray 99 dollars 32 inch lcd tv 2.99

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