
You're just a sad, lonely boy who always loses at FIFA!

@applejuicewerewolf / applejuicewerewolf.tumblr.com

28 | 1996/03/15 | she/her 🇦🇹

officially decided that anyone who tries to divide the lgbt community is a fed. i dont care if you're not actually a fed, if you're causing infighting in a minority community then you're a fed who just isnt getting paid to be one. either apply for a job at the CIA or shut the fuck up


I like how dropout shows often have an almost “filmed in front of a live studio audience” effect from simply having the crew obviously losing their minds off camera


I just met up with a former classmate and she reminded me that we actually didn't learn shit in English class so I have a question:

Disclaimer: fluency does not mean "can pass for a native speaker" you can have an accent or have a few odd phrases here and there and still be fluent.

If you didn't have English as a foreign language subject, either because it was your native language or you didn't have English in school at all, feel free to reblog but please don't vote. I intentionally left it out because I knew it would skew the results.


3,500 Follower Special!

Oh my... It's overwhelming, isn't it? Ten thousand rats could completely decimate Kira and his crew, couldn't they? Well, luckily for you all, none of the actual choices mattered. You see, the problem of "pick one to catch, the rest defend" was that we need a person to defend or target in the first place. Therefore, by locking in this decision, we have ontologically figured out who and where Kira is by surrounding him with faithful animal guards. Rats! Seize him!

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