Twitter Reviews

2,234  •  Bad
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Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Elon Musk the Trump asset

Elon Musk made a reason for buying twitter to begin with, and that is to help jeopardize trust in others. Meaning he wants to help trump by returning the account to him so he can bully others who have a voice. Do not believe that this man is a genius. He is pure evil and selfish, more so to the point that he wants tear society apart just to make himself look good. Plus he did it just to get a partnership with donald trump to make his tesla market look good.

Date of experience: June 29, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Bot Accounts

Twitter has seriously gone down hill, my main issue is all the fake accounts lately, I can't go 1 day without 4 fake bot accounts following me. I always have to keep blocking them. Even if I report them because all they do is post erotic stuff, they never get taken down. Contacted Twitter support about it and no answer, seriously? I don't want 80 fake erotic accounts following me.

Date of experience: June 23, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Elon musk is full of crap

Elon musk goes on all day how hes saving peoples freedom of speech and the only posts getting through are bots and spam accounts. Twitter is garbage and elon musk is full of crap.

Date of experience: June 29, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Scammers - their ads are fraudulent, they steal your money

3 months ago I started an ad campaign with objective link clicks so payment per click. After 2 weeks the campaign was doing absolutely nothing - 0 impressions/clicks so stupidly enough, I didn't check anymore and completely forgot about it. Suddenly after 3 months, I got charged 400$. So upon checking, apparently after 17 days, the campaign started do have thousands of views and dozens of clicks, without me doing anything, and spending 10$/day. So the result is 5711 clicks for those 400$. But guess what, upon checking Google Analytics for the website, in the exact same period I got 31 sessions and 15 coming from Twitter - (which they use). Now paying for 5711 clicks when I actually got 15 is very fraudulent. More than that, according to their website , they should have charged me every 7 days, as that's the condition that was met first. Or in the worst case scenario, the last day of the month or once spent at least 25% of my credit limit (meaning 100$). In this way, I would have notice very early that something is not right and stop the campaign and take measures. But instead, they waited for 3 months to charge a big amount, which is again very scammy and shady. And now I have to make a legal case against them, for fraud, to get back my stolen money.
PS: unfortunately I'm not allowed to add links in the review, with their webpage and screenshots.

Date of experience: June 19, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Big pile of s*items

Big pile of s*items. Won't allow me to post a negative review of a company. No swearing just facts. X is as bad if not worse. Musk is a bell3nd

Date of experience: July 01, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Doesn´t respect the law.

Apparently, everything russias/brainwashed pro-russians say in X/Twitter is legal.

I have seen a wide range of crimes from defaming and death threats to blackmailing and verbal sexual abuse. I have reported 25-30 cases of EU law violations and the Twitter team found only ONE defame case illegal

Most so-called "legal" cases were removed from a few days to weeks afterward, but only because they were reported to the police.

Date of experience: June 21, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

This app has gone downhill horrendously…

This app has gone downhill horrendously and it appears there is no recovery anytime soon. Every basic feature is locked behind a paywall, including security measures. The app is filled with bot accounts and "crypto influencers" scamming their "coin that's going to the moon!" to make a quick buck. Simply liking or reposting too much content at once results in your account being locked. Made a popular post and gaining a lot of followers from it? Yeah your account is getting locked/suspended. Found a lot of cool stuff and you reposted them all? Again, account locked/suspended. Responded to a post and the original poster got butthurt and rallied their followers to report you even though you didn't break any rules? Account locked/suspended. Found a account you really like and you start posting similar content they do? Account locked/suspended. One singular person doesn't like how your profile looks or they personally don't like your profile picture/banner? Account locked/ suspended. The moderation team, which is basically just AI at this point, hand out permanent suspensions like hotcakes and do not provide any information on the reasoning behind it, or simply provide warnings to correct the actions, and good luck even appealing if you do get suspended because every appeal you submit just gets automatically declined and a auto generated email just states you are suspended, again with no reason why or even how long. Every post you make on this account is a gamble wether you get to continue to utilize the application or join the hundreds if not thousands of accounts that are permanently suspended because of no valid reason.

Date of experience: June 28, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Don't use twitter or X anymore as there…

Don't use twitter or X anymore as there showing violence videos ,fighting murders and all they can do is nothing I reported this all they came back with this doesn't brake the rules this makes me sick how twitter can let this go on

Date of experience: June 26, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

It seems to be a platform for masochists

Your reach is getting limited without any indication of what you did wrong and without any information which Tweet has broken which rule. Every lazy company and scammer works the same way.

You may even have blocked too many bots. But nothing is done against the bots themselves. Almost every tweet has "My naked pictures in my profile" as a comment. Apparently this seems to be the new source of his income.

I already deactivated my account because it's a waste of time and energy. Freedom of Speak, as promoted by Elon Musk, looks different.

Date of experience: June 10, 2024

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

No Govt Censorship

One of the few popular places left on the Internet to get up-to-the-minute information without extreme censorship. When I want to see both sides of an issue (and not just the govt-approved side), I go to Twitter (X).

Date of experience: June 02, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

There is no fixing or improving as long…

There is no fixing or improving as long as the inhuman dolt Elon Musk owns it. He is a fascist and a MAGAt supporter. It has fast become a dumpster fire for the extreme right wing. It is a waste of time to even browse the site.

Date of experience: June 17, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

If I could give it zero stars I would

If I could give it zero stars I would. It is a place for right wing, racists from all sides. Anti anything and literally filled with lies and misinformation, nothing is moderated.
Freeman of speech is one thing but this is freedom to lie and hate anyone who isn't straight, white or male.

Date of experience: June 09, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

It's dead & gone

It's dead & gone
Don't waste your time with twitter/x it's dead & gone.

I had almost 2000 followers & used to get likes retweets, new followers etc from accs with XX,XXX's of followers.

The only people twitter show my posts to now are cam girls who I don't follow or search for, no wonder he renamed it'X', it's like Elons personal porn site & scam accounts with no posts & a handful of followers probably created by twitter themselves.

Post 'views' are just a random number made up by the algorithm, they are not real, in reality practically nobody will see your posts.

All the people who used to follow me, like, retweet seem to have vanished into the ether !

Don't bother putting links/URLs in your post, nobody will click on them, literally nobody.

Hashtags no longer work, basically twitter algorithm will show a small number of people your post, regardless of relevance, most of which will be scam accs.

Check the post analytics, not that you'll need to to know that nobody has engaged with your post whatsoever.

They started removing my posts from my timeline the moment I posted them & kept locking my acc & adding red flags to restrict my reach ! What fkg reach is that then X !? You can't restrict something that didn't exist in the first place !

Zero engagement
Zero reach
Zero point in having an X/Twitter account

The platform is now simply taking up valuable server space, nothing more.

$44 billion turkey. Do yourself a favour & don't waste your time, it's dead & gone

Date of experience: June 15, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Useless, fake, botted website

Not only does this place have near-zero moderation (which isn't a good thing), but it's also useless for actually trying to reach people. It's filled with bots, which obviously Elon and has minions rarely (if ever) seem to ban - I wouldn't be surprised if "X" was actually operating most the bots. Premium blue check mark or not, the truth remains - you will only get reach with worthless AI spambots, not with humans. Stay away from this scam.

Date of experience: May 28, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

this company is being monitored by DNC…and hacks peoples account and systems.

this company is being monitored by DNC of the whitehouse the criminals that need to be arrested. it has become a place of Xrated content no good. the subscription methods had been broken and now the company just got listed at my bank as a fraudulent company stealing money. I downgraded to pay less and now I can't access the management process to cancel services it is now a fraudulent company. and you do not get the support so the subscription is a lie. all money given, bank has taken part to retrieve all income given to twitter aka for none use of service or services that is to be used for paid members.

Date of experience: June 04, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Arrogant Behaviour

I submitted an ad for an online store on the 6th June 2024. After chasing I got a reply rejecting the ad saying I breached their policy on deceptive and fraudulent activities. As an honest person I felt aggrieved as I knew I could prove everything in the ad so I asked how to appeal and to be told exactly what it was in the ad they objected to and I will provide proof for the statement. They responded by saying that they are closing the ticket as there is no more support they can give and they have told me everything I needed to know to amend the ad. They did not tell me what was objectionable so I could not provide any evidence that I was not in breach of the policy.

I would have thought that a reputable company in the circumstances would give a person the opporunity to defend themself. The username I used for this ad was stokeyart.

Date of experience: June 09, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Account suspended after 15y of usage

Been on Twitter since 2009 and my account got indefinetly suspended for suggestion to someone he should go fight and let himself be killed on the ukrainian front instead sending our children. Appeal got autoresponded that the suspension is final. I suspect I got mass reported by a group of people with opposing political views.

This is no free speech platform.

Elon did not change anything. If anything, it got worse.

Date of experience: May 17, 2024

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

lot of the old leftovers from ugly old twitter are still there.

OK (Twitter "X") Has now become one of the last places we have for freedom of speech.

If you are complaining about porn and other stuff Then that says more about you because we get the feed from who we have watched and followed!

I'm into flight sims so my feed is full of aeroplanes and flight simulation news, upcoming games etc..

Date of experience: January 30, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Propaganda cesspool

After Elon bought Twitter it has received an increased amount of propaganda from places like russia and china. This is what Elon imagines is a free speech. It's actually called anarchy, not freedom of speech, if you let enemies of your state do their dirty job on the platform that you own now.

Date of experience: May 01, 2024

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Twitter scam

Today they suspended my account for no reason. I find this twitter it is a big scam liars and I think they must disappear from this world 🌎 forever.

Date of experience: June 09, 2024

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