Welcome to Texila Alumni Club!

The Alumni Association supports and provides ways for our alumni to get involved in the life of Texila American University. We also work to ensure that every member of our global community has access to our world-class services and facilities.

Few Facts About Us

3000+ Alumni: Welcome to your alumni community of more than 3000 graduates. Your relationship with us continues long after your graduation day so make sure you keep checking back for the latest news, event invites and opportunities to stay connected with Texila American University.

500+ Postgraduate Doctors: We are proud that our alumni base consists 500+ successful postgraduate doctors. Now that your experience at Texila is over, you have the opportunity to stay engaged with us in the ways that matter most to you—personally, professionally, and academically.

Alumni from 80+ Countries: Texila American University alumni live and work in almost every corner of the world. That’s no surprise. Every year, students from over 80+ countries come to Texila American University. They return to their homelands with a keen desire to establish professional and social Texila connections that allow them to keep up with the latest University news.

Alumni Benefits: Texila American University’s Alumni Association offers a variety of benefits to the more than 3000 alumni across the globe. As an alumnus, you can take advantage of these great opportunities today!
