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Phonegap for Engineers
About us

native vs web

This is the only cat picture, I promise.
PhoneGap is Native

    And you write the web.
Supported Platforms

• iOS
• Android
• BlackBerry
• Symbian
• webOS

• Windows Mobile
• BlackBerry 4.2
Prototype Platforms

•   Bada
•   Qt by way of C++ (MeeGo, desktops, etc)
•   Qt by way of PySide
•   Windows Phone 7
•   OS X Cocoa
•   Windows by way of WebKit.NET

    (Other web business like Chrome App Store and Mozilla’s
    Open Web apps are interesting to us.)
Contributer Concerns
tests currently live at
docs can be viewed live here
issue tracker can be viewed here
wiki we use for planning here
PhoneGap Technique

1. Instantiate a chromeless browser instance.
2. Implement PhoneGap.exec bridge code.
3. Implement native plugin code.
4. Implement your JS API by wrapping
   PhoneGap.exec() into something pretty.

iOS PhoneGap.exec

1. Init a webview
2. Establish a Native to JavaScript bridge
3. Establish a JavaScript to Native bridge
iOS init webview

* PhoneGapDelegate.m line 178
iOS Native to JS

This was what inspired the original hack!
iOS JS to Native
// I shit you not

• Almost the same, except its the opposite.
• Also, a saga of experimentation.
Android webview

import android.webkit.*

Android JS to Native
    Old School

Ok, that part is easy! No URL hacking!

Nasty bug in Android 2.3 emulators caused
      addJavaScriptInterface to fail...

       Possibly some devices too.
Android JS to Native
    Nu School

    onJsPrompt override
// I shit you not
Android Native to JS


     The saga continues...
Android Native to JS

* ghetto, but it works and did work for a very long time
Android Native to JS
Android Native to JS

• Android imp details have changed or
  manifested bugs. Our interface has not!
• Never underestimate the determination of
  an engineer to abandon all ‘best practices’
  in light of solving a tough problem.
BlackBerry webview
BlackBerry webview
// you can’t make this stuff up!
// I shit you not
BlackBerry JS to Native
BlackBerry Native to JS
Symbian Bridge

• A simple JS shim on top of WRT
webOS Bridge

• Another shim... but things are getting
  interesting here.
• NodeJS is available as of webOS 2.0!
Other places

• WP7 gives us the ability to bind C# to IE.
• Bada and Qt give near full access to
Device APIs

• sensors
• data

• Network
• Camera
• Battery

• Contacts
• Media
API “design”
The “standards” are a mess.

Quotes here are not ironic.
Browser APIs...
Or maybe like this?
Browser Persistence

• SQLite has been a complete fuck up.

• formerly JIL and BONDI
• a carrier consortium
Browser Media APIs

• lets not even go here..
• audio and video are horribly fucked up
• ESPECIALLY on mobile
• we fix em w/ PhoneGap tho!
DAP Media Capture
DAP System Info
DAP Sys Info
DAP API Overview
Media Capture
System Info
App Launcher
WAC API Overview
Device Status
Web-ish SDKs Trending..

 • Symbian WRT
 • HP Palm webOS
 • BlackBerry WebWorks
 • Samsung Bada
     * PhoneGap started in 2008 btw...
Everyone Differentiates
  And their target abstraction is JavaScript?
Current PhoneGap API
Plugins to the rescue
Clean from an engineering perspective.
Lighter builds possible.
Adaptable for 3rd party extensions.
Portable to new platforms.
Secure only use what you need.

Override anything with JS or Native code.
Plugin Native Interface
Plugin JS Interface
Remaining work

• Discovery
• Packaging / installation
• Identity / trust
PhoneGap Plugins 1.0
Maintained by us.

Wild west!

Maintained by you; verified by us. =)
So, what did we learn?

 • Devices tend to ship a browser.
 • Additionally they have an SDK.
 • Browsers have a location.

You have everything required to create a bridge!
Mobile web first!

• Basics.
• Tooling.
• Libraries.
Basics: HTML

<button>I’m native codes!</button>
Basics: CSS3

• media queries come in handy for tablets
• many folk using precompilers these days
• opacity, rounded corners, gradients and
  fucking drop shadows fuck ya!
Basics: JavaScript

• Language of the web.
• Scheme with a C syntax.
• Some quirks:
Basics: config.xml

• Lifted from the W3C Widget Spec
• Many variants. See rubygem ‘confetti’
• Handy for packaging metadata.
• Wtf is packaging metadata?
• specify assets for loading in various places
  that might be stored in other various places.
• icon, splash screen, index.html path and js
• feature capability / security
• network restrictions security
• title, description, license, author, etc
config.xml example

• Compilers/Minifyers
• Emulators
• Debuggers

• YUICompressor
• Google Closure
• UglyfyJS

• VIM / Emacs
• Textmate
• Eclipse
• Dreamweaver

• Every SDK has one. Most of them suck.
• ios-sim
• Ripple
• WebKit, eh

• WebKit nightly is your friend. Mine too.
• weinre
• console.log is supported btw

• Testing
• Style/GUI
• Persistence
DOM Libs

• Zepto
• jQuery
• Dojo
• html5 mobile boilerplate?
Testing Libs

• QUnit
• Jasmine
• DominatorJS
• ThumbsJS
Style / GUI

• jquery mobile
• sencha touch
• dojo mobile
• jo

• Lawnchair
• PersistJS
other concerns
• toolchain setup is a pain
• phonegap/build
• competition?
• performance of webviews is terrible! my
  rounded corners and css gradients tear!
• security: there is none!

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