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Load Testingwith Jason Lotito
“Guaranteed to be the best talk on load testing
with PHP @ MidwestPHP 2016 during that time
slot in that room with me as the speaker"
Jason Lotito
• DevOps Lead Architect
• @jasonlotito
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Load Testing
Not Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance
Testings, manual Testing, or Standardized Testing
Jason Lotito
Load test, or your users will do it for you.
Load test, or your users will do it for you.
Your Servers
Load test, or your users will do it for you.
And if they do, you won’t have any users.
You can use load testing to practice
dealing with lots of requests
What is Load Testing?
Load Testing
• Putting demand on a system
• Determine behavior under
• Determine maximum operating
• Discover Bottlenecks
• Determining steps to increase
operating capacity
• Optimize for costs
Other Load Testing Tools
• ApacheBench (ab)
• Apache JMeter
• siege
• BlazeMeter
• and many more…
The Basics of Load Testing
The Basics of Load Testing
Why RedLine13?
• Simple, up and running in little time
• Freemium, free level you only pay AWS
• Scriptable (PHP, Node.js)
• AWS for Infinite Scalability™
• I know Rich, one of the founders
RedLine13 has a bunch of features you can read
about on the website. I’m really here to talk to
you about the cool stuff I do with RedLine13.
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Let’s walk through a
Custom Load Test
The class that actually runs the test.
In our example, we’ll use sleep to
simulate performing actions such as
making HTTP requests to an API

require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );

class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest


public function startTest()


for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )


$startTime = microtime(true);

sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );

$diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;

recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );

recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );


return true;


This is
where your
code goes

require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );

class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest


public function startTest()


for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )


$startTime = microtime(true);

sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );

$diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;

recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );

recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );


return true;



require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );

class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest


public function startTest()


for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )


$startTime = microtime(true);

sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );

$diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;

recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );

recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );


return true;



require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );

class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest


public function startTest()


for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )


$startTime = microtime(true);

sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );

$diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;

recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );

recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );


return true;



require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );

class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest


public function startTest()


for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )


$startTime = microtime(true);

sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );

$diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;

recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );

recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );


return true;



require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );

class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest


public function startTest()


for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )


$startTime = microtime(true);

sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );

$diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;

recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );

recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );


return true;



require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );

class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest


public function startTest()


for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )


$startTime = microtime(true);

sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );

$diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;

recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );

recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );


return true;


Start Time
Start/End Time

require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );

class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest


public function startTest()


for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )


$startTime = microtime(true);

sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );

$diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;

recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );

recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );


return true;


These next two files
help us test locally
Mock Redline functions to
test load test locally


* @return bool


function isRedlineVerbose()


return (int) getenv( 'REDLINE_VERBOSE' ) === 1;



* @param int $timestamp

* @param int $elapsedTime


function recordPageTime( $timestamp, $elapsedTime )


isRedlineVerbose() && output( "Record Page Time: timestamp
$timestamp; elapsed time: $elapsedTime" );





* @return bool


function isRedlineVerbose()


return (int) getenv( 'REDLINE_VERBOSE' ) === 1;



* @param int $timestamp

* @param int $elapsedTime


function recordPageTime( $timestamp, $elapsedTime )


isRedlineVerbose() && output( "Record Page Time: timestamp
$timestamp; elapsed time: $elapsedTime" );





* @return bool


function isRedlineVerbose()


return (int) getenv( 'REDLINE_VERBOSE' ) === 1;



* @param int $timestamp

* @param int $elapsedTime


function recordPageTime( $timestamp, $elapsedTime )


isRedlineVerbose() && output( "Record Page Time: timestamp
$timestamp; elapsed time: $elapsedTime" );



* @param string $url

* @param int $timestamp

* @param int $elapsedTime


function recordURLPageLoad( $url, $timestamp, $elapsedTime )


output( "$url -> $elapsedTime seconds" );


* @param int $elapsedTime


function recordPageTime( $timestamp, $elapsedTime )


isRedlineVerbose() && output( "Record Page Time: timestamp
$timestamp; elapsed time: $elapsedTime" );



* @param string $url

* @param int $timestamp

* @param int $elapsedTime


function recordURLPageLoad( $url, $timestamp, $elapsedTime )


output( "$url -> $elapsedTime seconds" );



* @param int $kilobytes


function recordDownloadSize( $kilobytes )


isRedlineVerbose() && output( sprintf( "Download Size: %dkb",
$kilobytes ) );


* @param string $url

* @param int $timestamp

* @param int $elapsedTime


function recordURLPageLoad( $url, $timestamp, $elapsedTime )


output( "$url -> $elapsedTime seconds" );



* @param int $kilobytes


function recordDownloadSize( $kilobytes )


isRedlineVerbose() && output( sprintf( "Download Size: %dkb",
$kilobytes ) );



* @param string $error


function recordError( $error )


output( "Error: $error" );



* @param string $msg


* @param int $kilobytes


function recordDownloadSize( $kilobytes )


isRedlineVerbose() && output( sprintf( "Download Size: %dkb",
$kilobytes ) );



* @param string $error


function recordError( $error )


output( "Error: $error" );



* @param string $msg

* @return bool


function output( $msg )


echo sprintf( "[%s] %s]n", getmypid(), $msg );

return true;



* @param string $error


function recordError( $error )


output( "Error: $error" );



* @param string $msg

* @return bool


function output( $msg )


echo sprintf( "[%s] %s]n", getmypid(), $msg );

return true;

The script we create to
test CustomTest.php locally



$customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));




$customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));




$customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));




$customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));




$customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));

What does a result look like?
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13
You can use error reporting to
simulate real time logging
Errors show up in real time, logs show up after
the test is completed. Use error reports to let you
know if you should stop your load test.
Sample App: Chat Service
Sample App: Chat Service
• 1-on-1 Chat
• Group Chat
• Browse Chat Rooms
• Search for Chat Room Topics
Why split 1-on-1 and group
chat into separate tests?
Multiple tests can be run at
the same time.
60-70% 60-70%
Start at the
same time
group chat %
Could mean just more group chat or
both more group and less 1-on-1
Revert to
normal ratio
20:00 40:000:00
60-70% 60-70%
Could be done in your
script or in RedLine13
• Start 4 tests:
• For both group and 1-on-1:
• 350 users
• 300 users
350+300 350
300 test sleeps
for 20 minutes
After 20 minutes,
it stops.
Or, instead of timers,
just do it manually.
Usually the easiest on the day of.
The point is, you can adjust
your load test as needed.
Performing Load Tests
Things You Need
• Production-level systems to test against
• Monitoring
• Automated systems to deploy changes
• Dedicated people
• A time to test (load testing day!)
Things You Need
• Goals, such as
• 500 requests per second
• 90th percentile @ 50ms
Planning the Load Test
• Start at what you expect normal traffic to be
• 500rps
• Start a second test that is just the burst traffic
• 900rps
• Ramps up over 20 mins
• Lasts 40 mins at peak
• Ramps down over 20 mins
• Is proper monitoring setup?
• Is a scaling plan in place? Can you scale?
• What happens to the app under load?
• What slows down first?
• Are things alerting as expected?
As Load Tester, you are responsible for…
• Ensuring those involved with the system under test are
aware and available
• Putting the system under test under load
• Completely destroying the system under load
• Providing a clear and concise write up of exactly what
• Take charge! It’s fun!
Reporting Results: Shortest Version
• 99% @ 59ms
Reporting Results: Short Version
• Short version: During an hour starting with 0rps to 1400 rps
in the first 10 minutes....
• ...when starting with 5 instances and scaling to 11
instances, the response times were: 50% 23ms, 75% 54ms,
95% 303ms, and 99% 1069ms.
• ...when starting with 11 instances, the response times
were: 50% 16ms, 75% 24ms, 95% 45ms, and 99% 59ms.
Reporting Results: Detailed Version
• Provide more information
• Results
• Story driven
• Have data supporting results prepared in case
• Account for changes such as auto-scaling
• With auto-scaling: 99% at 1069ms
• Without auto-scaling: 99% at 59ms
Testing elasticsearch on c3.4xlarge
Detailed Reporting
Also included in this report
was a link to the actual
GitHub repository. Make sure
you are keeping your load
tests in version control!
Tag your load test in git
Associate the tag with a Load Test,
so you can replay any load test easily
Lessons Learned
Things to Keep In Mind
• Understand expected usage
• X% of users using the app while
• Y% are chatting with one another
• Users are logging in
• Creating accounts
• Backend systems
• Determine what’s important
Things to Keep In Mind
• User input
• Random filters
• Weighted filters
• Cached results are expected
• Client constraints
Things to Keep In Mind
• User flow through service
• Try to understand how users use the app
• Script should try to mimic
Things to Keep In Mind
• Be careful about testing a single system
• System will have logging
• System will have backend services
• You’d be surprised what can cause failure
• A load test helps you learn before it’s in production
Things to Keep In Mind
• User interaction
• MeetMe is social, so we’ve load tested chatting
• 1 test per 2 users, both chatting with one another
Things to Keep In Mind
• Have developers available
• Better, have developers with you when load testing
Things to Keep In Mind
• Find a problem, Fix it, Reroll app, Rerun test
• FFRR, or F2R2
• I just made that up
• Don’t use it.
Things to Keep In Mind
• Start testing from your laptop
• Seriously, my MacBook Air could bring down Erlang
• Database indexes are a thing
• While running a load test, you can run a single client form
your laptop
Things to Keep In Mind
• Someone should be testing the app/service as well
• Response times are only a number
• What does 50ms vs 300ms response times feel to the user
• What impact does 2x/3x/4x load have
• When auto-scaling, how does the client handle
Things to Keep In Mind
• Review how the client is using the API
• Review how the API developer expects the client to use the
• Model after what the client is doing
• Call out differences early
Most importantly…
• @jasonlotito

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Load Testing with PHP and RedLine13

  • 1. Load Testingwith Jason Lotito “Guaranteed to be the best talk on load testing with PHP @ MidwestPHP 2016 during that time slot in that room with me as the speaker"
  • 2. Jason Lotito • DevOps Lead Architect • • @jasonlotito • •
  • 4. Load Testing Not Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testings, manual Testing, or Standardized Testing
  • 5. Jason Lotito Load test, or your users will do it for you.
  • 6. Load test, or your users will do it for you. Your Servers
  • 7. Load test, or your users will do it for you. And if they do, you won’t have any users.
  • 8. You can use load testing to practice dealing with lots of requests
  • 9. What is Load Testing?
  • 10. Load Testing • Putting demand on a system • Determine behavior under load • Determine maximum operating capacity • Discover Bottlenecks • Determining steps to increase operating capacity • Optimize for costs
  • 11. Other Load Testing Tools • ApacheBench (ab) • Apache JMeter • siege • BlazeMeter • and many more…
  • 12. The Basics of Load Testing
  • 13. The Basics of Load Testing
  • 14. Why RedLine13? • Simple, up and running in little time • Freemium, free level you only pay AWS • Scriptable (PHP, Node.js) • AWS for Infinite Scalability™ • I know Rich, one of the founders
  • 15. RedLine13 has a bunch of features you can read about on the website. I’m really here to talk to you about the cool stuff I do with RedLine13.
  • 20. Let’s walk through a Custom Load Test
  • 21. CustomTest.php The class that actually runs the test.
  • 22. In our example, we’ll use sleep to simulate performing actions such as making HTTP requests to an API
  • 23. <?php
 require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );
 class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest
 public function startTest()
 for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )
 $startTime = microtime(true);
 sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );
 $diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;
 recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );
 recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );
 return true;
 } CustomTest.php This is where your code goes
  • 24. <?php
 require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );
 class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest
 public function startTest()
 for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )
 $startTime = microtime(true);
 sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );
 $diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;
 recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );
 recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );
 return true;
 } CustomTest.php
  • 25. <?php
 require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );
 class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest
 public function startTest()
 for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )
 $startTime = microtime(true);
 sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );
 $diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;
 recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );
 recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );
 return true;
 } CustomTest.php
  • 26. <?php
 require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );
 class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest
 public function startTest()
 for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )
 $startTime = microtime(true);
 sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );
 $diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;
 recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );
 recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );
 return true;
 } CustomTest.php
  • 27. <?php
 require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );
 class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest
 public function startTest()
 for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )
 $startTime = microtime(true);
 sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );
 $diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;
 recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );
 recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );
 return true;
 } CustomTest.php
  • 28. <?php
 require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );
 class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest
 public function startTest()
 for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )
 $startTime = microtime(true);
 sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );
 $diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;
 recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );
 recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );
 return true;
 } CustomTest.php
  • 29. <?php
 require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );
 class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest
 public function startTest()
 for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )
 $startTime = microtime(true);
 sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );
 $diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;
 recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );
 recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );
 return true;
 } CustomTest.php Start Time Start/End Time Difference
  • 30. <?php
 require_once( 'LoadTestingTest.class.php' );
 class CustomTest extends LoadTestingTest
 public function startTest()
 for ( $x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++ )
 $startTime = microtime(true);
 sleep( mt_rand( 2, 5 ) );
 $diff = microtime( true ) - $startTime;
 recordPageTime( $startTime, $diff );
 recordURLPageLoad( $x, $startTime, $diff );
 return true;
 } CustomTest.php URL/String
  • 31. These next two files help us test locally
  • 32. redline.php Mock Redline functions to test load test locally
  • 33. <?php
 * @return bool
 function isRedlineVerbose()
 return (int) getenv( 'REDLINE_VERBOSE' ) === 1;
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param int $elapsedTime
 function recordPageTime( $timestamp, $elapsedTime )
 isRedlineVerbose() && output( "Record Page Time: timestamp $timestamp; elapsed time: $elapsedTime" );
  • 34. <?php
 * @return bool
 function isRedlineVerbose()
 return (int) getenv( 'REDLINE_VERBOSE' ) === 1;
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param int $elapsedTime
 function recordPageTime( $timestamp, $elapsedTime )
 isRedlineVerbose() && output( "Record Page Time: timestamp $timestamp; elapsed time: $elapsedTime" );
  • 35. <?php
 * @return bool
 function isRedlineVerbose()
 return (int) getenv( 'REDLINE_VERBOSE' ) === 1;
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param int $elapsedTime
 function recordPageTime( $timestamp, $elapsedTime )
 isRedlineVerbose() && output( "Record Page Time: timestamp $timestamp; elapsed time: $elapsedTime" );
 * @param string $url
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param int $elapsedTime
 function recordURLPageLoad( $url, $timestamp, $elapsedTime )
 output( "$url -> $elapsedTime seconds" );
  • 36. * @param int $elapsedTime
 function recordPageTime( $timestamp, $elapsedTime )
 isRedlineVerbose() && output( "Record Page Time: timestamp $timestamp; elapsed time: $elapsedTime" );
 * @param string $url
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param int $elapsedTime
 function recordURLPageLoad( $url, $timestamp, $elapsedTime )
 output( "$url -> $elapsedTime seconds" );
 * @param int $kilobytes
 function recordDownloadSize( $kilobytes )
 isRedlineVerbose() && output( sprintf( "Download Size: %dkb", $kilobytes ) );
  • 37. * @param string $url
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param int $elapsedTime
 function recordURLPageLoad( $url, $timestamp, $elapsedTime )
 output( "$url -> $elapsedTime seconds" );
 * @param int $kilobytes
 function recordDownloadSize( $kilobytes )
 isRedlineVerbose() && output( sprintf( "Download Size: %dkb", $kilobytes ) );
 * @param string $error
 function recordError( $error )
 output( "Error: $error" );
 * @param string $msg
  • 38. /**
 * @param int $kilobytes
 function recordDownloadSize( $kilobytes )
 isRedlineVerbose() && output( sprintf( "Download Size: %dkb", $kilobytes ) );
 * @param string $error
 function recordError( $error )
 output( "Error: $error" );
 * @param string $msg
 * @return bool
 function output( $msg )
 echo sprintf( "[%s] %s]n", getmypid(), $msg );
 return true;
 } redline.php
  • 39. }
 * @param string $error
 function recordError( $error )
 output( "Error: $error" );
 * @param string $msg
 * @return bool
 function output( $msg )
 echo sprintf( "[%s] %s]n", getmypid(), $msg );
 return true;
 } redline.php
  • 40. run.php The script we create to test CustomTest.php locally
  • 41. <?php
 $customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));
 $customTest->startTest(); run.php
  • 42. <?php
 $customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));
 $customTest->startTest(); run.php
  • 43. <?php
 $customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));
 $customTest->startTest(); run.php
  • 44. <?php
 $customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));
 $customTest->startTest(); run.php Instance Number
  • 45. <?php
 $customTest = new CustomTest(1, mt_rand(1000000,9999999));
 $customTest->startTest(); run.php User Number Random Number
  • 46. What does a result look like?
  • 55. You can use error reporting to simulate real time logging Errors show up in real time, logs show up after the test is completed. Use error reports to let you know if you should stop your load test.
  • 56. Sample App: Chat Service
  • 57. Sample App: Chat Service • 1-on-1 Chat • Group Chat • Browse Chat Rooms • Search for Chat Room Topics
  • 58. Why split 1-on-1 and group chat into separate tests?
  • 59. Multiple tests can be run at the same time.
  • 60. 1-on-1 Group 30-40% 60-70% 30-40% 60-70% 60-70% 30-40% Time Start at the same time Increase group chat % Could mean just more group chat or both more group and less 1-on-1 Revert to normal ratio 20:00 40:000:00
  • 62. How? • Start 4 tests: • For both group and 1-on-1: • 350 users • 300 users
  • 63. 1-on-1 Group 350 350+300 350 350+300 350 350 Time 300 test sleeps for 20 minutes After 20 minutes, it stops.
  • 64. Or, instead of timers, just do it manually. Usually the easiest on the day of.
  • 65. The point is, you can adjust your load test as needed.
  • 67. Things You Need • Production-level systems to test against • Monitoring • Automated systems to deploy changes • Dedicated people • A time to test (load testing day!)
  • 68. Things You Need • Goals, such as • 500 requests per second • 90th percentile @ 50ms
  • 69. Planning the Load Test • Start at what you expect normal traffic to be • 500rps • Start a second test that is just the burst traffic • 900rps • Ramps up over 20 mins • Lasts 40 mins at peak • Ramps down over 20 mins
  • 70. Learning • Is proper monitoring setup? • Is a scaling plan in place? Can you scale? • What happens to the app under load? • What slows down first? • Are things alerting as expected?
  • 71. As Load Tester, you are responsible for… • Ensuring those involved with the system under test are aware and available • Putting the system under test under load • Completely destroying the system under load • Providing a clear and concise write up of exactly what occurred • Take charge! It’s fun!
  • 73. Reporting Results: Shortest Version • 99% @ 59ms
  • 74. Reporting Results: Short Version • Short version: During an hour starting with 0rps to 1400 rps in the first 10 minutes.... • ...when starting with 5 instances and scaling to 11 instances, the response times were: 50% 23ms, 75% 54ms, 95% 303ms, and 99% 1069ms. • ...when starting with 11 instances, the response times were: 50% 16ms, 75% 24ms, 95% 45ms, and 99% 59ms.
  • 75. Reporting Results: Detailed Version • Provide more information • Results • Story driven • Have data supporting results prepared in case • Account for changes such as auto-scaling • With auto-scaling: 99% at 1069ms • Without auto-scaling: 99% at 59ms
  • 76. Testing elasticsearch on c3.4xlarge Detailed Reporting Also included in this report was a link to the actual GitHub repository. Make sure you are keeping your load tests in version control!
  • 77. Tag your load test in git Associate the tag with a Load Test, so you can replay any load test easily
  • 79. Things to Keep In Mind • Understand expected usage • X% of users using the app while • Y% are chatting with one another • Users are logging in • Creating accounts • Backend systems • Determine what’s important
  • 80. Things to Keep In Mind • User input • Random filters • Weighted filters • Cached results are expected • Client constraints
  • 81. Things to Keep In Mind • User flow through service • Try to understand how users use the app • Script should try to mimic
  • 82. Things to Keep In Mind • Be careful about testing a single system • System will have logging • System will have backend services • You’d be surprised what can cause failure • A load test helps you learn before it’s in production
  • 83. Things to Keep In Mind • User interaction • MeetMe is social, so we’ve load tested chatting • 1 test per 2 users, both chatting with one another
  • 84. Things to Keep In Mind • Have developers available • Better, have developers with you when load testing
  • 85. Things to Keep In Mind • Find a problem, Fix it, Reroll app, Rerun test • FFRR, or F2R2 • I just made that up • Don’t use it.
  • 86. Things to Keep In Mind • Start testing from your laptop • Seriously, my MacBook Air could bring down Erlang services • Database indexes are a thing • While running a load test, you can run a single client form your laptop
  • 87. Things to Keep In Mind • Someone should be testing the app/service as well • Response times are only a number • What does 50ms vs 300ms response times feel to the user • What impact does 2x/3x/4x load have • When auto-scaling, how does the client handle
  • 88. Things to Keep In Mind • Review how the client is using the API • Review how the API developer expects the client to use the API • Model after what the client is doing • Call out differences early
  • 90. Thanks! • @jasonlotito • • •