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Klee and Angr
bananaappletw @ UCCU Hacker
• 陳威伯(bananaappletw)
• Master of National Chiao Tung
• Organizations:
• Software Quality Laboratory
• Bamboofox member
• Vice president of NCTUCSC
• Specialize in:
• symbolic execution
• binary exploit
• Talks:
What is symbolic execution?
• Symbolic execution is a means of analyzing a program to determine
what inputs cause each part of a program to execute
• System-level
• S2e(
• User-level
• Angr(
• Triton(
• Code-based
• klee(
Symbolic execution
Z == 12
fail() "OK"
• Symbolic virtual machine built on top of the LLVM compiler
• Website:
• Github:
• Klee paper: (Worth
• Main goal of Klee:
1. Hit every line of executable code in the program
2. Detect at each dangerous operation
• Install docker
• sudo apt-get install
• Get klee image
• sudo docker pull klee/klee
• Run klee docker image
• sudo docker run --rm -ti --ulimit='stack=-1:-1' klee/klee
• Test environment
• Ubuntu 17.04 desktop amd64
• Klee is a symbolic machine to generate test cases
• Need source code to compile to LLVM bitcode
• Steps:
• Replace input with Klee function to make memory region symbolic
• Compile source code to LLVM bitcode
• Run Klee
• Get the test cases and path's information
• Source code at ~/klee_src/examples/get_sign.c
• Include klee library
#include <klee/klee.h>
• Make input symbolic
klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a");
• Compile to LLVM bitcode
clang -I ../../include -emit-llvm -c -g get_sign.c
• Examine LLVM bitcode
llvm-dis get_sign.bc
• Running KLEE
klee get_sign.bc
• Show information about test case
ktest-tool ./klee-last/*.ktest
#include <klee/klee.h>
int get_sign(int x) {
if (x == 0)
return 0;
if (x < 0)
return -1;
return 1;
int main() {
int a;
klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a");
return get_sign(a);
define i32 @main() #0 {
%1 = alloca i32, align 4
%a = alloca i32, align 4
store i32 0, i32* %1
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata !{i32*
%a}, metadata !25), !dbg !26
%2 = bitcast i32* %a to i8*, !dbg !27
call void @klee_make_symbolic(i8* %2, i64 4,
i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @.str,
i32 0, i32 0)), !dbg !27
%3 = load i32* %a, align 4, !dbg !28
%4 = call i32 @get_sign(i32 %3), !dbg !28
ret i32 %4, !dbg !28
• klee_make_symbolic(address, size, name)
Make memory address symbolic
klee_make_symbolic(&c, sizeof(c), "c");
Notice: Don't overlap symbolic memory regions
• klee_assume(condition)
Add condition constraint on input
• klee_prefer_cex(object, condition)
When generating test cases, prefer certain values between equivalent test
klee_prefer_cex(input, 32 <= input[i] && input[i] <= 126);
• Insert assert on target path
• Find assert test case
ls ./klee-last/ | grep .assert
• Show information about test case
ktest-tool ./klee-last/*.ktest
• Using GNU c library functions
Run with --libc=uclibc --posix-runtime parameters
Environment Modeling
• For example:
• command-line arguments
• environment variables
• file
• data and metadata
• network packets
• ……
• Klee redirects library call to models
• If fd refers to a concrete file
Klee use pread to multiplex access from KLEE’s many states onto the one actual
underlying file descriptor
• If fd refers to a symbolic file
read() copies from the underlying symbolic buffer
Environment Modeling
• -sym-arg <N>
Replace by a symbolic argument with length N
• -sym-args <MIN> <MAX> <N>
Replace by at least MIN arguments and at most MAX arguments, each with
maximum length N
• -sym-files <NUM> <N>
Make NUM symbolic files (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, etc.), each with size N (excluding stdin)
• -sym-stdin <N>
Make stdin symbolic with size N
• MetaSMT
• STP(Default option for Klee)
• Z3
• Represent Klee as an interpreter loop which select a state to run and
then symbolically executes a single instruction in the context of that
• When Klee meets the conditional branch instruction, it clones the
state so that it could explore both paths
• By implementing heap as immutable map, portions of the heap
structure itself can also be shared amongst multiple states(copy on
• Potentially dangerous operations implicitly generate branches that
check if any input value exists that could cause an error(e.g., zero
• When processing instruction, if all given operands are concrete,
performs the operation natively, returning a constant expression
• When KLEE detects an error or when a path reaches an exit call, Klee
solves the current path's constraints
1. Step the program until it
meets the branch
#include <klee/klee.h>
int get_sign(int x) {
if (x == 0)
return 0;
if (x < 0)
return -1;
return 1;
int main() {
int a;
klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a");
return get_sign(a);
1. Step the program until it
meets the branch
2. If all given operands are
concrete, return constant
expression. If not, record
current condition constraints
and clone the state.
#include <klee/klee.h>
int get_sign(int x) {
if (x == 0)
return 0;
if (x < 0)
return -1;
return 1;
int main() {
int a;
klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a");
return get_sign(a);
1. Step the program until it
meets the branch
2. If all given operands are
concrete, return constant
expression. If not, record
current condition constraints
and clone the state
3. Step the states until they hit
exit call or error
Next instruction:
if (x < 0)
Next instruction:
return 0;
1. Step the program until it
meets the branch
2. If all given operands are
concrete, return constant
expression. If not, record
current condition constraints
and clone the state
3. Step the states until they hit
exit call or error
4. Solve the conditional
Next instruction:
if (x < 0)
Next instruction:
return 0;
1. Step the program until it meets the branch
2. If all given operands are concrete, return constant expression. If
not, record current condition constraints and clone the state
3. Step the states until they hit exit call or error
4. Solve the conditional constraint
5. Loop until no remaining states or user-defined timeout is reached
• ccr
Sum of continuous number
• Suicide
Product of continuous number
• Website:
• Angr is a python framework for analyzing binaries. It combines both
static and dynamic symbolic ("concolic") analysis, making it applicable
to a variety of tasks.
• Flow
• Loading a binary into the analysis program.
• Translating a binary into an intermediate representation (IR).
• Performing the actual analysis
• sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev libffi-dev build-essential
• Virtualenv
• mkvirtualenv angr && pip install angr
• Direct install in system
• sudo pip install angr
• Test environment
• Ubuntu 17.04 desktop amd64
• Import angr
import angr
• Load the binary and initialize angr project
project = angr.Project('./ais3_crackme')
• Define argv1 as 100 bytes bitvectors
argv1 = claripy.BVS("argv1",100*8)
• Initialize the state with argv1
state = project.factory.entry_state(args=["./crackme1",argv1])
• Initialize the simulation manager
simgr = p.factory.simgr(state)
• Explore the states that matches the condition
simgr.explore(find= 0x400602)
• Extract one state from found states
found = simgr.found[0]
• Solve the expression with solver
solution = found.solver.eval(argv1, cast_to=str)
ais3 crackme
• Binary could be found in:
• Run binary with argument
• If argument is correct
print "Correct! that is the secret key!"
• else
print "I'm sorry, that's the wrong secret key!"
Target address
import angr
import claripy
project = angr.Project("./ais3_crackme")
argv1 = claripy.BVS("argv1",100*8)
state = project.factory.entry_state(args=["./crackme1",argv1])
simgr = project.factory.simgr(state)
found = simgr.found[0]
solution = found.solver.eval(argv1, cast_to=str)
• Load the binary through angr.Project
• Loading options
• auto_load_libs
• When there is no SimProcedure
• True(Default, real library function is executed)
• False(return a generic "stub" SimProcedure called ReturnUnconstrained)
Intermediate Representation
• In order to be able to analyze and execute machine code from
different CPU architectures, Angr performs most of its analysis on an
intermediate representation
• Angr's intermediate representation is VEX(Valgrind), since the
uplifting of binary code into VEX is quite well supported
Intermediate Representation
• IR abstracts away several architecture differences when dealing with
different architectures
• Register names: VEX models the registers as a separate memory space, with
integer offsets
• Memory access: The IR abstracts difference between architectures access
memory in different ways
• Memory segmentation: Some architectures support memory segmentation
through the use of special segment registers
• Instruction side-effects: Most instructions have side-effects
Intermediate Representation
• addl %eax, %ebx • t3 = GET:I32(0)
• # get %eax, a 32-bit integer
• t2 = GET:I32(12)
• # get %ebx, a 32-bit integer
• t1 = Add32(t3,t2)
• # addl
• PUT(0) = t1
• # put %eax
Simulation Managers
• simgr.step()
Step forward all states in a given stash by one basic block
Step until everything terminates
• simgr.explore(conditions)
• find, avoid:
• An address to find or avoid
• A set or list of addresses to find or avoid
• A function that takes a state and returns whether or not it matches.
Bit-Vector Symbol
• claripy.BVS(name, size)
• name: The name of the symbol.
• size: The size (in bits) of the bit-vector.
• chop(bits)
• bits: A list of smaller bitvectors, each bits in length.
• Property
• registers: The state's register file as a flat memory region
• memory: The state's memory as a flat memory region
• solver(e.g., se): The solver engine for this state
• posix: information about the operating system or environment model(e.g.,
• add_constraints(BVS condition)
• inspect.b(event, when=angr.BP_AFTER, action=debug_func)
• event: mem_read, reg_write
• action: debug_func
• load(addr, size=None)
• addr: memory address
• size: The sizein bytes
• find(addr, what)
• addr: The start address
• what: what to search for
• store(addr, data, size=None)
• addr: address to store at
• data: The data(claripy expression or something convertable to a claripy expression)
• size: The data size(claripy expression or something convertable to a claripy
Stash types
active This stash contains the states that will be stepped by default, unless an alternate stash is specified.
A state goes to the deadended stash when it cannot continue the execution for some reason,
including no more valid instructions, unsat state of all of its successors, or an invalid instruction
When using LAZY_SOLVES, states are not checked for satisfiability unless absolutely necessary.
When a state is found to be unsat in the presence of LAZY_SOLVES, the state hierarchy is traversed
to identify when, in its history, it initially became unsat. All states that are descendants of that point
(which will also be unsat, since a state cannot become un-unsat) are pruned and put in this stash.
If the save_unconstrained option is provided to the SimulationManager constructor, states that are
determined to be unconstrained (i.e., with the instruction pointer controlled by user data or some
other source of symbolic data) are placed here.
If the save_unsat option is provided to the SimulationManager constructor, states that are
determined to be unsatisfiable (i.e., they have constraints that are contradictory, like the input
having to be both "AAAA" and "BBBB" at the same time) are placed here.
• project.hook(address, hook)
• hook is a SimProcedure instance
• At every step, angr checks if the current address has been hooked,
and if so, runs the hook instead of the binary code at that address
• You could also use symbol to locate the address
• proj.hook_symbol(name, hook)
• You could use hook as function decorator, length is to jump after
finishing the hook @proj.hook(0x20000, length=5)
def my_hook(state):
state.regs.rax = 1
• proj.is_hooked(address)
True or False
• proj.unhook(address)
Unhook hook on address
• proj.hooked_by(address)
Return SimProcedure instance
Symbolic Function
• Project tries to replace external calls to library functions by using
symbolic summaries termed SimProcedures
• Because SimProcedures are library hooks written in Python, it has
• If you encounter path explosion or inaccuracy, you can do:
1. Disable the SimProcedure
2. Replace the SimProcedure with something written directly to the situation
in question
3. Fix the SimProcedure
Symbolic Function(scanf)
• Source code:
1. Get first argument(pointer to format string)
2. Define function return type by the architecture
3. Parse format string
4. According format string, read input from file descriptor 0(i.e.,
standard input)
5. Do the read operation
Symbolic Function(scanf)
from angr.procedures.stubs.format_parser import FormatParser
from angr.sim_type import SimTypeInt, SimTypeString
class scanf(FormatParser):
def run(self, fmt):
self.argument_types = {0: self.ty_ptr(SimTypeString())}
self.return_type = SimTypeInt(self.state.arch.bits, True)
fmt_str = self._parse(0)
f = self.state.posix.get_file(0)
region = f.content
start = f.pos
(end, items) = fmt_str.interpret(start, 1, self.arg, region=region)
# do the read, correcting the internal file position and logging the action
self.state.posix.read_from(0, end - start)
return items
Symbolic Function(scanf)
class SimProcedure(object):
def ty_ptr(self, ty):
return SimTypePointer(self.arch, ty)
class FormatParser(SimProcedure):
def _parse(self, fmt_idx):
fmt_idx: The index of the (pointer to the) format string in the
arguments list.
def interpret(self, addr, startpos, args, region=None):
Interpret a format string, reading the data at `addr` in `region` into `args`
starting at `startpos`.
def _parse(self, fmt_idx):
• int scanf ( const char * format, ...
• scanf ("%d",&i);
fmt_str = self._parse(0)
• int sscanf ( const char * s, const
char * format, ...);
• sscanf (sentence,"%s %*s
fmt_str = self._parse(1)
def interpret(self, addr, startpos, args,
• int scanf ( const char * format, ...
• scanf ("%d",&i);
f = self.state.posix.get_file(0)
region = f.content
start = f.pos
(end, items) =
fmt_str.interpret(start, 1, self.arg,
• int sscanf ( const char * s, const
char * format, ...);
• sscanf (sentence,"%s %*s
_, items =
fmt_str.interpret(self.arg(0), 2,
self.arg, region=self.state.memory)
• angrman
Local binary
• magicpuzzle
Server response the base64-encoded binary, try to find out the differences,
and automatically generate the exploit
• Sushi
Server response the base64-encoded binary, try to find out the differences,
and automatically generate the exploit
Q & A

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Klee and angr

  • 1. Klee and Angr bananaappletw @ UCCU Hacker 2017/10/29
  • 2. $whoami • 陳威伯(bananaappletw) • Master of National Chiao Tung University • Organizations: • Software Quality Laboratory • Bamboofox member • Vice president of NCTUCSC • Specialize in: • symbolic execution • binary exploit • Talks: • HITCON CMT 2015 • HITCON CMT 2017
  • 3. What is symbolic execution? • Symbolic execution is a means of analyzing a program to determine what inputs cause each part of a program to execute • System-level • S2e( • User-level • Angr( • Triton( • Code-based • klee(
  • 4. Symbolic execution Z == 12 fail() "OK"
  • 5. Klee • Symbolic virtual machine built on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure • Website: • Github: • Klee paper: (Worth reading) • Main goal of Klee: 1. Hit every line of executable code in the program 2. Detect at each dangerous operation
  • 6. Installation • Install docker • sudo apt-get install • Get klee image • sudo docker pull klee/klee • Run klee docker image • sudo docker run --rm -ti --ulimit='stack=-1:-1' klee/klee • Test environment • Ubuntu 17.04 desktop amd64
  • 7. Introduction • Klee is a symbolic machine to generate test cases • Need source code to compile to LLVM bitcode • Steps: • Replace input with Klee function to make memory region symbolic • Compile source code to LLVM bitcode • Run Klee • Get the test cases and path's information
  • 8. Steps • Source code at ~/klee_src/examples/get_sign.c • Include klee library #include <klee/klee.h> • Make input symbolic klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a"); • Compile to LLVM bitcode clang -I ../../include -emit-llvm -c -g get_sign.c
  • 9. Steps • Examine LLVM bitcode llvm-dis get_sign.bc • Running KLEE klee get_sign.bc • Show information about test case ktest-tool ./klee-last/*.ktest
  • 10. get_sign.c #include <klee/klee.h> int get_sign(int x) { if (x == 0) return 0; if (x < 0) return -1; else return 1; } int main() { int a; klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a"); return get_sign(a); }
  • 11. get_sign.ll define i32 @main() #0 { %1 = alloca i32, align 4 %a = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 0, i32* %1 call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata !{i32* %a}, metadata !25), !dbg !26 %2 = bitcast i32* %a to i8*, !dbg !27 call void @klee_make_symbolic(i8* %2, i64 4, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0)), !dbg !27 %3 = load i32* %a, align 4, !dbg !28 %4 = call i32 @get_sign(i32 %3), !dbg !28 ret i32 %4, !dbg !28 }
  • 13. Functions • klee_make_symbolic(address, size, name) Make memory address symbolic klee_make_symbolic(&c, sizeof(c), "c"); Notice: Don't overlap symbolic memory regions • klee_assume(condition) Add condition constraint on input klee_assume((c==2)||(d==3)); • klee_prefer_cex(object, condition) When generating test cases, prefer certain values between equivalent test cases klee_prefer_cex(input, 32 <= input[i] && input[i] <= 126);
  • 14. Functions • Insert assert on target path klee_assert(0) • Find assert test case ls ./klee-last/ | grep .assert • Show information about test case ktest-tool ./klee-last/*.ktest • Using GNU c library functions Run with --libc=uclibc --posix-runtime parameters
  • 15. Environment Modeling • For example: • command-line arguments • environment variables • file • data and metadata • network packets • …… • Klee redirects library call to models • If fd refers to a concrete file Klee use pread to multiplex access from KLEE’s many states onto the one actual underlying file descriptor • If fd refers to a symbolic file read() copies from the underlying symbolic buffer
  • 16. Environment Modeling • -sym-arg <N> Replace by a symbolic argument with length N • -sym-args <MIN> <MAX> <N> Replace by at least MIN arguments and at most MAX arguments, each with maximum length N • -sym-files <NUM> <N> Make NUM symbolic files (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, etc.), each with size N (excluding stdin) • -sym-stdin <N> Make stdin symbolic with size N
  • 17. Solver • MetaSMT • STP(Default option for Klee) • Z3
  • 18. Architecture • Represent Klee as an interpreter loop which select a state to run and then symbolically executes a single instruction in the context of that state • When Klee meets the conditional branch instruction, it clones the state so that it could explore both paths • By implementing heap as immutable map, portions of the heap structure itself can also be shared amongst multiple states(copy on write)
  • 19. Architecture • Potentially dangerous operations implicitly generate branches that check if any input value exists that could cause an error(e.g., zero divisor) • When processing instruction, if all given operands are concrete, performs the operation natively, returning a constant expression • When KLEE detects an error or when a path reaches an exit call, Klee solves the current path's constraints
  • 20. Diagram 1. Step the program until it meets the branch #include <klee/klee.h> int get_sign(int x) { if (x == 0) return 0; if (x < 0) return -1; else return 1; } int main() { int a; klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a"); return get_sign(a); }
  • 21. Diagram 1. Step the program until it meets the branch 2. If all given operands are concrete, return constant expression. If not, record current condition constraints and clone the state. #include <klee/klee.h> int get_sign(int x) { if (x == 0) return 0; if (x < 0) return -1; else return 1; } int main() { int a; klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a"); return get_sign(a); }
  • 22. Diagram 1. Step the program until it meets the branch 2. If all given operands are concrete, return constant expression. If not, record current condition constraints and clone the state 3. Step the states until they hit exit call or error X==0 Constraints: X!=0 Next instruction: if (x < 0) Constraints: X==0 Next instruction: return 0;
  • 23. Diagram 1. Step the program until it meets the branch 2. If all given operands are concrete, return constant expression. If not, record current condition constraints and clone the state 3. Step the states until they hit exit call or error 4. Solve the conditional constraint X==0 Constraints: X!=0 Next instruction: if (x < 0) Constraints: X==0 Next instruction: return 0;
  • 24. Diagram 1. Step the program until it meets the branch 2. If all given operands are concrete, return constant expression. If not, record current condition constraints and clone the state 3. Step the states until they hit exit call or error 4. Solve the conditional constraint 5. Loop until no remaining states or user-defined timeout is reached
  • 25. Exercises • ccr Sum of continuous number • Suicide Product of continuous number
  • 26. Angr • Website: • Angr is a python framework for analyzing binaries. It combines both static and dynamic symbolic ("concolic") analysis, making it applicable to a variety of tasks. • Flow • Loading a binary into the analysis program. • Translating a binary into an intermediate representation (IR). • Performing the actual analysis
  • 27. Installation • sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev libffi-dev build-essential virtualenvwrapper • Virtualenv • mkvirtualenv angr && pip install angr • Direct install in system • sudo pip install angr • Test environment • Ubuntu 17.04 desktop amd64
  • 28. Flow • Import angr import angr • Load the binary and initialize angr project project = angr.Project('./ais3_crackme') • Define argv1 as 100 bytes bitvectors argv1 = claripy.BVS("argv1",100*8) • Initialize the state with argv1 state = project.factory.entry_state(args=["./crackme1",argv1])
  • 29. Flow • Initialize the simulation manager simgr = p.factory.simgr(state) • Explore the states that matches the condition simgr.explore(find= 0x400602) • Extract one state from found states found = simgr.found[0] • Solve the expression with solver solution = found.solver.eval(argv1, cast_to=str)
  • 30. ais3 crackme • Binary could be found in: doc/blob/master/examples/ais3_crackme/ • Run binary with argument • If argument is correct print "Correct! that is the secret key!" • else print "I'm sorry, that's the wrong secret key!"
  • 32. Solution import angr import claripy project = angr.Project("./ais3_crackme") argv1 = claripy.BVS("argv1",100*8) state = project.factory.entry_state(args=["./crackme1",argv1]) simgr = project.factory.simgr(state) simgr.explore(find=0x400602) found = simgr.found[0] solution = found.solver.eval(argv1, cast_to=str) print(repr(solution))
  • 34. Loader • Load the binary through angr.Project • Loading options • auto_load_libs • When there is no SimProcedure • True(Default, real library function is executed) • False(return a generic "stub" SimProcedure called ReturnUnconstrained)
  • 35. Intermediate Representation • In order to be able to analyze and execute machine code from different CPU architectures, Angr performs most of its analysis on an intermediate representation • Angr's intermediate representation is VEX(Valgrind), since the uplifting of binary code into VEX is quite well supported
  • 36. Intermediate Representation • IR abstracts away several architecture differences when dealing with different architectures • Register names: VEX models the registers as a separate memory space, with integer offsets • Memory access: The IR abstracts difference between architectures access memory in different ways • Memory segmentation: Some architectures support memory segmentation through the use of special segment registers • Instruction side-effects: Most instructions have side-effects
  • 37. Intermediate Representation • addl %eax, %ebx • t3 = GET:I32(0) • # get %eax, a 32-bit integer • t2 = GET:I32(12) • # get %ebx, a 32-bit integer • t1 = Add32(t3,t2) • # addl • PUT(0) = t1 • # put %eax
  • 38. Simulation Managers • simgr.step() Step forward all states in a given stash by one basic block • Step until everything terminates • simgr.explore(conditions) • find, avoid: • An address to find or avoid • A set or list of addresses to find or avoid • A function that takes a state and returns whether or not it matches.
  • 39. Bit-Vector Symbol • claripy.BVS(name, size) • name: The name of the symbol. • size: The size (in bits) of the bit-vector. • chop(bits) • bits: A list of smaller bitvectors, each bits in length.
  • 40. State • Property • registers: The state's register file as a flat memory region • memory: The state's memory as a flat memory region • solver(e.g., se): The solver engine for this state • posix: information about the operating system or environment model(e.g., posix.files[fd]) • add_constraints(BVS condition) • inspect.b(event, when=angr.BP_AFTER, action=debug_func) • event: mem_read, reg_write • when: BP_BEFORE or BP_AFTER • action: debug_func
  • 41. SimMemory • load(addr, size=None) • addr: memory address • size: The sizein bytes • find(addr, what) • addr: The start address • what: what to search for • store(addr, data, size=None) • addr: address to store at • data: The data(claripy expression or something convertable to a claripy expression) • size: The data size(claripy expression or something convertable to a claripy expression)
  • 42. Stash types active This stash contains the states that will be stepped by default, unless an alternate stash is specified. deadended A state goes to the deadended stash when it cannot continue the execution for some reason, including no more valid instructions, unsat state of all of its successors, or an invalid instruction pointer. pruned When using LAZY_SOLVES, states are not checked for satisfiability unless absolutely necessary. When a state is found to be unsat in the presence of LAZY_SOLVES, the state hierarchy is traversed to identify when, in its history, it initially became unsat. All states that are descendants of that point (which will also be unsat, since a state cannot become un-unsat) are pruned and put in this stash. unconstrained If the save_unconstrained option is provided to the SimulationManager constructor, states that are determined to be unconstrained (i.e., with the instruction pointer controlled by user data or some other source of symbolic data) are placed here. unsat If the save_unsat option is provided to the SimulationManager constructor, states that are determined to be unsatisfiable (i.e., they have constraints that are contradictory, like the input having to be both "AAAA" and "BBBB" at the same time) are placed here.
  • 43. Hooking • project.hook(address, hook) • hook is a SimProcedure instance • At every step, angr checks if the current address has been hooked, and if so, runs the hook instead of the binary code at that address • You could also use symbol to locate the address • proj.hook_symbol(name, hook) • You could use hook as function decorator, length is to jump after finishing the hook @proj.hook(0x20000, length=5) def my_hook(state): state.regs.rax = 1
  • 44. Hooking • proj.is_hooked(address) True or False • proj.unhook(address) Unhook hook on address • proj.hooked_by(address) Return SimProcedure instance
  • 45. Symbolic Function • Project tries to replace external calls to library functions by using symbolic summaries termed SimProcedures • Because SimProcedures are library hooks written in Python, it has inaccuracy • If you encounter path explosion or inaccuracy, you can do: 1. Disable the SimProcedure 2. Replace the SimProcedure with something written directly to the situation in question 3. Fix the SimProcedure
  • 46. Symbolic Function(scanf) • Source code: 1. Get first argument(pointer to format string) 2. Define function return type by the architecture 3. Parse format string 4. According format string, read input from file descriptor 0(i.e., standard input) 5. Do the read operation
  • 47. Symbolic Function(scanf) from angr.procedures.stubs.format_parser import FormatParser from angr.sim_type import SimTypeInt, SimTypeString class scanf(FormatParser): def run(self, fmt): self.argument_types = {0: self.ty_ptr(SimTypeString())} self.return_type = SimTypeInt(self.state.arch.bits, True) fmt_str = self._parse(0) f = self.state.posix.get_file(0) region = f.content start = f.pos (end, items) = fmt_str.interpret(start, 1, self.arg, region=region) # do the read, correcting the internal file position and logging the action self.state.posix.read_from(0, end - start) return items
  • 48. Symbolic Function(scanf) class SimProcedure(object): @staticmethod def ty_ptr(self, ty): return SimTypePointer(self.arch, ty) class FormatParser(SimProcedure): def _parse(self, fmt_idx): """ fmt_idx: The index of the (pointer to the) format string in the arguments list. """ def interpret(self, addr, startpos, args, region=None): """ Interpret a format string, reading the data at `addr` in `region` into `args` starting at `startpos`. """
  • 49. def _parse(self, fmt_idx): • int scanf ( const char * format, ... ); • scanf ("%d",&i); fmt_str = self._parse(0) • int sscanf ( const char * s, const char * format, ...); • sscanf (sentence,"%s %*s %d",str,&i); fmt_str = self._parse(1)
  • 50. def interpret(self, addr, startpos, args, region=None): • int scanf ( const char * format, ... ); • scanf ("%d",&i); f = self.state.posix.get_file(0) region = f.content start = f.pos (end, items) = fmt_str.interpret(start, 1, self.arg, region=region) • int sscanf ( const char * s, const char * format, ...); • sscanf (sentence,"%s %*s %d",str,&i); _, items = fmt_str.interpret(self.arg(0), 2, self.arg, region=self.state.memory)
  • 51. Exercises • angrman Local binary • magicpuzzle Server response the base64-encoded binary, try to find out the differences, and automatically generate the exploit • Sushi Server response the base64-encoded binary, try to find out the differences, and automatically generate the exploit
  • 52. Q & A