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© 2024 - Atsign |
Showing that you care about security -
OpenSSF Scorecards for Dart and Flutter projects
Fluttercon - Jun 2024
© 2024 - Atsign |
© 2024 - Atsign |
© 2024 - Atsign |
Hi, I’m Chris
© 2024 - Atsign |
➔ The Dart and Flutter inspiration
➔ Who are OpenSSF, and what is a scorecard?
➔ Start with Allstar
➔ Doing your first repository
➔ Scaling across multiple repositories
➔ 80:20
➔ The toil of it all
The Dart and Flutter inspiration
© 2024 - Atsign |
© 2024 - Atsign |
Who are OpenSSF,
and what is a scorecard?
© 2024 - Atsign |
© 2024 - Atsign |
Start with Allstar
© 2024 - Atsign |
A whole bunch of config, and a whole bunch of files
Doing your first repository
Expect LOTS of issues
Help is at hand
Dependency (pinning) hell cont…
Scaling across multiple repositories
Rinse and repeat - more of this
And more of this
It’s relatively easy to get most stuff right
There will be a residue
How this looks to your users
Radar plot
Static analysis with osv-scanner
- uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
- uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@f0ead981b4d9a35b37f30d36160575d60931ec30 # v1.6.4
sdk: stable
- uses: actions/setup-go@cdcb36043654635271a94b9a6d1392de5bb323a7 # v5.0.1
go-version: 'stable'
cache-dependency-path: tools/osv-scanner/go.sum
- name: Run osv-scanner
working-directory: packages/${{ matrix.package }}
run: |
dart pub get
go install
osv-scanner --lockfile=./pubspec.lock
This is where it gets really gnarly
The questionnaire is long and detailed
And some sections might be hard to accomplish
The toil of it all
Make friends with the new boss
From a docs repo (no actual code to maintain)
From a code repo
Scorecard’s own dependencies can change with
annoying regularity (in every repo with a scorecard)
Base dependencies can be amplified
Use the directories capability, and groups
- package-ecosystem: "pub"
- "/packages/dart/sshnoports/"
- "/packages/dart/sshnp_flutter/"
interval: "daily"
- "*"
It might still help to do rollups:
if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then
echo "Usage <BASE_PR> <LAST_PR>"
exit 1
git pull
gh pr checkout "$BASE_PR"
for (( i=(($BASE_PR + 1)); i<=$LAST_PR; i++ ))
PR_BRANCH=$(gh pr view "$i" --json headRefName -q .headRefName)
git merge origin/"$PR_BRANCH" -m 
"build(deps): Rollup merge branch for #${i} ${PR_BRANCH}"
git push
Bonus content:
Generating Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
- name: Checkout pubspec.lock
uses: actions/checkout@44c2b7a8a4ea60a981eaca3cf939b5f4305c123b # v4.1.5
sparse-checkout: packages/dart/sshnoports/pubspec.lock
sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
- name: Install Syft
uses: anchore/sbom-action/download-syft@7ccf588e3cf3cc2611714c2eeae48550fbc17552
- name: Generate SBOMs
run: |
syft scan file:./packages/dart/sshnoports/pubspec.lock 
-o 'spdx-json=tarballs/dart_sshnoports_sbom.spdx.json' 
-o 'cyclonedx-json=tarballs/dart_sshnoports_sbom.cyclonedx.json'
Make the SBOM with Syft, understand it with GUAC
Generate hashes and build attestation
- name: Generate SHA256 checksums
working-directory: tarballs
run: sha256sum * > checksums.txt
- id: hash
name: Pass artifact hashes for SLSA provenance
working-directory: tarballs
run: |
echo "hashes=$(cat checksums.txt | base64 -w0)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- uses: actions/attest-build-provenance@f8d5ea8082b0d9f5… # v1.1.0
subject-path: 'tarballs/**'
In the GitHub Actions run for a build:
Clicking through to an attestation
Generate hashes and build attestation:
Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA)
needs: [github-release]
actions: read # Needed for detection of GitHub Actions environment.
id-token: write # Needed for provenance signing and ID
contents: write # Needed for release uploads
uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@v2.0.0
base64-subjects: "${{ needs.github-release.outputs.hashes }}"
upload-assets: true
Peeking inside SLSA attestation: multiple.intoto.jsonl
"_type": "",
"predicateType": "",
"subject": [
"name": "dart_sshnoports_sbom.cyclonedx.json",
"digest": {
"sha256": "017532bc7a01a0249211819be5858bc76cf4db7824e0e6432dd0831983948094"
"name": "dart_sshnoports_sbom.spdx.json",
"digest": {
"sha256": "013bff32cd7c776e54c36db692aceadce13d28839c06ec1b8ed23421edf305e1"
The software supply chain trifecta
© 2024 - Atsign |
➔ Our journey started with adoption by the Dart/Flutter team.
➔ An OpenSSF Scorecard can show you care about security.
➔ Allstar provides a good starting point.
➔ Pick a first repo to get a hang of what’s needed.
➔ Then automate across the rest of the organisation.
➔ 20% of the effort to get 80% of the score. Uphill from there.
➔ Scorecards do create ongoing toil that needs to be minimised.
© 2024 - Atsign |
Call to action: Run the scorecard CLI against one of
your own repos
Blog posts
Varun Sharma’s (Step Security) QCon Demo Org
Thanks for your time

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Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards for Dart and Flutter projects

  • 1. © 2024 - Atsign | Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards for Dart and Flutter projects Fluttercon - Jun 2024
  • 2. © 2024 - Atsign |
  • 3. © 2024 - Atsign |
  • 4. © 2024 - Atsign | Hi, I’m Chris @cpswan
  • 5. © 2024 - Atsign | Agenda ➔ The Dart and Flutter inspiration ➔ Who are OpenSSF, and what is a scorecard? ➔ Start with Allstar ➔ Doing your first repository ➔ Scaling across multiple repositories ➔ 80:20 ➔ The toil of it all
  • 6. The Dart and Flutter inspiration
  • 7. © 2024 - Atsign |
  • 8. © 2024 - Atsign |
  • 9. Who are OpenSSF, and what is a scorecard?
  • 10. © 2024 - Atsign |
  • 11. © 2024 - Atsign |
  • 13. © 2024 - Atsign |
  • 14. A whole bunch of config, and a whole bunch of files
  • 15. Doing your first repository
  • 16. Expect LOTS of issues
  • 17. Help is at hand
  • 19. Scaling across multiple repositories
  • 20. Rinse and repeat - more of this
  • 21. And more of this
  • 22. 80:20
  • 23. It’s relatively easy to get most stuff right
  • 24. There will be a residue
  • 25. How this looks to your users
  • 27. Static analysis with osv-scanner steps: - uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6 - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@f0ead981b4d9a35b37f30d36160575d60931ec30 # v1.6.4 with: sdk: stable - uses: actions/setup-go@cdcb36043654635271a94b9a6d1392de5bb323a7 # v5.0.1 with: go-version: 'stable' cache-dependency-path: tools/osv-scanner/go.sum - name: Run osv-scanner working-directory: packages/${{ matrix.package }} run: | dart pub get go install osv-scanner --lockfile=./pubspec.lock
  • 28. This is where it gets really gnarly
  • 29. The questionnaire is long and detailed
  • 30. And some sections might be hard to accomplish
  • 31. The toil of it all
  • 32. Make friends with the new boss
  • 33. From a docs repo (no actual code to maintain)
  • 34. From a code repo
  • 35. Scorecard’s own dependencies can change with annoying regularity (in every repo with a scorecard)
  • 36. Base dependencies can be amplified
  • 37. Use the directories capability, and groups - package-ecosystem: "pub" directories: - "/packages/dart/sshnoports/" - "/packages/dart/sshnp_flutter/" schedule: interval: "daily" groups: pub: patterns: - "*"
  • 38. It might still help to do rollups: #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then echo "Usage <BASE_PR> <LAST_PR>" exit 1 fi BASE_PR=$1 LAST_PR=$2 git pull gh pr checkout "$BASE_PR" for (( i=(($BASE_PR + 1)); i<=$LAST_PR; i++ )) do PR_BRANCH=$(gh pr view "$i" --json headRefName -q .headRefName) git merge origin/"$PR_BRANCH" -m "build(deps): Rollup merge branch for #${i} ${PR_BRANCH}" done git push
  • 40. Generating Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) - name: Checkout pubspec.lock uses: actions/checkout@44c2b7a8a4ea60a981eaca3cf939b5f4305c123b # v4.1.5 with: sparse-checkout: packages/dart/sshnoports/pubspec.lock sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false - name: Install Syft uses: anchore/sbom-action/download-syft@7ccf588e3cf3cc2611714c2eeae48550fbc17552 - name: Generate SBOMs run: | syft scan file:./packages/dart/sshnoports/pubspec.lock -o 'spdx-json=tarballs/dart_sshnoports_sbom.spdx.json' -o 'cyclonedx-json=tarballs/dart_sshnoports_sbom.cyclonedx.json'
  • 41. Make the SBOM with Syft, understand it with GUAC
  • 42. Generate hashes and build attestation - name: Generate SHA256 checksums working-directory: tarballs run: sha256sum * > checksums.txt - id: hash name: Pass artifact hashes for SLSA provenance working-directory: tarballs run: | echo "hashes=$(cat checksums.txt | base64 -w0)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - uses: actions/attest-build-provenance@f8d5ea8082b0d9f5… # v1.1.0 with: subject-path: 'tarballs/**'
  • 43. In the GitHub Actions run for a build:
  • 44. Clicking through to an attestation
  • 45. Generate hashes and build attestation: Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) provenance: needs: [github-release] permissions: actions: read # Needed for detection of GitHub Actions environment. id-token: write # Needed for provenance signing and ID contents: write # Needed for release uploads uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@v2.0.0 with: base64-subjects: "${{ needs.github-release.outputs.hashes }}" upload-assets: true
  • 46. Peeking inside SLSA attestation: multiple.intoto.jsonl { "_type": "", "predicateType": "", "subject": [ { "name": "dart_sshnoports_sbom.cyclonedx.json", "digest": { "sha256": "017532bc7a01a0249211819be5858bc76cf4db7824e0e6432dd0831983948094" } }, { "name": "dart_sshnoports_sbom.spdx.json", "digest": { "sha256": "013bff32cd7c776e54c36db692aceadce13d28839c06ec1b8ed23421edf305e1" } },
  • 47. The software supply chain trifecta
  • 48. © 2024 - Atsign | Review ➔ Our journey started with adoption by the Dart/Flutter team. ➔ An OpenSSF Scorecard can show you care about security. ➔ Allstar provides a good starting point. ➔ Pick a first repo to get a hang of what’s needed. ➔ Then automate across the rest of the organisation. ➔ 20% of the effort to get 80% of the score. Uphill from there. ➔ Scorecards do create ongoing toil that needs to be minimised.
  • 49. © 2024 - Atsign | Call to action: Run the scorecard CLI against one of your own repos scorecard-command-line-interface
  • 51. Thanks for your time @cpswan