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Crm Saturday Madrid  - Test Automation for Dynamics 365
Presenter: Jordi Montaña
Topic: Test Automation for Dynamics 365
Jordi Montaña
• Solution Architect
• +10 yrs experience
• Business Solutions MVP
• @jordimontana
• GitHub: jordimontana82
• Blog:
• Why Unit Testing?
• Why FakeXrmEasy?
• How it works
• DEMO (VS 2017 + Live Unit Tests)
Why Unit Testing?
Crm Saturday Madrid  - Test Automation for Dynamics 365
1. Cost
1. Epic Bugs: Space Bugs
1. Epic Bugs: Space Bugs
In 1996, first ESA’s Ariane-5 mission…
1. Epic Bugs: Space Bugs
In 1996, first ESA’s Ariane-5 mission…
> $370 Million project…
1. Epic Bugs: Space Bugs
In 1996, first ESA’s Ariane-5 mission…
> $370 Million project…
…which blew up in 40 secs due to an
integer overflow
In 1999, NASA’s Mars Climate
2. Epic Bugs: Space Bugs
$ 320 Million Project…
In 1999, NASA’s Mars Climate
2. Epic Bugs: Space Bugs
$ 320 Million Project…
… burned up by a unit of
measure conversion issue
Crm Saturday Madrid  - Test Automation for Dynamics 365
3 Epic Bugs: Financial
$440 Million
3 Epic Bugs: Financial
45 mins
Bugs have
both external and
2. External implications
Customers not
happy 
3. Internal implications
Pain… or… can you
sleep at night?
“Unit testing gives us
automated regression
testing. ”
“But…. It also drives
Large projects and changes
- 500+ Custom entities
- 80+ Plugins
- 540+ Plugin Steps
- 780+ Workflows
Large projects and changes
- Web portals
- SSIS packages + SSRS Reports
- GIS, MDS, Mobile apps,…
“Unit + integration tests provide
a sustainable approach to
change management.”
Why FakeXrmEasy?
1. Why FakeXrmEasy?
CRM SDK is pretty much “static” composed of:
- Queries
- Other messages
2. Why FakeXrmEasy?
Prior to 2014… started doing unit testing with
FakeItEasy and….
- Found myself doing a lot of repetitive
- … and many problems
Problems with existing general
purpose .NET frameworks
- Generic & Complex
- Mocking Queries is REALLY hard
- Multiple CRM messages to mock
Problem #1: Complexity
var mock = new Mock<IOrganizationService>();
mock.Setup(service =>
.Callback((Entity e) => {
e.Id = id;
entities.Add(e); })
.Returns((Entity e) => id);
Problem #2: Mocks ignore query
filters / joins etc…
Problem #3: A single .Execute()
method with a bunch of different
messages to mock
Unit testing for Dynamics 365
would be amazing if….
… everything was already
mocked for us, by default.
So… FakeXrmEasy was born in
November 2014
“It does so during development,
before deploy, functional
testing, UAT, Staging and, of
course, Production.”
How it Works?
- 1 single ctx.GetOrganizationService() call needed.
- Query Engine: QueryExpression, LINQ, FetchXml,
- Fake Messages: many implemented, but not all of them…
yet (pull requests pls!)
Architecture Overview
In-Memory DB (this is actually way more simple than it sounds!)
CRUD Query Engine
Fake Message Executors
In-Memory DB
In-Memory DB (this is actually way more simple than it sounds!)
- 2 Levels of Dictionaries
- First level indexes by Entity Name, second level indexes entity
records by Id (Guid) to simulate the different CRM tables.
In-Memory DB
In-Memory DB (this is actually way more simple than it sounds!)
Mainly because memory is several orders of magnitude faster than disks or
Also, because even in-memory, dictionaries gives us generally Θ(1) algorithm
complexity: Constant Access Time for CRUD operations. Given O(n) the
worst case.
What about the Query Engine…?
In-Memory DB (this is actually way more simple than it sounds!)
Query Engine
In-Memory DB (Dictionaries here…)
CRM LINQ Provider
In-Memory DB (Dictionaries here…)
What about the Query Engine…?
What about the Query Engine…?
In-Memory DB (Dictionaries)
LINQ Query Translation Step
What about the Query Engine…?
In-Memory DB (Dictionaries)
QueryByAttribute FetchXml
What about the Query Engine…?
In-Memory DB (Dictionaries)
QueryByAttribute FetchXml
To recap…
- 1 single ctx.GetOrganizationService() call needed. No mocks!
- Query Engine: QueryExpression, LINQ, FetchXml, QueryByAttribute
- Fake Messages: many implemented, but not all of them… yet (pull
requests pls!)
“FakeXrmEasy provides a
sustainable and cost-effective
approach to facilitate change
management for Dynamics 365”
“Any .NET app connected to an IOrganizationService”
- Web portals
- Plugins, CodeActivities, Custom Actions
- Console apps
- Xamarin apps
- Script component in SSIS
- …
Crm Saturday Madrid  - Test Automation for Dynamics 365
Crm Saturday Madrid  - Test Automation for Dynamics 365
Thanks to the
Thanks to the
@DigitalFlow @slahn @arjenst @rajyraman
@ccellar @bacon1986 @daryllabar
* Sorted by num of contributions
Epic Bugs
Testing Pyramid / TDD

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Crm Saturday Madrid - Test Automation for Dynamics 365