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Case Study: Building Intelligent Content
          from 30 Years of Legacy Documents

                Paul Wlodarczyk
                Director, Solutions Consulting
                Earley & Associates

                                                                 Copyright © 2010 Earley & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

What do we assume about Intelligent Content?

                                                                     We usually assume:
                                                                     –   Loads of systems
                                                                     –   Information design
                                                                     –   Structured content
                                                                     –   Tied to the business
                                                                     –   Personalized
                                                                     –   Semantic
                                                                     –   Etc.

                                                                     We assume new.

Case Study: Applied Materials
 Global leader in Nanomanufacturing Technology solutions for the
 fabrication of semiconductor chips, flat panel displays, solar
 photovoltaic cells, flexible electronics and energy efficient glass
 – Founded in 1967, $5B revenue, 8 Product Business Groups
 – Produces the technology that helps produce virtually every semiconductor chip and
   flat panel display in the world
 – Long-lived products – some in service over 30 years
 – 2500 customer engineers (“CEs” – 20% of work force) maintain, diagnose, and repair
   their equipment in customer fabs worldwide
 Business need:
 – Improve CE troubleshooting and repair performance in the fab through improved
   information access

What do we mean by Intelligent Content?

   • In our client’s words:
             – “Deliver the right information at the right time
                                  information,             time,
                in the right format to the right person
                             format,             person.”
   • In our words:
                    right        information = Relevant, accurate, up-to-date, approved
                    right        time = In the context of work / business process
                    right        format = Accessible
                    right        person = Authorized

Information Challenge #1:
   30 Years of Legacy Content
   • …and lots of it
             – PDFs – manuals, drawings, some are scans
             – Communities – forums, shared drives, bulletin boards
             – Knowledge Management – tips, Best Known Methods
   • How much gets “chunked”? How to convert it?
   • How to search it effectively?

Information Challenge #2:
   Point of need is in the clean room
   • Physical Access for the CE
             – Double / triple gloves
                       • Typing/pointing are difficult
             – No place to set a laptop down
   • Wireless / Internet Access
             – Closest point of access to company
               internet may be across town
   • Customer Information Security
             – Protection of trade secrets
             – Some won’t allow laptops in fab
             – Some won’t even allow paper in fab
   • “Tools” are all unique in the fab
             – Need docs that reflect product “DNA”

Information Challenge #3:
   KM is complicated by IP / InfoSec concerns
   • Garden-walling Customer IP
             – Have to be sure that when a CE
               shares a tip or asks for help that they
               are not exposing customer IP to other
               customers (with whom they compete)
   • Protecting Company Product IP
             – DRM for preventing piracy / reverse
               engineering of products, parts
   • Preserving Company Services IP
             – Assure that customers pay for value-
               added services
             – Secure service IP from competitive
               service providers

Information Challenge #4:
   An “archipelago” of content centric systems

                              Tech Pubs Library

                                                                                       Product              Library

               Drawings                                          DRM           Forum   Library

           Product                                                                                                    Product
                                                                                        Product         Forum
           Library                                                                                                    Library
               SAP                                          Parts
                                             QA                                                                       Product

                                                                                       Best Practices
     Search and integration are issues                                  Product

Where to begin eating the elephant?
                                                                 • Key observation:
                                                                    “Last thing we need is another system”
                                                                 • Need a balanced viewpoint –
                                                                   the “Four Pillars of KM”:
                                                                    –   People
                                                                    –   Process
                                                                    –   Technology
                                                                    –   Content
                                                                 • Assess the current state
                                                                 • Define the desired state
                                                                 • Define the gap closing actions

   • Technical Publishing
             – Authoring: Office, FrameMaker
             – Team Center - Drawings
             – Publishing in PDF, Live Cycle DRM
   • ECM
             – LiveLink  SharePoint
   • ERP
             – SAP for service billing, parts ordering, etc.
   • Various proprietary systems
             – Parts, diagnostics, KM, etc.
   • Connectivity and access to laptops in the fab
             – Ranges from “none” to “near” to “Nirvana”
             – Need to support a low-tech solution

   • Several key user groups:
             –      CEs (content consumers and contributors)
             –      Support (content consumers and contributors)
             –      Tech pubs and training (content publishers)
             –      Engineering teams (content contributors)
   • Understood roles, expectations,
     alignment, barriers to change
   • Key findings:
             – Content authors had well-defined needs and
               were extremely engaged
             – Content publishers had good alignment for
               change and good orientation around topic-
               oriented content
             – Strong need for governance over technology

   • Service Work / Business Process
             – CEs spend lot of time searching – mostly
               during diagnosis
             – Business value is not in reducing search time; it
               is reducing product downtime.
   • Content Lifecycle
             – Authoring, Publishing processes fairly traditional
             – More engineering contribution and editing than
   • Collaboration
             – KM starting to hit its stride. Sorting the IP issues
   • Program Governance
             – Service IT programs were stove-piped
             – Coordination needed for true intelligent content


   • Monolithic PDF needs to be “chunked”
   • Terabytes of content
             – Most relevant content is PDF, tagged to
               corporate taxonomy, in a CMS
             – Some scans of 30 year-old manuals
   • Sales-oriented Taxonomy
             – Needs to reflect the service view (failure
               modes, symptoms, function, etc.)
             – Taxonomy governance process neglected
   • Info Security
             – Access Management and DRM is essential

Roadmap to Intelligent Content

   Phase 1:                                                      Phase 2:                       Phase 3:
   Foundations for                                               Access at Point of             Intelligent Content
   Intelligent Content                                           Need                           Platform
   • Service Technology                                          • CE Platform for Fab          • Common client platform
     Council                                                       Access                       • SOA-based application
   • ECM implementation                                          • Intelligent work packages      integration
     • Faceted search                                            • CE training, certification   • Interactive Electronic
     • Federated search                                          • XML Pilots                     Technical Manual (IETM)
   • Taxonomy development                                                                         viewer
   • Modular content, tagged                                                                      • XML content
   • Continuous Improvement                                                                       • “Smart art”
     for other service systems

Project deployment
                                        • Service Technology Governance
                                        • Modular Content Strategy
                                        • Taxonomy and Metadata Development
        Five Core                       • CMS IA and User Experience
        Activities                      • Search and UX Technology

                                        • Several divisions, several products
                                        • Real users, active service data, “live fire” trial
       Production                       • Collect data, evaluate, and refine

                 • Plan for what to migrate and how
       Scale and • Get to an 80%-ish solution

What about XML?

   • Can publish component PDF without XML
             – Largely maintain components at the source level
               today in Word and FrameMaker
   • Chunking and tagging legacy content will inform a
     content model for XML
   • No near-term drive for XML
             – No real reuse – little “transcluded” content
             – No multi-channel publishing
             – No localization
   • Need for XML in 3-5 years
             – Emerging need for localized content
             – Need to integrate XML content into IT systems
               for real service dashboard – dynamic publishing

Intelligent Content Myths

   • You need XML for intelligent content.
             – We can get there with well indexed component
               content. The key is relevant semantic markup.
   • We can just find everything with enterprise
     search / Google.
             – Taxonomy and component content strategy are essential
               for relevancy and contextual navigation.
   • We can justify the project with the time
     we save by not searching.
             – In the real world, projects can only get sponsored with a
               real ROI at every phase, and buy-in of all stakeholders.
   • Intelligent Content is futuristic.
             – We can get there TODAY.

Advantages of the “four pillars” approach

   • Comprehensive view of the
     issues, benefits, and
   • Achieved buy-in at all
     levels of the organization
   • Yielded a clear roadmap to
     Intelligent Content
   • Clarified potential phasing
     of a large, complex project

Paul Wlodarczyk
Earley & Associates, Inc

About Earley & Associates, Inc.

           • Focus: Information Architecture                     • Consulting Philosophy:
             (“IA”) Services                                       • Organizing Principles based on
                                                                     business context and goals
           • Founded: 1994
                                                                   • Four Pillars - People, Content,
           • Personnel: Twenty core team                             Process, and Technology
             consultants, plus a network of
             other top industry experts
             • ECM and KM experts
             • taxonomy specialists
             • search experts
             • information architects
             • usability professionals
             • technology consultants
             • business process experts
           • Headquarters: Boston, MA


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"Building Intelligent Content from 30 Years of Legacy Documents," Intelligent Content 2010, Paul Wlodarczyk

  • 1. Case Study: Building Intelligent Content from 30 Years of Legacy Documents Paul Wlodarczyk Director, Solutions Consulting Earley & Associates Copyright © 2010 Earley & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved. COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 2. What do we assume about Intelligent Content? We usually assume: – Loads of systems – Information design – Structured content – Tied to the business – Personalized – Semantic – Etc. We assume new. 2 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 3. Case Study: Applied Materials Global leader in Nanomanufacturing Technology solutions for the fabrication of semiconductor chips, flat panel displays, solar photovoltaic cells, flexible electronics and energy efficient glass – Founded in 1967, $5B revenue, 8 Product Business Groups – Produces the technology that helps produce virtually every semiconductor chip and flat panel display in the world – Long-lived products – some in service over 30 years – 2500 customer engineers (“CEs” – 20% of work force) maintain, diagnose, and repair their equipment in customer fabs worldwide Business need: – Improve CE troubleshooting and repair performance in the fab through improved information access 3 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 4. What do we mean by Intelligent Content? • In our client’s words: – “Deliver the right information at the right time information, time, in the right format to the right person format, person.” • In our words: right information = Relevant, accurate, up-to-date, approved right time = In the context of work / business process right format = Accessible right person = Authorized 4 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 5. Information Challenge #1: 30 Years of Legacy Content • …and lots of it – PDFs – manuals, drawings, some are scans – Communities – forums, shared drives, bulletin boards – Knowledge Management – tips, Best Known Methods • How much gets “chunked”? How to convert it? • How to search it effectively? 5 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 6. Information Challenge #2: Point of need is in the clean room • Physical Access for the CE – Double / triple gloves • Typing/pointing are difficult – No place to set a laptop down • Wireless / Internet Access – Closest point of access to company internet may be across town • Customer Information Security Concerns – Protection of trade secrets – Some won’t allow laptops in fab – Some won’t even allow paper in fab • “Tools” are all unique in the fab – Need docs that reflect product “DNA” 6 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 7. Information Challenge #3: KM is complicated by IP / InfoSec concerns • Garden-walling Customer IP – Have to be sure that when a CE shares a tip or asks for help that they are not exposing customer IP to other customers (with whom they compete) • Protecting Company Product IP – DRM for preventing piracy / reverse engineering of products, parts • Preserving Company Services IP – Assure that customers pay for value- added services – Secure service IP from competitive service providers 7 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 8. Information Challenge #4: An “archipelago” of content centric systems PLM Tech Pubs Library Product Library Forum Product Product Library Drawings DRM Forum Library Forum Forum Product Product Product Forum Library Library Library Forum Email SAP Parts Diagnostics QA Product Library Best Practices Search and integration are issues Product Library 8 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 9. Where to begin eating the elephant? • Key observation: “Last thing we need is another system” • Need a balanced viewpoint – the “Four Pillars of KM”: – People – Process – Technology – Content • Assess the current state • Define the desired state • Define the gap closing actions 9 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 10. Technology • Technical Publishing – Authoring: Office, FrameMaker – Team Center - Drawings – Publishing in PDF, Live Cycle DRM • ECM – LiveLink  SharePoint • ERP – SAP for service billing, parts ordering, etc. • Various proprietary systems – Parts, diagnostics, KM, etc. • Connectivity and access to laptops in the fab – Ranges from “none” to “near” to “Nirvana” – Need to support a low-tech solution 10 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 11. People • Several key user groups: – CEs (content consumers and contributors) – Support (content consumers and contributors) – Tech pubs and training (content publishers) – Engineering teams (content contributors) • Understood roles, expectations, alignment, barriers to change • Key findings: – Content authors had well-defined needs and were extremely engaged – Content publishers had good alignment for change and good orientation around topic- oriented content – Strong need for governance over technology projects 11 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 12. Process • Service Work / Business Process – CEs spend lot of time searching – mostly during diagnosis – Business value is not in reducing search time; it is reducing product downtime. • Content Lifecycle – Authoring, Publishing processes fairly traditional – More engineering contribution and editing than authoring • Collaboration – KM starting to hit its stride. Sorting the IP issues • Program Governance – Service IT programs were stove-piped – Coordination needed for true intelligent content 12 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 13. Content • Monolithic PDF needs to be “chunked” • Terabytes of content – Most relevant content is PDF, tagged to corporate taxonomy, in a CMS – Some scans of 30 year-old manuals • Sales-oriented Taxonomy – Needs to reflect the service view (failure modes, symptoms, function, etc.) – Taxonomy governance process neglected • Info Security – Access Management and DRM is essential 13 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 14. Roadmap to Intelligent Content Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: Foundations for Access at Point of Intelligent Content Intelligent Content Need Platform • Service Technology • CE Platform for Fab • Common client platform Council Access • SOA-based application • ECM implementation • Intelligent work packages integration • Faceted search • CE training, certification • Interactive Electronic • Federated search • XML Pilots Technical Manual (IETM) • Taxonomy development viewer • Modular content, tagged • XML content • Continuous Improvement • “Smart art” for other service systems 14 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 15. Project deployment • Service Technology Governance • Modular Content Strategy • Taxonomy and Metadata Development Five Core • CMS IA and User Experience Activities • Search and UX Technology • Several divisions, several products • Real users, active service data, “live fire” trial Production • Collect data, evaluate, and refine Pilot • Plan for what to migrate and how Scale and • Get to an 80%-ish solution Migrate 15 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 16. What about XML? • Can publish component PDF without XML – Largely maintain components at the source level today in Word and FrameMaker • Chunking and tagging legacy content will inform a content model for XML • No near-term drive for XML – No real reuse – little “transcluded” content – No multi-channel publishing – No localization • Need for XML in 3-5 years – Emerging need for localized content – Need to integrate XML content into IT systems for real service dashboard – dynamic publishing 16 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 17. Intelligent Content Myths • You need XML for intelligent content. – We can get there with well indexed component content. The key is relevant semantic markup. • We can just find everything with enterprise search / Google. – Taxonomy and component content strategy are essential for relevancy and contextual navigation. • We can justify the project with the time we save by not searching. – In the real world, projects can only get sponsored with a real ROI at every phase, and buy-in of all stakeholders. • Intelligent Content is futuristic. – We can get there TODAY. 17 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 18. Advantages of the “four pillars” approach • Comprehensive view of the issues, benefits, and constraints • Achieved buy-in at all levels of the organization • Yielded a clear roadmap to Intelligent Content • Clarified potential phasing of a large, complex project 18 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 19. Questions/Discussion Paul Wlodarczyk Earley & Associates, Inc 585-598-6050 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 20. About Earley & Associates, Inc. • Focus: Information Architecture • Consulting Philosophy: (“IA”) Services • Organizing Principles based on business context and goals • Founded: 1994 • Four Pillars - People, Content, • Personnel: Twenty core team Process, and Technology consultants, plus a network of other top industry experts • ECM and KM experts • taxonomy specialists • search experts • information architects • usability professionals • technology consultants • business process experts • Headquarters: Boston, MA 20 COPYRIGHT © 2010 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.