
Topic: The Chit Chat Thread

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@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN if you want a more “technical” explanation behind RE3 remake’s quality as opposed to a “meta” one, I’m going to provide it for you with zero spoilers and zero intentions to influence your expectations. So here goes.

On a “raw” and more “technical” perspective. REmakw3 does not “suck” as a video game. If experience in isolation, it’s a fine game as is. Possibly a lot of fun and can be quite atmospheric.

The reason it might fail on a “meta” context has everything to do with some more in-depth knowledge of RE. not only did the game cut so much OG-RE3, but it can be argued it did very little to deviate from REmake2 in particular as well.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

52 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@Yousef- Very interesting. Thanks for sharing that knowledge. Also, I heard that the gore/scare factors were dialled down from 2 to 3 so less satisfying combat overall, even though I get that the combat is not really the point of these games RE4 etc. excepted.

On a sidenote, I recently read an article where they said that FromSoftware had reached a "threshold" of difficulty with SOTE and couldn't make the bosses any harder, so for the next game ,on a "meta" level, the people were saying they wanted them to do something different, like they did with Sekiro or Bloodborne. Thoughts on that?

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


What happened to everyone? It looks like we're only getting a few dozen forum posts a day. I remember when Push Square got well over a thousand posts a day.

Owner of

PSN ID: Rukiafan7
NNID: Rukiafan7
Switch FC: SW-6328-7327-5891 ~WiiWareWav~

PSN: Rukiafan7 | Twitter:


@WiiWareWave Has nothing to do with Push Square, for me at least. It's just that I'm a little less excited about PlayStation and gaming in general. There are less big games coming out, especially first party, so there's less excitement and less to talk about.

Another, undeniable, thing is that I've become older. I now have to balance a 40 hour job with work in the house, and keeping up with family and friends all over the country. When I joined Push Square over 10 years ago I was still in school!



@WiiWareWave I've been spending my free time reading rather than gaming. I have plenty to play but the lure of a good book is far more exciting to me these days than gaming.

I still post in the "what are you reading?" forum. I still browse the site everyday for news and updates but not posting so much about games, will have to give some serious thought to whether I upgrade to Nintendo and Sony's next gen hardware. As I have a backlog not handy on Switch & PS5, but not really motivated to play anything. Hopefully that will change!



@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN Oh, there’s plenty I haven’t played. I think it’s just a matter of our personal interests overlapping quite a bit, though I have been playing video games my entire life. It’s a medium I’ve always been extremely fond of and have often found myself defending its artistic merit. I even remember packing my PlayStation to school to showcase cutscenes from Metal Gear Solid for a school project. I’m pretty intentional with my playtime and find a half hour here and an hour there really add up! Glad to hear you’re enjoying Resident Evil!

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


WiiWareWave wrote:

What happened to everyone? It looks like we're only getting a few dozen forum posts a day. I remember when Push Square got well over a thousand posts a day.

I have noticed that on Nintendolife as well. Use to be I couldn't keep up with how many posts there was now I see a new post in the forums like every few hours. I think nowadays there is so many more ways to connect now, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Instagram etc. That people don't need forums anymore. Alos alot of people are older now more responsibilities, work, family they just don't have time to sit and post on a forum board anymore. I maybe check it 2 to 3 times a day now compared to when I first joined where I would be on it constantly, but that's due to my work mainly.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


I’m honestly a super low maintenance kinda person. So a low activity forum is essentially heaven to me. I have really bad social anxiety that’s probably incompatible with my extroverted personality, but due to the latter I still demand a stream of interactions. Just ones that aren’t super constant. I feel so much more relaxed about the current state of the four Hookshot sister websites because of the small, tight knit community where it feels like everyone knows each other and everyone is friendly to each other. To repeat a comment I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’ve lurked around here since 2015. I’ve discovered this website because of Robert’s Dynasty Warriors articles and felt really happy to see a website report on a game franchise I hold dearly and been playing for over two decades now. Not sure what else to say. I think I’m content with the way things are currently so long as the community remains alive and kicking.

  • Note: Not to ping BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN because I don’t wanna bother him but if you’re reading this, I’m going to respond to your comment very soon. I could not be very active today because I’ve had a nasty migraine, sleep deprivation and I also need to take my grandmother to the airport tomorrow. But at least I’ll be having a jolly good time with my old man. So everything is great and today I’ve also spent time visiting and rekindling my bonds with my mother and younger brother, so life been really great for me, in spite of the physical health and mental health issues I’ve been having, I can’t really complain.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

52 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@Yousef- How are you? Haven't heard from you recently. Hope your physical and mental health are ok?

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN wrote:

@Yousef- How are you? Haven't heard from you recently. Hope your physical and mental health are ok?

Hello friend, sorry to worry you. My silence is merely a coincidence and I was planning to give a reply eventually but I wasn’t finding the right words so I’m giving a shorter reply as a sign of reassurance. My life been busy. Busy but ok. Undeniably stressful but manageable nonetheless. I still cannot deny that I’m still having a hard time catching some shut-eye but I don’t feel bad physically. Mentally I feel ok, just the usual anxiety stuff. It doesn’t feel like a huge hindrance, not at the moment at least, I feel time management is everything for me. I took a day off today so I’ve had time for myself while still doing minor errands since I don’t like sitting at home all day. At least on thd gaming side I’ve been doing good. Finished Ape Escape 3 and it’s likely my favorite 3D platformer now. I think I’m moving onto god of war on ps2. Have a massive ps2 backlog that’s likely keeping me content. Once again, sorry to worry you and seeing that thread link gave me a lot of relief. I really do feel a lot of relief and calmness knowing there’s a support network out there. Gives me a sense of calmness I can’t convey so it’s quite nice.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

52 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@Yousef- Excellent to hear that you're doing well. I loved the og God of War games back on Ps3 - I played the entire original trilogy, including the third game on Ps4, had a great time with those games but they can be a bit button-mashy in my opinion, preferred the rebooted 2018 game with Cory Barlog once again at the helm of the ship.

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN wrote:

@Yousef- Excellent to hear that you're doing well. I loved the og God of War games back on Ps3 - I played the entire original trilogy, including the third game on Ps4, had a great time with those games but they can be a bit button-mashy in my opinion, preferred the rebooted 2018 game with Cory Barlog once again at the helm of the ship.

Surprisingly, the “button mashy” aspect won’t bother me since I’m a musou fan so I’m used to pushing a lot of square… bad joke. Anyways, while musous are fun (dynasty warriors 4 is my favorite so far), I’ve realized they’re… too fun, so before going on a full replay binge I feel it’s better to get some stuff out of my backlog.

If you want a few other examples of ps2 games I no longer have to worry about playing since they’re already out of my backlog, Ratchet & Clank and Yakuza come to mind.

I’m really happy I’m slowly having less and less high profile ps2 games left in me. Ever since I became a proper Sony nerd 15 something years ago, and I mean a proper proper Sony nerd as in the company not the consoles, I’ve made it my mission to go back and revisit many of their outings and their extensive backlog of PlayStation classics. The PS1 games were quite easy to experience, including things like Parappa the Rapper, Jak & Daxter also got re-released to death so that one was quite easy to play back in 2019.

But there’s other stuff that’s still buried deep within Sony’s library that’s not on modern systems as of the time typing this. I want to see what those are like.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

52 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


So my dad randomly decided he wants go bowling with me. There’s a few bowling alleys in Kuwait, they’re a 20-30 minute drive but it’s worth it. In the meantime, I will leave this seemingly unrelated image of Roman Bellic right here.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

52 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


I decided to give recording music another go, as I've said before I no longer have any ambitions with regard to becoming a professional musician, but it would be nice to document the jazz guitar solos that I improvise in some small fashion. Planning to upload the results to Spotify as I go!

Edit: I am planning to be a semi-professional, or novice musician rather than a professional guitar player now, with a full view on counselling psychology for the primary career.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN wrote:

@Yousef- Nice! Hope you enjoy bowling with your dad.

We had fun! Halfway through though informed my dad that I’ve never played pool before as we switched to that and had fun. He was surprised how good I was at it, even jokingly asked “didn’t you say you never played pool before?” I guess all my skills from playing Yakuza carried into real life. xd

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

52 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN wrote:

@Yousef- Very interesting. Thanks for sharing that knowledge. Also, I heard that the gore/scare factors were dialled down from 2 to 3 so less satisfying combat overall, even though I get that the combat is not really the point of these games RE4 etc. excepted.
On a sidenote, I recently read an article where they said that FromSoftware had reached a "threshold" of difficulty with SOTE and couldn't make the bosses any harder, so for the next game ,on a "meta" level, the people were saying they wanted them to do something different, like they did with Sekiro or Bloodborne. Thoughts on that?

I’m finding myself with a little extra free time than usual so i decided to finally reply to this Comment after having it on the back burner for nearly a week. While I don’t remember all the points I’ve wanted to make, I can at least still convey the main ideas I’ve had.

Yes, I’m well aware of the discourse surround the DLC’s difficulty and it rekindled some old opinions and reaffirmed my stance on the discourse.

FromSoft has a much longer history of self-borrowing than people realize. Every game influences future fromsoft in ways that aren’t immediately noticeable. So there’s actually a bit of moot point saying FS should borrow from BB or Sekiro as they’re likely to do that regardless, be it deliberately, subconsciously or a mix of both. We also must evaluate the fact that FromSoft is a game dev with a large history of experimentation and a ton of experience. While they may be bold enough to keep trying new stuff, that doesn’t necessarily equate to not learning from their mistakes. No one knows these games better than FS. they likely already considered so many ideas we have about taking inspiration from BB/Sekiro or taking no inspiration at all and decided at the best judgment what works and doesn’t work. We can’t definitively affirm what would work based purely on a hypothesis as we lack the means to try these ideas in action but FS doesn’t and I doubt they never think about this stuff. If they did, they’d commit to it however they see fit.

It’s important to remember difficulty plateauing also does not equate to a game design plateau. FS reaching a threshold of difficulty surprisingly means very little in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t mean they reached their full potential as devs as they still got a lot left in the tank. Not to mention, it’s likely a positive sign that FS may stop trying to “out-do” themselves. I can speak from firsthand experience how perfectionism will inevitably halt your progress and you’ll never improve. It’s better to have something good you’re not 100% satisfied with than to have something you won’t release because you’re only 95% content with it.

But on a completely personal note here, I’m not really a fan of FS necessarily borrowing from their non-Dark Souls games as I frankly don’t see it as necessary. DS-trilogy+elden ring has not truly reached its potential and there’s still a lot of stuff to mix and match and explore. Borrowing mechanics does not translate to a better experience and as such I don’t strictly subscribe to the BB/Sekiro should influence DS more.

My last and final point about my personal preference against is this is my core enjoyment of souls games comes from character building and exploration, NOT combat. I was less engaged by FS’s modern non-DS outings because of that. I also generally seek more methodical and slower combat in general, which is why you’re more likely to see me rave about Ape Escape instead of Devil May Cry.

-All the best

[Edited by Yousef-]

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

52 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN wrote:

@Yousef- I did see your post, and hope everything is ok. There is a Mental Health Awareness/Support Chat Thread on Push Square which you may or may not already be aware of. Hope you find it helpful if you do decide to post in there,

Also thank you for linking this. I’ll take a look and drop a word there when I have the time. Might need to vent off stuff.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

52 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.

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