
Topic: Exchanging Gamer tags to meet new players and friends

Posts 161 to 166 of 166


@BeyondKnight thanks friend. Found your GT.

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495
(text me on the Xbox Messenger so I see your FR)

Current Switch Physical Game Count:26

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


@BeyondKnight Got the request. Thank you!

Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.

Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Yousef- @Pastellioli Hello there friends.
I added both of you. Feel free to add me as well.
Always good to talk about the gaming universe.
Cheers and happy gaming to us all

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



@RaZieLDaNtE Thank you! Let me add you right now.

Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.

Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@RaZieLDaNtE added you! Thanks for the FR!

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495
(text me on the Xbox Messenger so I see your FR)

Current Switch Physical Game Count:26

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495

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