
Topic: Last Game You Beat

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@Pastellioli Holy cow that was fast. Any plans for the future in case you don’t feel like playing N&B?

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495
(text me on the Xbox Messenger so I see your FR)

Current Switch Physical Game Count:26

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


@Yousef- Zero did seem a bit shorter than the first Perfect Dark, but I think that could have also been due to how long I played it and how easier Zero was compared to the first one. It maybe took me 2-3 days to finish Zero, and it took about 2 weeks for me to finish the first one. I started Zero on a Thursday, and played a few missions of the game at midnight earlier today. I am a bit sad I finished the games since I loved their vibes and they were so fun. Now I just need to wait for the reboot!

Since I have the Switch with my account back, I’ll probably be playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I was intending to play it today but I wanted to finish Zero. @Banjo- was also saying that I should give Jet Force Gemini another go since I dropped it fairly fast, but so far I don’t have any other games in mind if I don’t feel like playing Nuts and Bolts. There was also Blast Corps, which I did nearly finish, but that made me a little upset and frustrated with its final set of levels.

Edited on by Pastellioli

Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.

Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli that’s actually really sick! Glad your switch is back!!
I am somewhat back and forth on my switch, especially since my hospital job doesn’t allow me much gaming time anymore but once I have my NSO subscription back, I believe it’d possible to arrange online sessions much easier, well assuming it’s possible for 2-players rather than strictly 4 xD.

If you caught me in the other threads, I’ve successfully snagged another low-stock switch game. It’s a Koei JRPG (owners of the musou devs and games). I love their IPs! Now important question… thoughts on her face? Untitled

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495
(text me on the Xbox Messenger so I see your FR)

Current Switch Physical Game Count:26

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


@Yousef- I do also tend to swap back and forth with some games I play. I think the original Perfect Dark took me two weeks mostly because I would play Conker’s Bad Fur Day in short sessions on Rare Replay, and I would also play some games on my phone too, so I did somewhat swap a lot with the games I played at the time. I think there is a chance I’ll likely do the same with Nuts and Bolts now that I have the Switch back.

Also, regarding your question, I have never seen characters with stickers for faces lol. The person who was in charge of putting the sticker on the case knew what they were doing haha. I hope you’ve been having a good time with the games you are playing!

Edited on by Pastellioli

Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.

Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli You are a seriously good reviewer! Although Perfect Dark Zero was criticised a lot, its reception was generally positive. I completely agree with what you wrote. The uniqueness of the characters are deliberate, I would say. Jet Force Gemini, like Viva Piñata and Nuts and Bolts, take some time to become familiar with, but I had so much fun playing all those games.

Edited on by Banjo-



@Banjo- Thank you haha! Sorry I am writing a few minutes late, had other stuff to do. Whenever I finish a game, I always look forward to sharing my thoughts on it.

I absolutely loved Zero despite the general disappointment that surrounded the game and I loved the gunplay a whole lot but the goofiness with some of the characters was just perfect. Mai Hem was so funny though moreso with how exaggerated and cheesy her acting was and how she tried to be serious all the time. I think it was a good idea that you recommended that I play Zero after completing the first Perfect Dark since it was something I was already familiar with, and I am now definitely looking forward to the reboot that should be released either next year or two years time. I wonder what other games I should play alongside Nuts and Bolts and Smash…maybe another Rare game I dropped and haven’t played in a while.

I really do love the improved gameplay with Zero and I am sad a lot of people don’t acknowledge it. The dodge and roll really did help with retaining health and stalling time, since in the first one I always had to run away and kept getting shot at whenever I needed to reload my gun, and the cover mechanic was so fun. The cameras, although somewhat annoying and a bit hard to spot, sort of brings out more of the spy elements in Perfect Dark, even though Zero had a different aesthetic than the previous game. Zero is probably the most cheesiest Rare game I’ve played and I loved it from start to finish!

Edited on by Pastellioli

Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.

Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Series X version)

If you are one to always complain about linear games, this is for you! Final Fantasy XIII-2 has a complicated and very interesting story that involves time travelling and alternative timelines. The writing is once again excellent, this time focusing on two fantastic characters. I liked the story more, perhaps because I was aware of the previous events and terminology. The gameplay is a slightly remixed version of the first title and the lower difficulty -than can be furtherly lowered- grants the player precious extra seconds during the creative real-time strategies. What these developers do best is how they introduce the solid game mechanics. The sequel adds the only quick time events I have really enjoyed in a game, as they act as an easy conclusion for the important battles' finale and perfectly blend with the essential cutscenes. There is a difficulty spike near the end that will force you to level up if you have not, but the flexible and deep gameplay is as fun as before, from start to end. Comparing Final Fantasy X-2 and XIII-2, the former can be skipped with no regrets, while the latter is a full game that deserves as much attention as the primary game. The fact that the three games are enhanced on Xbox, makes them even more enjoyable and come highly recommended.

For completionists, the game is more entertaining than XIII, although some quests are difficult to follow and certain scenarios are hard to navigate. The ideas are not executed perfectly, but at least the NPCs act naturally and the collectables are shown in the main menu. The graphics and visual art are once again excellent, with Series X showing all their beauty in 4K and 60fps. The soundtrack is more modern this time, with the typical female Japanese vocals riding on cheesy pop tracks, that makes harder to concentrate on understanding the complicated story files. There are no sound options. All in all, an excellent game with a few rough edges and, just like Final Fantasy XIII, full of Far Eastern ethereal allegories and philosophies that I love so much.




I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it and that my tips were helpful!

After Final Fantasy XIII-2, I beat Kao the Kangaroo. I had started it months ago but I fully completed it yesterday, 100%, excluding DLC.

As positives, the graphics and performance come first. The soundtrack, story, characters and voice acting are decent. The controls are smooth although not perfect because of the occasional rough interaction with the environment. However, in a world where even Mario's odysseys are no longer a real 3D platform ride but bland and sterile exploration, I enjoyed how old-school and how focused on platforming Kao the Kangaroo is.

As negatives, a variety of glitches, finicky physics and collision detection and the idle camera. With long levels and no clues at all, I resorted to a guide to find some collectibles. It took me over 13 hours to complete the game without DLC having a look at the guide. The production level of the game is impressive and they made the right choice to not make it bigger without a bigger budget, but there is a wrong combination of platformer staples, like long levels that are difficult to navigate and also have easily missable collectibles. Maybe they made the levels longer because they couldn't include more, but the other sliders were not adjusted accordingly. The continuous skip warning on every cutscene doesn't look good either. All in all, a dense and beautiful 3D platformer.




@Banjo- Wow, you are beating games really fast too! I had heard of Kao the Kangaroo but never played it. I do think before I did I heard it was decent to ok, though it seems like it has some issues similar to ones I have had with other Rare games I have played. Are there any other games you plan on playing aside from Octopath Traveler and Planet of Lana since you completed the Final Fantasy games and Kao? I do know you plan on playing the Conker remake at some point. Still can’t wait to hear what you have to say on that!

Edited on by Pastellioli

Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.

Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli Kao the Kangaroo can't be compared to the best 3D platformers, but I actually had more fun playing Super Lucky's Tale/New Super Lucky's Tale and Kao the Kangaroo than Super Mario Odyssey. Kao the Kangaroo is a bit trickier than Lucky's games, though. Super Mario Odyssey is just boring. I say this as a Mario fan. Super Mario Sunshine is one of my favourite games on any console.

I wanted to play more Game Pass since I'm a subscriber from the start, so I launched Planet of Lana, a short puzzle game that will take just a few afternoons. Today, I started Octopath Traveller II, because I loved the first one. This is what I'll be playing for now, but Lighting Returns is of course on my list, not to mention Conker Live & Reloaded and many more 😊.



@Banjo- Cool! Really can’t wait to see your opinions on those, especially Conker. You seem to be getting the most out of your Game Pass subscription compared to me, who doesn’t really play anything on there and only has it be used to get points for games I own 😂

I haven’t really played Mario Odyssey. I did a bit but never finished it. I also never played Super Lucky’s Tale either. Maybe I could if I do get Game Pass again at some point. I love platformers a lot.

Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.

Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli Well, when I play my old backlog, I don't! Ha ha. I think you'd enjoy Lucky's games. The "New" is some kind of definitive version. I loved Conker's Bad Fur Day and didn't have as many issues as others playing it, so I think I'll love the more polished, slightly censored version, too! Can't have enough of Rare.



@Banjo- Oh, I think you absolutely will. It fixed a lot of prominent issues I had with the controls, but given the original was an N64 game, it isn’t surprising that the controls were janky and off, though that could be because of its age. It did make some segments easier, but I still struggled with the one-hit blade segment and the lava race, which didn’t fail to upset me in the remake. I still love the graphics and think they do hold up fairly well, but I wish they kept the cartoony art style and more slapstick elements the original had. The slight art style change sort of degrades those elements a bit, but it’s only really minor. The censoring didn’t bother me a lot since it’s not super prominent like some make it out to be, but if you do understand the context that the game was supposed to be released uncut and with no censoring, it does make you somewhat wonder or wish how differently the game could have turned out, and I think that reason is why a lot of people don’t like the remake. I love Conker a ton and I’m sad it never got continued afterward. I’m just so obsessed with Rare a ton lol.

I did try the remake’s war multiplayer mode alone (also because the online for it has since then been discontinued) but it wasn’t really fun…I played on the easiest difficulty since I am a baby with the game, but every single time I was on the squirrels side, the Tediz would ALWAYS win. It wasn’t until I swapped to the Tediz side that me and my team would actually start to win matches for some reason. There was this three part campaign for the multiplayer called Chapter X I think, and it was so unfun when I played it, since, again, the Tediz would keep winning every single dang time. I think there is a system link you can still use for the game to play with others, but I don’t have anyone nearby who has the game or an Xbox console. However, I did play the multiplayer in the original with my brother a few weeks ago and we had an absolute blast with it. You get the most out of the multiplayer if you have someone else to play with. If not, it’s just a really boring and frustrating experience.

Edited on by Pastellioli

Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.

Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778

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