Why ProServ? ProServ for Skills
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ProServ for Pluralsight Skills and workforce transformation

Get the most from your Skills investment with ProServ—from the time you sign up to the planning and implementation of your next large-scale transformation.

Skills from Proserv

Skills Services

Amp up skills with tailored educational journeys

Prep employees for an upcoming project. And make sure they’re aligned with your org’s strategy. It’s easy to create engaging learning experiences to boost skills and meet goals.

A woman's profile heads-up-display with a list of her learning interests

Skills Onboarding

Craft a deployment strategy to prep your teams for success

Once you sign up for Pluralsight Skills, an onboarding consultant will help you identify the best way to integrate Skills with your business. They’ll collaborate with your team to develop a comprehensive launch strategy so your organization gets a solid start with Skills.

Skills Integration Services

Establish credibility and keep learning top-of-mind

Give your employees the power to access Skills in the tools and systems they use every day. Whether you need a secure, single sign-on solution, bi-directional data integration, or API consulting—we’ve got you covered. Skills integrates seamlessly with any system that accepts SFTP or FTP and ingests files.

A collage showing how skills improvements increase credibility
An example of a cobranded homepage within the Skills product

Skills Custom Home

Personalize the Pluralsight Skills experience with a co-branded homepage

Boost the adoption of Skills and encourage continuous upskilling. With Custom Home, your leaders can configure elements and curate experiences that incorporate your organization's brand and unique needs.

Skills Strategy Plan

Boost team efficiency with hand-selected content

Working closely with your SMEs, a Pluralsight expert will map Skills content to your strategic business goals. They'll ensure your learners are engaging with the right courses.

A team of 250 assigned JavaScript courses, and a dashboard showing the bellcurve of their skills
A man viewing a Total View Time dashboard

Skills Account Maintenance

Let us handle the admin tasks so you don’t have to

With this service, Pluralsight will manage licenses and account structures, maintain channels and learning paths, and analyze usage data. We’ll also support engagement campaigns and resolve any employee difficulties. Rest easy knowing you’ve got the latest, most optimized Skills plan.

Skills Architecture

Align learning with tech strategies to transform your workforce

Our workforce transformation consultants collaborate with your executive team to understand your organization’s goals, roadblocks, and learning culture. They’ll help build a holistic strategy that uses change management best practices to deliver transformative upskilling programs.

A man and woman reviewing a Skill Assessment of AWS - Application Development
Pluralsigt + BT
Open Quote

The content available on the Pluralsight platform has exposed our colleagues to new thinking which is critically important for driving innovation.

Howard Watson
Chief Technology Officer, BT

Howard Watson gesturing with the backs of his hands

ProServ: More to explore

Digital Transformation Team Illustration

Preparing your teams for digital transformation

Woman leader in conference room speaking while others listen

Talent transformation 101

Two cyber security specialists looking at a laptop in a datacenter

Reinforced self-paced learning

Woman typing on a laptop

Developer onboarding for new college grads

We can help you transform

It takes a lot to transform your business and your workforce. We partner with you to turn challenges into successes.

Let's chat!