Engineering Metrics

Team health and productivity isn’t one-dimensional. That’s why Pluralsight Flow has created a holistic way to look at your teams health, efficiency, and predictability with objective data, not gut feel and anecdotes. 

Engineering Metrics

Transform engineering exhaust data to actionable insights

Code Commits

Code Commits

This is where it all starts. Get an accurate assessment of where effort is being focused and where bottlenecks may be slowing down the team. Our research showed that 87% of developers agreed that tracking parts of their coding process would help their teams make trade-off decisions, increase the visibility of technical work, and help them see their own productivity.

Pull Requests and Code Review

The code review process is your strongest line of defense when it comes to shipping reliable, secure code, but it’s also where we see some of biggest opportunities for teams. Knowledge silos? Check. Management bottlenecks? Check. Cycle time sinks? Check check. 

Break down the roadblocks in your collaboration and review process and you’ll see immediate improvements to cycle time, team morale, and reliability. 

Enhance collaboration and reduce cycle time
Ticket Projects

Ticket Projects

Tickets, epics, stories, and initiatives are the glue between engineering efforts and business needs. Unfortunately, burn down charts and story points only tell partial truths. Dive into what’s really going on with your projects, where you have resource constraints, how much scope creep your product team is inflicting on your engineers and where your investment dollars are going. 


Measure the time it takes to go from first commit to production and get insight into where your workflow is holding your team up. 

Track common DORA metrics like deployment frequency, change failure rate, mean time to recovery, and lead time. Then, leverage drill-down capabilities within Flow to identify the specific friction points impacting your team’s ability to deliver. 

It’s not about KPI’s, it’s about leading indicators so you can get ahead of the problem.


Let’s start talking about how Pluralsight Flow can help you

Whether you’re trying to accelerate delivery, improve your team’s collaboration and mentoring, or better see how leadership decisions impact your team’s processes, Flow is here to help. Our Flow experts can meet your individual needs and help you tailor Flow to your strategy.

Let's chat!