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_ .~ -•☆♡*° 🎵 i wanna make h̶i̶m̶ her really jealous wanna make h̶i̶m̶ her feel bad 🎵 °*♡☆•- ~. _
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    • Zrose90's Avatar
      Zrose90 shared Spongie's post
      July 5, 2024, 3:09 am with Public
      spread the word
      Spongie's Avatar
      July 4, 2024, 3:23 pm to Public
      Today is the 4th of July, America's Independence Day. While we celebrate our freedom, we must be mindful of the fact that the people across the globe that are still suffering. Palestinians have not experienced freedom in 9 months. 35,000+ innocent people (including children) have been killed. They are losing their families, loved ones, homes, careers, and lives.

      I have seen so many people saying "what can I do to help?" and there are various answers to this. Here are some:

      1. Boycott - Stop buying from companies that are funding the genocides: McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Dominos, Google, Meta, Amazon, Disney, Hulu. Instead, support the ones that are in favor of stopping the genocides: Wet n Wild, Elf Cosmetics, Huda Beauty, Calvin Klein, Raising Canes, Ben n Jerry's

      2. Donate - There are countless resources out there that are designed to help Palestinians and I will link a few below. Click to help (one click, donates ad revenue), eSims (virtual SIM cards that allow communicate with the outside world), Ceasefire in Gaza (a website with reliable resources/information gathered in one place), GoFundMe (supporting displaced families in Gaza), Pious Projects Campaign (distributing feminine hygiene products)

      3. Spread the word - You cannot say things like "I don't get into politics" "I don't like to pick sides" "I'm staying neutral" in this situation. The only option here is to SPEAK UP. Properly educate those you can when you can, share accurate resources/posts online, donate, etc. Palestinians are being SILENCED and need as much help as we can provide.

      Support the ceasefire, free Palestine 🍉

      Ask Aph Palestine GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY
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    • Zrose90's Avatar
      July 5, 2024, 3:03 am to Public
      i did it :D

      i did my speech
      i think it was ok
      only thing is i was signalled by my teacher to slow down a lot

      and i told my counselllor
      i said last time i feel like life hates me but the thing is i dont really like it back
      then i said a quote someone said which i relate to 'i feel like im drowning but ik how to swim its just that the current is too strong'
      dont think she got the hint so i said another 'life feels like a chore i dont want to participate in

      dont think she got much of the hint either ;-;

      there was this picture someone made which was hanging above me and she said she saw it earlier today and thought it seemed like me

      if i could sum it up in one word i would say it looks like depression

      there was someone trying to go to sleep but thinking of failure
      same person diff scenario alone while people laughing behind them
      the person not wanting to eat

      person going to bed thinking about a skull (death) and scribbles
      then there were also others i cant remember

      do u think my counsellor got the hint im suicidal?
      Papa Enny said 2024-07-05 06:54:57
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      At least you tried to talk. Huge respect, bud
      Ender Sparkle said 2024-07-05 06:31:14
      Ender Sparkle's Avatar
      I made a poem abt my class to finish off 8th grade with a pleasant memory. There are first and last names, so I won't share for sake of their privacy.
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul said 2024-07-05 03:20:25
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
      If they didn't maybe tell them something like "life is a game. Other team on attack. But through life's suffering. I don't wish to fight back"

      Yes I had to make it a poem
    • Zrose90's Avatar
      July 4, 2024, 3:02 am to Public
      i could cry

      i have several tics - they sound like coughts, sneezes and mutations
      i have been ticking a lot cus anxiety


      my throat hurts so much
      my voice is rapidly disapparating

      i have my speech in around 2 hours
      help :sobs:
      Papa Enny replied to Zrose90's comment below 2024-07-05 05:03:03
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      yw and how was it?
      Zrose90 replied to Papa Enny's comment below 2024-07-05 03:03:18
      Zrose90's Avatar
      ty :D
      Papa Enny said 2024-07-04 11:20:07
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      Stay strong, take some deep breaths. You will pass it!
      Supermugget said 2024-07-04 03:59:42
      Supermugget's Avatar
    • Zrose90's Avatar
      July 3, 2024, 1:20 pm to Public
      Tomorrow I’m doing my GCSE spoken language SPEECH
      send help
      ‘Gcse’ and ‘speech’ and ‘spoken’ and doing it in front of the class are big triggers for my anxiety =D
      this is the speech I will be speaking out tomorrow to my whole English class full of morons (apart from my friends)
      If someone does read it Ty ig 😭 and would you mind giving me your opinion of what you think of it? :D
      it is kinda long o.o
      its 3 a4 pages on word lol

      Imagine feeling your head pounding, your heart racing, mind spinning overwhelmed in intrusive inescapable thoughts filled with worry of what you are going through. Have any of you here felt like this before? This is a natural human response you may experience when your body feels under threat. It is undeniable that most of you have experienced this feeling at least once in your lives and if you haven’t yet you may do in the future whether it is when you're in an exam hall, sitting your gcse’s the paper dictating the turn of the path your future will take, going for your first job interview – being worried if you will get the job opportunity or not.

      Anxiety is an emotion, and like all emotions you can experience it at any point of your life. Anxiety is when you feel worried, tense or afraid – particularly about things that are about to happen, or think could happen in the future. Teachers say that ‘having anxiety is good because it shows you care about what you are worried about’. This can be true – if you were not worried about a math's test you may have next week you would not revise, and by not revising when the test comes you may struggle and end up getting a terrible [LB3] grade per se. However, if you are anxious you may revise for hours to ensure you do well on the test – and if you do revise you most likely will do well on the test. In my opinion this can be a great thing but the problem with this is when you experience anxiety too much and too often.

      Research shows that constantly worrying, and living in a state of perpetual anxiety can reduce life expectancy. It is important to try reducing high levels of stress and anxiety so people can live a long happy life. Anxiety is a feeling which at least 60% of individuals experience mild symptoms of. Luckily, anxiety does not last forever (unless you have severe/chronic anxiety or an anxiety disorder which will be spoken about later.)

      Even in my furthest memories of life I have always been anxious. From the time of my third birthday, I was running late to school due to traffic and I was worrying I wouldn’t make it in time (punctuality and having a good impression has always been important to me.) or whether I am in a math’s test
      and worrying I may not succeed even though I have always mostly done well in math’s. A few months ago, I had a French test. I remember the first part of the test was a listening test. I have always struggled with understanding the French accent so I was already worried and even more worried when I heard that is what we would be doing first. My mind started spinning full of overwhelming thoughts as I felt like I was already failing before it had even begun. My hearing was going muffled, I could not concentrate, my heart pounding with every beat. I was so overwhelmed due to the anxiety I could not complete the test. I was having an anxiety attack.

      People say anxiety is a ‘sign of personal weakness’ it is an emotion. An emotion is not a personal weakness. I repeat – it is not a sign of personal weakness.

      As I was not able to complete the test I left the classroom, to calm myself down. A teacher also helped by giving me something to fidget with to distract me from my worries which did help. I suggest if you ever feel anxious try distract yourself. If you are having an anxiety attack, remember - is okay and you will be fine even if you do not think it at the time, you will survive the attack.

      After school I completed the test, and I was less worried as I was able to calm my worries down earlier. I did well on the test – one of the best scores I had achieved before (if I were not worrying so much, I would probably have been able to do even better)

      Furthermore, some People say ‘Anxiety is not a real medical illness’. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorder to exist and has the highest prevalence in the U.S population. There are several anxiety disorders, but I will list a few; Social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and you may not know this but (OCD) is also an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders have impacted over 8 million people at any point of their life. Some symptoms of anxiety disorders are – feeling restless or on edge, being irritable, getting tired easy, having difficulty concentrating or feeling your mind go blank, having difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep, and having tense muscles and more. If you feel like you may have an anxiety disorder or if is affecting your daily life and causing you distress you should book an appointment with your GP.

      Anxiety can be caused by childhood trauma, negative life events, physical or mental health problems, stress relating to work or education, social isolation and more. Research also shows that if your parents have anxiety, it can also be passed onto their children.

      Additionally, there are ways to get help and calm anxiety down. Breathing exercises such as rectangle breathing and Lotus breathing help to calm the breath and therefore the body and mind. Talking to someone in general, counselling, talking to a trusted adult or a friend or family member even keeping a diary, or a journalling can also help.

      Me being up here as someone who suffers from anxiety is proof that it is something which can be overcome.Hopefully you have learnt something from this whether you are someone who struggles with anxiety yourself or knows someone who does. Thank you for listening, does anyone have any questions for me to answer?
      oliviobobby replied to Zrose90's comment below 2024-07-04 19:16:32
      oliviobobby's Avatar
      Zrose90 replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-07-04 03:02:44
      Zrose90's Avatar
      tysm :D

      and tysm for reading it :DD
      Zrose90 replied to oliviobobby's comment below 2024-07-04 03:02:26
      Zrose90's Avatar
      and tysm for reading it :D
      oliviobobby said 2024-07-03 14:25:33
      oliviobobby's Avatar
      VERY well thought through ;D
      PsioPsia001 said 2024-07-03 13:44:33
      PsioPsia001's Avatar
      I think that this speech is really good
      Confidence is the most important thing when you're giving a speech, I believe in you!
    • Zrose90's Avatar
      July 3, 2024, 11:19 am to Public
      Tomorrow it is a general election
      every student in my school is too young to vote

      so the student parliament people in our school are making our own election
      so we can see what the votes our school did compare to the real world >:D
      Zrose90 replied to oliviobobby's comment below 2024-07-03 13:00:30
      Zrose90's Avatar
      👀 indeed
      Zrose90 replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-07-03 13:00:03
      Zrose90's Avatar
      :O nice! :D
      PsioPsia001 said 2024-07-03 12:09:31
      PsioPsia001's Avatar
      cool, my school did the same thing last year
      oliviobobby said 2024-07-03 11:20:10
      oliviobobby's Avatar
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  • I made this bwhahahaha

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    Hello I am Zrose90 but you can call me rose :D

    I promise you I'm not usually this depressed its just 2024 is a rough year 😭
    you can check out my skindex account here where all my skins are:

    Fun fact: my status is usually songs which;
    Are stuck in my head
    my favourite
    im relating to it at that point

    idk why I’m saying this
    just thought maybe some people maybe didn’t know and now they do :D

    im to lazy to add a proper bio I’ll do it later (not my bio being like this for over a year lmao and being very updated)

    contests are closed

    I will join what I’m interested in lol-
    I’m overloaded in requests so they r closed for now

    tysvm for lvl 22 and all the support you guys have shown me ilyall <3
    Shoutout to all my followers :)

    this is random but.. I wanna make my own texture pack sm aaaa

    but I have no clue how-
    like Ik how to make the textures-
    just not the web or whatever I’d need-

    if you guys know plz plz tell me

    updated on 13/5/24
  • This is a test I don’t think is being successful 😭


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