SSPBL's Avatar
Season 8 Champion: wqtermxlon
Artisan League
Level 33
PBL is an elaborate skinning competition featuring weekly rounds with uniquely made palettes.

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  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    March 20, 2024, 1:35 pm to Public

    Season 8 Champion
    S8 Redemption Jam Winner

    The results are in and we are excited to announce the SSPBL Season 8 Champion!


    Poll Results:
    wqtermxlon(60) vs. _FroznBee(20)

    Season 8 Winning Skin:
    warm embrace by wqtermxlon

    Our Season 8 Redemption Jam also concluded with equally high quality skins produced for it. This season's honorary "3rd place" goes to:


    Redemption Jam Winning Skin:
    phasmophobia by BlueBoyBuilds

    As always, thank you to all the participants this season!
    SSPBL isn't possible without all of you (participants, voters, and organizers). Thank you for making this yet another fantastic season.

    Keep those palette skills sharp, we will see you in the next season!
    BlueBoyBuilds said 2024-03-20 18:44:56
    BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
    WOOO! Thank you so much!
    And phenomenal job wqtermxlon!
    GalaxyCat24 said 2024-03-20 14:00:00
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    Congrats wqtermxlon!
    blank3times said 2024-03-20 13:57:52
    blank3times's Avatar
    Congratulations, all three of you for great work!
    content_inc said 2024-03-20 13:39:26
    content_inc's Avatar
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Cranio's AvatarCranio
    March 16, 2024, 2:42 pm to Public

    Final 1v1

    It is time for the final 1v1 of the season! This is a fierce battle battle between _FroznBee and wqtermxlon to claim the title of Season 8 Champion! It has been a tough fight through the bracket to reach the final 1v1. Poll link below.

    109 skins were made for this season.
    42 participants.
    28 polls.

    Poll link:

    dusk by _FroznBeewarm embrace by wqtermxlon

  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    March 7, 2024, 9:59 pm to Public

    Our final round of the season has begun!

    Finals Deadline Countdown

    Gimmick: You may choose up to 12 colors from the provided palette.

    Deadline: March 17th 2024, 11:59 PM UTC / 23:59 UTC

    Skin file:

    PMCSkin3D Palette
    GalaxyCat24 replied to Zitzabis's comment below 2024-03-12 10:18:30
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    Ahhh ok!
    Zitzabis replied to GalaxyCat24's comment below 2024-03-12 09:48:04
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    The GIF has a limit on how far it will count down before it restarts. If a GIF ran for more than 24 hours, it would be massive. Just refresh the page and you'll get the latest GIF.
    GalaxyCat24 said 2024-03-10 19:59:46
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    I just watched it turn from 7 days to 6 days and then back-
    Escapazition said 2024-03-08 22:44:32
    Escapazition's Avatar
    The fact that you turned a GIF into a working and accurate timer-!
    dokodemo said 2024-03-07 22:58:01
    dokodemo's Avatar
    WOO! can't wait to see what both competitors cook up!
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  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    March 5, 2024, 5:50 pm to Public

    Semi-final results are in!
    wqtermxlon and _FroznBee are both progressing to the next round and will be facing each other for the final 1v1 of the season.


    Apologies for the delay in the season, a few of our contestants either got sick or very busy and we had to grant some extensions to the deadline. We are now back on track and moving the season forward.

    A big thanks and congratulations to all the other participants of the season. You all did well for making it as far as you did in the bracket. SSPBL is not an easy competition, so your very participation is note worthy.

    Redemption Jam
    Our S8 Redemption Jam is still ongoing. Those eliminated in Week 4 are now allowed to enter. Even if you didn't participate in the season, you can still enter!
    The Redemption Jam deadline will be extended to match with when Season 8 ends.

    Week 5
    Our week 5 palette will be coming soon!
    dokodemo said 2024-03-06 11:47:38
    dokodemo's Avatar
    AstroCat09 said 2024-03-05 20:36:38
    AstroCat09's Avatar
    Congrats to _FroznBee and wqtermxlon! Good luck!
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    March 4, 2024, 2:40 pm to Public


    We are in our semi-finals now! This means that these polls are more important than ever because they will determine the final 1v1 of Season 8.

    Poll link:
    SSPBL S8W4 - ampler vs wqtermxlon

    fraudulent by ampler
    mind flayer by wqtermxlon
    Parine said 2024-03-04 16:09:59
    Parine's Avatar
    what a tough palette too!! these are great
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Cranio's AvatarCranio
    February 29, 2024, 9:52 am to Public


    We are in our semi-finals now! This means that these polls are more important than ever because they will determine the final 1v1 of Season 8.

    Poll link:
    SSPBL S8W4 - _FroznBee vs HazelOrb

    sailor moon by _FroznBee
    Minerva by HazelOrb
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    February 25, 2024, 12:19 pm to Public

    Week 3 results are in! Click below to see who has progressed to Week 4. This is our semi-finals so the stakes are high!

    Apologies for the delay in the season, a few of our contestants either got sick or very busy and we had to grant some extensions to the deadline. We are now back on track and moving the season forward.

    Redemption Jam
    Our S8 Redemption Jam is still ongoing. Those eliminated in Week 3 are now allowed to enter.
    The Redemption Jam deadline will be extended to match with when Season 8 ends.

    Week 4
    In case you missed it, our Week 4 palette has been posted (link).
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Cranio's AvatarCranio
    February 25, 2024, 12:15 pm to Public

    Week 4 has begun!

    Week 4 Deadline Countdown

    You may choose a single color from each 3x palette, which means that you can choose a maximum of eight colors.

    How was this week's palette made?

    Palette made by multiple members of the SSPBL team each selecting 6 colors within a given lightness range on the HSL color scale. 4 of us volunteered to pick a group and create 6 colors each without seeing what others chose.

    Deadline: March 4th 2024, 11:59 PM UTC / 23:59 UTC

    Skin file:

    PMCSkin3D Palette
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    February 15, 2024, 7:29 am to Public

    Week 2 results are in! Click below to see who has progressed to Week 3.

    You will notice that one of the names got moved around. Due to this, it left part of the bracket empty. This was resolved by allowing the 2nd place from a 3-way poll to move on to Week 2.

    Redemption Jam
    Our S8 Redemption Jam is still ongoing. Those eliminated in Week 2 are now allowed to enter.

    Week 3
    In case you missed it, our Week 3 palette has been posted (link). Good luck everyone!
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    February 14, 2024, 5:05 pm to Public

    Week 3 has begun!

    Week 3 Deadline Countdown

    You may choose up to 12 colors from the provided palette below.

    Deadline: February 21th 2024, 11:59 PM UTC / 23:59 UTC

    Skin file:

    PMCSkin3D Palette
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    February 12, 2024, 10:58 pm to Public

    Week 2 polls have all been released. Be sure to check them out and get your votes in. You'll find the most recent polls at the top of this collection:

    Our Week 3 palette will be released once we have our poll results.
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    February 8, 2024, 7:47 am to Public

    Week 1 results are in! Click below to see who has progressed to Week 2.

    You will notice that one of the names got moved around. Due to this, it left part of the bracket empty. This was resolved by allowing the 2nd place from a 3-way poll to move on to Week 2.

    Redemption Jam
    Our S8 Redemption Jam is now live. This jam is intended for those who get eliminated throughout the season. Active participants in the bracket can not join the jam until they are eliminated.
    If you missed the deadline to join this season, this jam is also open to you.

    Week 2
    In case you missed it, our Week 2 palette has been posted (link). Good luck everyone!
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    February 6, 2024, 9:22 am to Public

    Our polls from Week 1 are still wrapping up, with a few last minute ones that need to be posted. These last minute polls are due to contestants not having the availability to make a skin before the deadline. This is totally normal and fine.

    We will continue to get our Week 1 results over the next 24 hours. Our Week 2 palette has been posted (link) for those who have won their polls.

    If your poll is still in-progress, you can still start making a skin if you wish. However, you will not know if you are moving on to Week 2 until your poll has ended.

    If your poll hasn't been posted yet, don't worry. This is due to someone missing the deadline and we are working to refactor the bracket a little to get everyone an opponent.
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    February 6, 2024, 9:10 am to Public

    Week 2 Deadline Countdown

    You may choose up to 9 colors from the provided palette below. You have the option to replace ONE color with a color of your own choosing. Your chosen color can be anything you like, any hex code, but can not have transparency.
    You may not use 10 colors. One of the original 9 colors must be replaced in order for you to use a custom color.

    Deadline: February 12th 2024, 11:59 PM UTC / 23:59 UTC

    Skin file:

    PMCSkin3D Palette

    Need inspiration on how to use this palette?
    Example Skins
    wqffles said 2024-02-06 19:36:42
    wqffles's Avatar
    oooh pretty :o
    Fatcqt said 2024-02-06 15:32:56
    Fatcqt's Avatar
    This is a great palette
    GalaxyCat24 said 2024-02-06 12:00:02
    GalaxyCat24's Avatar
    Now that is a cool gimmick!
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    February 4, 2024, 5:50 pm to Public

    The Week 1 deadline is nearly upon us! We have 10 people who still need to get their entries in before the deadline.

    Our polls for the season have started coming out and we have results for 2 of them so far. Keep up to date using this collection:
    SSPBL Season 8 Polls
    You can also find a convenient list of these polls on the SSPBL group page.
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    January 31, 2024, 7:03 am to Public

    Our Season 8 bracket has been compiled and locked in. We are starting off with the first week having a number of 3-way polls to help keep the season from running too long.

    Remember, once you are eliminated, you are then eligible for our Season 8 Redemption Jam.

    Panda_ThatOnePurpleGuylol replied to Zitzabis's comment below 2024-02-01 12:31:42
    Panda_ThatOnePurpleGuylol's Avatar

    So cool :O
    Zitzabis replied to Panda_ThatOnePurpleGuylol's comment below 2024-02-01 11:00:52
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    Sadly it is too late for the main bracket. Once Week 1 is over, we will release our Redemption Jam which is made for people who missed the entry period, or got eliminated from the bracket. So keep an eye out for that.
    Panda_ThatOnePurpleGuylol said 2024-02-01 09:51:57
    Panda_ThatOnePurpleGuylol's Avatar
    Is it too late to join ???
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    January 30, 2024, 4:07 am to Public

    Week 1 has begun! If your entry is in the Season 8 collection, consider yourself approved.
    You can go ahead and start making your skins. The bracket will be released shortly.

    Week 1 Deadline Countdown

    You may choose up to 12 colors from the provided palette below.

    Deadline: February 5th 2024, 11:59 PM UTC / 23:59 UTC


    Skin file:

    PMCSkin3D Palette
    Zitzabis replied to RulerofStone's comment below 2024-01-31 10:43:55
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    Correct, it is a tournament style competition. We will create forum posts that have polls which allow people to vote for which skin they like best or made the best use of the palette. The winner of the poll is allowed to move on to the next week.
    We progress through the rounds until we have a final 1v1 and then a declared winner.
    RulerofStone replied to Zitzabis's comment below 2024-01-31 10:27:26
    RulerofStone's Avatar
    ohh okay so its like a tournament style kinda thang? i though it was a normal color palette challenge with a twist being it limited to only 12 colors from the provided palette haha. sorry i dont really know how jams work lol
    Zitzabis replied to RulerofStone's comment below 2024-01-31 10:17:31
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    Unfortunately you just missed the preliminary round.
    SSPBL has an initial round where people enter by creating a skin. We then lock in the names and create a bracket for the season.
    So unfortunately we can't take late entries since it won't work with the bracket format.

    However, we offer an SSPBL Redemption Jam for those that missed the entry period, or got eliminated throughout the weeks of the season. So keep an eye out for it being announced on this page. It'll be available after Week 1 ends.

    Of course you are always welcome to attempt each weekly challenge of the season! But you would not have a position on the bracket.
    RulerofStone said 2024-01-31 10:12:51
    RulerofStone's Avatar
    dumb questions no.2, can i join right? idk how this works ahahah
    Zitzabis replied to RulerofStone's comment below 2024-01-31 10:03:35
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    Correct, and limited to a max of 12 selected colors from the palette.
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  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    January 28, 2024, 10:11 am to Public

    We are down to the final hours of accepting entries for the Season 8 Prelims.
    Remember, once the season starts, you can't join mid-season. So now is your time to secure a spot!
    Week 1 will begin as soon as the prelim deadline is reached.

    Remaining Time:

    If you need inspiration, the talented Cranio created an example usage of the prelim palettes.

    (Click image to view skin)
  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    January 14, 2024, 2:21 pm to Public

    Exciting news, Season 8 Prelims is now open and accepting entries!
    It has been close to 6 months since our last season, so if you need a refresher on how PBL contest formats work, please check our FAQ.
    To secure a place in this season of SSPBL, please refer to the information below.

    Preliminary Week:
    You may only use up to 12 colors in your skin, from either palette. See Gimmick below.

    To enter, create a skin following these rules and post a link to it in the SSPBL guest book, or the Stream Server Discord.


    Skin file:

    PMCSkin3D Palette

    Gimmick: You are limited to 12 colors, chosen from either palette.
    You do not have to choose colors from just 1 palette, both are available for selection. But you can not exceed 12 colors.

    Deadline: January 29th 2024, 11:59 PM UTC / 23:59 UTC
    cloudkitty said 2024-01-24 18:55:03
    cloudkitty's Avatar
    woop woop
    time to try this once again
    Guts N Pixels said 2024-01-15 17:44:17
    Guts N Pixels's Avatar
    Time to give it another go.
    _FroznBee said 2024-01-15 12:09:14
    _FroznBee's Avatar
    yay!!! so exited to join (i will actually have a reason to make skins!) :D
    Sushifox said 2024-01-15 10:31:01
    Sushifox's Avatar
    So excited!! (hopefully I'll be able to take part, I have mocks for the next three weeks so not much time)
    thewatcherofstreas said 2024-01-15 09:53:48
    thewatcherofstreas's Avatar
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  • SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Zitzabis's AvatarZitzabis
    September 1, 2023, 1:05 pm to Public

    Season 7 Champion
    Redemption Jam Winner

    The results are in and we are excited to announce the SSPBL Season 7 Champion!


    Poll Results:
    -Lunatique (43) vs. Ezio (30)

    Season 7 Winning Skin:
    Tranquility by -Lunatique

    Our Season 7 Redemption Jam also concluded with equally high quality skins produced for it. This season's honorary "3rd place" goes to:


    Redemption Jam Winning Skin:
    The Holder of the Scroll by HazelOrb

    A massive thank you to all the participants this season! You all outdid yourselves and delivered week after week.
    SSPBL isn't possible without all of you (participants, voters, and organizers). Thank you for making this a fantastic season.

    Keep those palette skills sharp, we will see you in the next season!
    CrownDeluxe said 2023-09-01 13:13:12
    CrownDeluxe's Avatar
    Good job everyone involved!
    BlueBoyBuilds said 2023-09-01 13:08:17
    BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
    Congrats to both of you! You 2 did an absolutely incredible job!
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