SSPBL's Avatar
Season 8 Champion: wqtermxlon
Artisan League
Level 33
PBL is an elaborate skinning competition featuring weekly rounds with uniquely made palettes.


How does PBL work?
1. Making use of the palette and its ruleset, you must create and publish a skin within the deadline. You have from when the palette goes live (Typically a Monday or Tuesday) until the following Saturday (or the given deadline) to publish your skin.
  • The palette can be at the top of this groups home page, or in the #stream-server-pbl channel in our Discord server! If you have any further questions or are looking for feedback on your skin, this is the place to go!
2. After the preliminary round, contestants will be paired up with an opponent whom they will face in a public poll. This poll determines who moves on to the next round.

   ! If you find you're unable to make a skin within the official deadline, notify Zitzabis. Extensions can be given TO AN EXTENT, never more than 24 hours.

   ! If you fail to make a skin in time, you'll automatically be disqualified and your opponent will move on to the next round uncontested.

3. If all goes well and both you and your opponent have uploaded your skins, one of you must then create a forum thread containing a poll that runs for 24 hours. The winner of this poll moves on to the following week, with a new palette and ruleset.

  Here is a good example of how one of these threads should look.

4. All skins created must comply with the PMC submission rules.
How do I enter?
Sign-up is simple! Create and upload a skin utilising 12 OR LESS colours from this week's palette, before the deadline and you're qualified! No need to worry about opponents or polls until week 1 begins.

You can always find the up-to-date palette and its accompanying gimmick in this post. Once you have uploaded your skin, you can either tag Zitzabis, or post your skin in our guest book to be sure that one of us sees it.

Sign-ups are only available during the preliminary period of PBL, if week 1 has already begun, you'll have to wait until the season ends. You will be able to submit sign-ups once the new season's preliminary phase begins. This will be announced via wall posts.
What's a gimmick?
Historically, PBL had always offered a grid of 16 colours from which contestants may only use 12 in their skin. However, season 4 shook things up!

Each week's palette will feature its own unique accompany gimmick that must also be taken into consideration. These will increase in complexity as the season progresses, which should hopefully keep skinners on their feet and produce some more unique and memorable rounds!

The current week's gimmick can be found alongside the palette on the group page.
How do I make a poll?
How to make PBL Polls - Click me!
Above is a guide on how to make PBL Polls yourself.
SSPBL operates using a neutral account to create the polls for the contestants. So you can ignore this part unless you are wanting to host your own PBL format.
When do I post the poll?
You should post the poll as soon as everyone in your grouping has made their skins. If earlier in the week, you may set the poll duration to 2 days. But if close to the deadline please set it to 1 day.
What if my opponent didn't post a skin?
Please allow your opponent enough time to make an entry. They might be busy with IRL stuff and don't have the time to make a skin until close to the deadline.

You will not be disqualified if your opponent does not make a skin. Please contact a member of the SSPBL team if you find yourself in this situation and we will provide more information.
How To Use PMCSkin3D's Palette Tool
You didn't answer my question :(
Sorry!! You can ask any further questions below in the guest book, or on our Discord server (mentioned above)
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