Best Regards and Welcome to UPM Alumni Family

With great pride and pleasure, I am on behalf of UPM Alumni Association (PAUPM) congratulate you on your success in Universiti Putra Malaysia. It is hoped that all the challenges and experiences you have had on campus throughout the course of this study will benefit and will be a strong foundation in furthering your career and your future life.

Knowledge has an enormous role for one's self thus contributing to the construction of national and national civilizations. The role of Alumni is of great importance to the University. Alumni's involvement in providing voluntary support and contributions to the University can sustain the development and reputation of a University. Hence, the relationship between Alumni and the University should be established as best as possible and move together in the success of activities, especially at the university, faculty and college level.

The UPM Alumni Association is always committed to planning and implementing various activities and programs that involve Alumni to maintain a consistent lifelong relationship between Alumni and Alma mater. As a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 1971, the UPM Alumni Association (PAUPM) continues the legacy of empowering Alumni activities in line with the University's wish to strengthen Alumni's links and networks by implementing various programs to bring Alumni back to the campus to support the University in its core of teaching, research and professional services.

In addition, the UPM Alumni Association is also set up to cater to to the needs of the University to link former students to the University. Recognizing the rapid growth of social networks in today's society, PAUPM is fast updating information through social communication networks such as Facebook on behalf of; Fan Page; and website that can be navigated through

We welcome all the support and involvement of new members to work together with previous members in the success of all programs involving the UPM Alumni Association as well as contributing to relevant expertise in accordance with their respective professions.

Finally, I once again wish Selamat Maju Jaya in their career and life to all UPM Alumni.

UPM Alumni Association
Diploma of Production and Animal Health 1978
