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OSM Helper UserScript

Posted by GanderPL on 6 July 2024 in English. Last updated on 11 July 2024.

I started working on a helper for OSM because I use several community-made tools, and it’s not very convenient to copy and paste links, nodes, or IDs into these tools. So, I decided to write my own userscript. This script will detect what the user is currently viewing and attach the appropriate links already prepared for the tool.

It’s a very simple script, and anyone can create something like this. However, I plan to use AI to help with tagging in the future. It began with a simple rule I used for tagging points, which made me realize I could automate it more. This will be implemented in the helper.

The helper will use Vue.js to control the interface view. In future I plan to release an extension for Chrome and Firefox.

I would appreciate any suggestions or links to web applications that might be useful.

Current releases


Comment from rtnf on 10 July 2024 at 14:52

Thank you for making this. It is really helpful. :)

Comment from westnordost on 10 July 2024 at 17:58

Sorry about that spam from the account sc_googleplay. It looks like a tester from Google Play used that account to explore what else he could do in the StreetComplete login screen apart from the OAuth login in the app. As a precaution, I changed the users’ password anyway. (Google Play requires that a test account is provided for them for apps that do not have 100% of the content available when not logged in, so they have to have a real OSM account.)

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