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There are a number of places with ♥ and ❤️, and all their variants, in their names. This wiki guidance notwithstanding, I do think it is appropriate because this is the name of the place on signage, but it definitely makes it hard to search for stuff.

Official documents and urls for these locations mostly just use words, like “heart”, in place of the symbol because it is simpler and technically, or legally, required.

These hearts really are only the tip of the iceberg there are thousands of OSM entities with emojis in their names.

I am inclined to leave the emoji in the name tag but use the name:en tag to expand these emoji to words. Or should i just bring these names into “compliance” as the wiki indicates that emojis should be avoided in names.

Any thoughts on this?

Location: Denver Pavilions, 500, Denver, Colorado, 80202, United States


Comment from watmildon on 11 July 2024 at 02:02

What do you think of the other common “name” fields? Doing something like this seems sensible:

name=I ♥ Teriyaki
alt_name=I Heart Teriyaki

Comment from AnotherJames on 13 July 2024 at 20:35

Thanks… that does sound good to me!

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