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Elder Melder

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  1. noopio
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Don't use this mod it doesn't work and causes blackscreen on startup.
  2. solariXian1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    since you guys made something for the elder melder. I have a mod suggestion.
    A mod that makes you unlock the elder melders Sealing Alchemy feature and Awaken Alchemy feature offline
    I dunno who else needs this but its an idea
    1. Praenidd
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      have you found a mod like this? I only play offline so I cannot get the other functions of elder melder since I need to finish some events to unlock them.
  3. thewebsterdictionary
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sadly this doesn't work anymore and just results in a black screen.

    Tip for Newcomers: If you do have the black screen you'll have to delete your 'nativePC' mod folder to get the game working again. 
  4. DevilishGreg
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I hope Capcom bans people who use this shit.
    1. LordLolik
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How does that mod affects you ?
      "hurr durr Capcom ban deez people" what about the folks who spent 1k+ hour on PS4 only to get like 3-4 attack jewels ? Do you think they'd like to do all the farm over again ?

      This is a QoL mod, it may or may not ruin the interest of some players for the game.
      But it will NEVER ruin your hunts, no matter what.
      Go complain to mods who gives you the ability to raise your attack per hit to 20k, these are the Devil if used online.
    2. Venijamin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's not a PvP game FFS... You choose your own party AFAIK. If someone decide to modify its own game even in the worst way possible, how is that affect you?
    3. BetterOffBlue
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am sorry you feel that way. I have ~1000 hours in this game and have never once received an attack gem outside of the ones you get from the story. I can't get this mod working, but if I had gotten it working it would have been used to make me feel like I wasn't falling behind my friends who have all gotten multiple important/high level gems. It is nobodies fault that my luck has been bad, but something like this make it so players like myself who just enjoy the game but have bad luck can stay on par with their luckier friends.
    4. MorsUltra
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Dude, there is nothing wrong with a mod that fights RNG. This is a mod to fix Monster Hunter World's extremely low drop rates.

      Are you aware of how low the chances you are of getting some certain decorations?
      Attack gems are less then 1% drop chance. I have played the game since it came out on console, for both pc and console.

      I have never gotten a single attack gem and that's after farming hours and hours of tempered monsters, or the Jagras quest that rains gems.

      You are just pure toxic.

    5. UltraEgoEnthusiast
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      While I see his fears of being unfair, after using this mod I can only argue *for* the implementation of this into the base game. The prices are quite fair, and while you get up to 5 chances per quest (making 1% chances moot) it's a great tool to get rid of useless decos.
    6. acrfx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Venliam HOW DOES IT NOT effect us?
      It ruins the balancing of the game ruins co op and ruins leaderboards, authenticity and times. HUR DUR LORDLODIK YOU CAN ONE SHOT MONSTERS AND GO 'WOH LOOK HOW GREAT THE PC COMMUNITY ARE TREATING THIS GAME LIKE ITS ONE PUNCH MAN SO MUCH FUN!' This MOD HAS NOTHING TO DO with helping players recover progress its about letting you boost your character to ridiculous levels, IT WILL ruin our hunts, co op and balancing and knowing our effort is for nothing as players on pc just cheat so no one belives our acheivments,
    7. akrish3
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      acrfx, are you retarded dude? This mod only saves the grinding time, it doesn't let you top the leaderboards lmfao. That's you being garbage at the game
    8. BigBobBrown
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      When you download an elder melder mod and one-shot Arch-tempered Xenojiva
    9. Abela101
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You are so unbelievably retarded, it's unreal lel. I've seen two of your comments now, you sure you're not trolling?

      Like, no matter how hard you try, you do know a mod like this will never let you oneshot right? Besides, I've spent a s#*! ton of hours just to get a rarity 1 attack jewel for a weapon, how can you call that balancing? Since last time I checked, balancing was about balancing it out. Not making it near impossible to get and turn it into a fairy tale.
  5. umbreon5
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will this mod ever see an update? I tried to use it recently and it just crashes my game. I honestly think this is the best solution to make decorations not extremely painful to grind, but it doesn't look as if this has ever gotten an update since it was first uploaded.
  6. jerah33
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    is this Iceborne compatible?

  7. Vertisce
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This is absolutely a cheat and this is the kind of mod that is going to bring Capcom down on us and start banning players. Modding right now is risky because Capcom could drop the hammer at any moment and decide that any mods constitute a ban as they have yet to outright approve modding for MHW but this mod is simply a bad idea.
    1. AndreOF
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I agree with you. Transmog will make capcom ban users as well since it gives you samurai armor set, a paid mod if I'm not mistaken.
    2. shoate
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Have you installed the mod? Have you even really looked at it? The costs for the higher level things like spreadshot cost 600. If they were hella cheap or even free then i'd agree. but they aren't. you still have to work for them and what cheat do you know that needs work put into it
    3. UltraEgoEnthusiast
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Really? The prices are steep? Good, was fearing the mod was really cheap.
    4. acrfx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Shote your rhetoric does not work, we do not need to install or look at the mods, we are shown what it does in the description nice trolling.
      It being 600 IS IRRELVANT its STILL cheating, if you need to work for god mode to have stats that make every players efforts invalid that is okay if you work for it? Nope your rhetoric dosent hold up, disagree all you like it wont change reality this is a cheat mod.
    5. Arekai
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Stop shouting. Your opinion is worth shit.
    6. Ikaris2b
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      @acrfx You are confusing "effort" with "luck". If it takes "effort" to get god mode stats then this mod is how "effort" is rewarded. This mod doesn't "make every players efforts invalid", it makes their "luck" invalid. You are acting like putting time in the game is work and it is rewarded accordingly. Wrong. So, so wrong. If that was the case I wouldn't have had to kill 30+ of that one monster to get a single Gem while my friend was peppered with them. Hopefully the Melder allows melding Gems! For a steep price of a Gold Wyverian Print, sure. Still, that's "effort", and it's rewarded. So I can only conclude, rare items are a-ok, but decorations, oh the humanity! Elitist much?

      Best regards, have a dung pod.
  8. HH117
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do i rename the file in side the folder? Cannot seem to find an option for it
  9. STYGG
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Do you plan on updating this for Iceborne's lv 4 decos? I really appreciated your mod in base World and would love to use it here as well.
  10. Lenvol
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i enter the game and get a black screen. Help?