Nanoscale devices articles within Nature


  • Article |

    A scalable spintronic device operating via spin–orbit transduction and magnetoelectric switching and using advanced quantum materials shows non-volatility and improved performance and energy efficiency compared with CMOS devices.

    • Sasikanth Manipatruni
    • , Dmitri E. Nikonov
    •  & Ian A. Young
  • Perspective |

    The phenomenon of ultralow friction between sliding incommensurate crystal surfaces—structural superlubricity—is examined, and the challenges and opportunities involved in its extension to the macroscale are assessed.

    • Oded Hod
    • , Ernst Meyer
    •  & Michael Urbakh
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    The displacement of a mechanical resonator is measured to within 35% of the Heisenberg uncertainty limit, enabling feedback cooling to the quantum ground state, nine decibels below the quantum-backaction limit.

    • Massimiliano Rossi
    • , David Mason
    •  & Albert Schliesser
  • Letter |

    A network of four spin-torque nano-oscillators can be trained in real time to recognize spoken vowels, in a simple and scalable approach that could be exploited for large-scale neural networks.

    • Miguel Romera
    • , Philippe Talatchian
    •  & Julie Grollier
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    A fundamental electronic noise—beyond electronic thermal noise and voltage-activated shot noise—that is generated by temperature differences across nanoscale conductors is demonstrated, with possible implications for thermometry and electronics.

    • Ofir Shein Lumbroso
    • , Lena Simine
    •  & Oren Tal
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    Coherent coupling between a three-electron spin qubit and single photons in a microwave resonator is demonstrated, which, unlike previous demonstrations, does not require ferromagnetic components near the qubit.

    • A. J. Landig
    • , J. V. Koski
    •  & T. Ihn
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    Precision control over matter at the atomic scale enables a planar dye molecule to be lifted up and placed on its edge—a configuration that is surprisingly stable.

    • Taner Esat
    • , Niklas Friedrich
    •  & Ruslan Temirov
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    Specular scattering of atoms of helium gas flowing through atomically flat, two-dimensional channels results in frictionless gas flow, which is much faster than expected assuming purely diffusive scattering.

    • A. Keerthi
    • , A. K. Geim
    •  & B. Radha
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    Quantum entanglement is demonstrated in a system of massive micromechanical oscillators coupled to a microwave-frequency electromagnetic cavity by driving the devices into a steady state that is entangled.

    • C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi
    • , E. Damskägg
    •  & M. A. Sillanpää
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    Ohmic losses in plasmonic devices can be reduced by exploiting ‘resonant switching’, in which light couples to surface plasmon polaritons only when in resonance and bypasses them otherwise.

    • Christian Haffner
    • , Daniel Chelladurai
    •  & Juerg Leuthold
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    Group III/nitride semiconductors have been grown epitaxially on the superconductor niobium nitride, allowing the superconductor’s macroscopic quantum effects to be combined with the semiconductors’ electronic, photonic and piezoelectric properties.

    • Rusen Yan
    • , Guru Khalsa
    •  & Debdeep Jena
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    A two-qubit quantum processor in a silicon device is demonstrated, which can perform the Deutsch–Josza algorithm and the Grover search algorithm.

    • T. F. Watson
    • , S. G. J. Philips
    •  & L. M. K. Vandersypen
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    A single spin in silicon is strongly coupled to a microwave-frequency photon and coherent single-spin dynamics are observed using circuit quantum electrodynamics.

    • X. Mi
    • , M. Benito
    •  & J. R. Petta
  • Letter |

    All necessary strands for DNA origami can be created in a single scalable process by using bacteriophages to generate single-stranded precursor DNA containing the target sequences interleaved with self-excising DNA enzymes.

    • Florian Praetorius
    • , Benjamin Kick
    •  & Hendrik Dietz
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    A picobalance consisting of an optically excited microcantilever has been developed and used to measure the masses of individual healthy and virus-infected cells at high temporal and mass resolutions in culture conditions.

    • David Martínez-Martín
    • , Gotthold Fläschner
    •  & Daniel J. Müller
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    Rotary molecular machines, activated by ultraviolet light, are able to perturb and drill into cell membranes in a controllable manner, and more efficiently than those exhibiting flip-flopping or random motion.

    • Víctor García-López
    • , Fang Chen
    •  & James M. Tour
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    A relaxation oscillator incorporating nanoscale niobium dioxide memristors that exhibit both a current- and a temperature-controlled negative differential resistance produces chaotic dynamics that aid biomimetic computing.

    • Suhas Kumar
    • , John Paul Strachan
    •  & R. Stanley Williams
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    Spoken-digit recognition using a nanoscale spintronic oscillator that mimics the behaviour of neurons demonstrates the potential of such oscillators for realizing large-scale neural networks in future hardware.

    • Jacob Torrejon
    • , Mathieu Riou
    •  & Julie Grollier
  • Letter |

    A two-bit magnetic memory is demonstrated, based on the magnetic states of individual holmium atoms, which are read and written in a scanning tunnelling microscope set-up and are stable over many hours.

    • Fabian D. Natterer
    • , Kai Yang
    •  & Christopher P. Lutz
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    The pressure-driven flow rate through individual carbon nanotubes is precisely determined from the hydrodynamics of emerging water jets, revealing unexpectedly large and radius-dependent surface slippage.

    • Eleonora Secchi
    • , Sophie Marbach
    •  & Lydéric Bocquet
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    A device consisting of a metallic island connected to electrodes via tunable semiconductor-based conduction channels is used to explore the evolution of charge quantization in the presence of quantum fluctuations; the measurements reveal a robust scaling of charge quantization as the square root of the residual electron reflection probability across a quantum channel, consistent with theoretical predictions.

    • S. Jezouin
    • , Z. Iftikhar
    •  & F. Pierre
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    Blue energy is a desirable renewable resource, involving the osmotic transport of ions through a membrane from seawater to fresh water; here, nanopores have been created in two-dimensional molybdenum-disulfide membranes, and shown to generate a substantial osmotic power output.

    • Jiandong Feng
    • , Michael Graf
    •  & Aleksandra Radenovic
  • Letter |

    Placing a light emitter in an ultra-small optical cavity results in coupling between matter and light, generating new forms of emission that can be exploited in practical or fundamental applications; here, a system is described in which strong light–matter coupling occurs at room temperature and in ambient conditions by aligning single dye molecules in the optical cavities between gold nanoparticles and surfaces.

    • Rohit Chikkaraddy
    • , Bart de Nijs
    •  & Jeremy J. Baumberg
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    A system is described in which a small macrocycle is continuously transported directionally around a cyclic molecular track when powered by irreversible reactions of a chemical fuel; such autonomous chemically fuelled molecular motors should find application as engines in molecular nanotechnology.

    • Miriam R. Wilson
    • , Jordi Solà
    •  & David A. Leigh
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    A high-fidelity two-qubit CNOT logic gate is presented, which is realized by combining single- and two-qubit operations with controlled phase operations in a quantum dot system using the exchange interaction.

    • M. Veldhorst
    • , C. H. Yang
    •  & A. S. Dzurak
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    A new type of device, the band-to-band tunnel transistor, which has atomically thin molybdenum disulfide as the active channel, operates in a fundamentally different way from a conventional silicon (MOSFET) transistor; it has turn-on characteristics and low-power operation that are better than those of state-of-the-art MOSFETs or any tunnelling transistor reported so far.

    • Deblina Sarkar
    • , Xuejun Xie
    •  & Kaustav Banerjee
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    A position sensor is demonstrated that is capable of resolving the zero-point motion of a nanomechanical oscillator in the timescale of its thermal decoherence; it achieves an imprecision that is four orders of magnitude below that at the standard quantum limit and is used to feedback-cool the oscillator to a mean photon number of five.

    • D. J. Wilson
    • , V. Sudhir
    •  & T. J. Kippenberg
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    The ratio of in-plane stiffness to out-of-plane bending stiffness of graphene is shown to be similar to that of a piece of paper, which allows ideas from kirigami (a variation of origami that allows cutting) to be applied to micrometre-scale graphene sheets to build mechanically stretchable yet robust electrodes, springs and hinges.

    • Melina K. Blees
    • , Arthur W. Barnard
    •  & Paul L. McEuen
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    Visible-frequency hyperbolic metasurfaces defined on single-crystal silver exhibit negative refraction and diffraction-free propagation, as well as strong, dispersion-dependent spin–orbit coupling for propagating surface plasmon polaritons, with device performance greatly exceeding those of previous bulk metamaterial demonstrations.

    • Alexander A. High
    • , Robert C. Devlin
    •  & Hongkun Park
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    Evidence is presented for electron pairing in strontium titanate far above the superconducting transition temperature; such pairs are thought to be the long-sought pre-formed pairs that condense at lower temperatures to give rise to the unconventional superconducting state in this system.

    • Guanglei Cheng
    • , Michelle Tomczyk
    •  & Jeremy Levy
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    A transistor-free metal-oxide memristor crossbar with low device variability is realised and trained to perform a simple classification task, opening the way to integrated neuromorphic networks of a complexity comparable to that of the human brain, with high operational speed and manageable power dissipation.

    • M. Prezioso
    • , F. Merrikh-Bayat
    •  & D. B. Strukov
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    A miniature laser is reported that uses two-dimensional tungsten diselenide as the active medium, which is placed on a photonic crystal membrane that acts as the laser cavity; the laser emits visible light, with an ultralow pump threshold.

    • Sanfeng Wu
    • , Sonia Buckley
    •  & Xiaodong Xu