Gene delivery articles within Nature


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Edited bacteria were stably maintained in mouse gut for at least 42 days following the delivery of a base editor using an engineered phage-derived particle to modify Escherichia coli colonizing the gut.

    • Andreas K. Brödel
    • , Loïc H. Charpenay
    •  & David Bikard
  • Article
    | Open Access

    In situ spatial transcriptomic analysis of more than 1 million cells are used to create a 200-nm-resolution spatial molecular atlas of the adult mouse central nervous system and identify previously unknown tissue architectures.

    • Hailing Shi
    • , Yichun He
    •  & Xiao Wang
  • Article |

    The feasibility of adeno-associated-virus-delivered nonsense suppressor tRNAs operating on premature termination codons (AAV-NoSTOP) is explored to restore gene function, using a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis type I for proof of concept.

    • Jiaming Wang
    • , Yue Zhang
    •  & Dan Wang
  • Article |

    A programmable transposase integrates donor DNA at user-defined genomic target sites with high fidelity, revealing a new approach for genetic engineering that obviates the need for DNA double-strand breaks and homologous recombination. 

    • Sanne E. Klompe
    • , Phuc L. H. Vo
    •  & Samuel H. Sternberg
  • Letter |

    'Horizontal gene transfer' refers to the passage of genetic material between non-mating species. Transposable elements (transposons) may be especially prone to horizontal gene transfer, but the mechanisms by which they can spread across diverged species have been elusive. Here it is shown that transposons can spread by hitchhiking in the genomes of parasites. The amount of DNA that can be transferred in this way underscores the impact of horizontal gene transfer on genome evolution.

    • Clément Gilbert
    • , Sarah Schaack
    •  & Cédric Feschotte