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    This collection invites research on pathways to net-zero emissions in agriculture through innovative strategies, technological advancements, policies, and adaptive practices.

    Image: © [M] Have a nice day /
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal Collection, we invite contributions that use holistic approaches to understand the distribution and economics of food systems and provide solutions to build resilience and make food systems more sustainable and equitable.

    Image: © [M] monticellllo /
    Open for submissions
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    This Orphan Crop Genomics and Improvement Collection welcomes submissions on orphan crops genomics, genetics, and breeding.

    Image: © [M] Yulia Gusterina / Getty Images / iStock
    Open for submissions
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    This Collection explores innovative food waste management strategies, their environmental and societal impacts, and the role of technology and consumer behavior in reducing global food waste

    Image: © [M] New Africa /
    Open for submissions
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    The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States.

    Image: © Springer Nature
    Open for submissions
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    This Collection features articles exploring new avenues and policies for agriculture that help reduce environmental footprint and respect people's rights and food needs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Image: © [M] creativefamily /