
Our in-house editors are PhD-level scientists with research experience. All in-house editors work full-time for the journal to oversee the review process, handle manuscripts as primary editors, liaise with our Editorial Board Members and enforce journal policy. Editors also engage in other activities on behalf of the journal, such as attending and organizing conferences and meeting with scientists at their institutions. 

In-house editors work closely with our Editorial Board Members to ensure that all manuscripts are subject to the same editorial standards and journal policies.

Locum Chief Editor | Saleem Denholme, PhD, Springer Nature, UK

Saleem obtained his PhD from the University of Glasgow and conducted postdoctoral work as a Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow at the National Insitute of Materials Science, Tsukuba. He later took up a post as assistant professor in the department of applied physics at the Tokyo Univeristy of Science specialising in the investigation of superconducting materials. He joined Communications Physics for its launch in 2017 where he managed all content related to condensed matter physics and materials science. He will be acting Locum Chief Editor for Communications Engineering until Aug 2024. Saleem is based in the London office. 


Contact: saleem.denholme@nature.com

Chief Editor | Rosamund Daw, PhD, Springer Nature, UK

Ros DawRos received her BEng and PhD from the University of Sheffield followed by postdoctoral research in bioengineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. In 2001 Ros joined Nature’s physical sciences editorial team and over the years has covered and championed research in various engineering disciplines including materials, biomedical and mechanical engineering. In August 2021 she moved over to Communications Engineering as the launch Chief Editor. Ros is based in the London office. 

Contact: r.daw@nature.com


Associate Editor | Anastasiia Vasylchenkova, PhD, Springer Nature, UK

Anastasiia VasylchenkovaAnastasiia received her PhD in electrical engineering from Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Aston University, where she developed the optical fiber communication systems based on the nonlinear Fourier transform. Before that she received BSc and MSc in theoretical physics from Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. Before joining the editorial team, she was a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow in Optical Networks Group at University College London, working on ultrawideband optical communication. Anastasiia joined the editorial team of Communications Engineering in July 2023 and is based in the London office.

Contact: anastasiia.vasylchenkova@springernature.com

Associate Editor | Miranda Vinay, PhD, Springer Nature, Germany

Miranda VinayMiranda received her PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of California – Riverside, where she studied the surfaces of high-temperature superconductors and resulting electronic devices. She also has research experience in prototyping gas sensors made from carbon nanotubes, and in lipid chemistry working with edible oils as release agents for the baking industry. Miranda joined the editorial team of Communications Engineering in February 2022 and is based in the Berlin office.

Contact: miranda.vinay@springernature.com