
Barriers and Pathways to Climate Action

Submission status
Submission deadline

Inspired by the theme of the 2024 Annual Conference of The Eastern Sociological Society, “The Social Side of the Climate Crisis”, we invite submissions for a special collection on “Barriers and Pathways to Climate Action.” We welcome original research contributions from all social science disciplines, regardless of methodology, that focus on identifying and analyzing societal barriers and/or pathways to action on climate mitigation and adaptation. We also welcome contributions that offer commentary and reflection on action barriers and/or pathways in educational and pedagogical contexts, as well as contributions that focus on barriers and pathways to coalition building, action, and knowledge mobilization among social scientists, natural scientists, interest groups, indigenous communities and perspectives, other knowledge systems, and activist groups, broadly defined.  This collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 10, SDG 13, and SDG 17.

Group of activists protesting for climate change.


  • Colin Jerolmack

    Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, New York University, USA

  • Andrew Jorgenson

    Professor of Sociology, Director of Climate & Society Lab, The University of British Columbia, Canada

  • Myron Strong

    Associate Professor, The Community College of Baltimore County, USA

  • Fernando Tormos-Aponte

    Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, USA

The Collection will publish original research papers, and articles in various formats (full details on content types can be found here). Papers will be published in npj Climate Action as soon as they are accepted and then collected together and promoted on the Collection homepage. All Collections are associated with a call for papers and are managed by one or more journal editors and/or Guest Editors.

This Collection welcomes submissions from all authors – and not by invitation only – on the condition that the manuscripts fall within the scope of the Collection and of npj Climate Action more generally. All submissions are subject to the same peer review process and editorial standards as regular npj Climate Action articles, including the journal’s policy on competing interests. The Editors declare no competing interests with the submissions which they have handled through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editor who has no competing interests. For more information, refer to our Collections guidelines.

This Collection is not supported by sponsorship.