Extended Data Fig. 10: Comparison of IS621 and Cre. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 10: Comparison of IS621 and Cre.

From: Structural mechanism of bridge RNA-guided recombination

Extended Data Fig. 10

Comparison of the synaptic complex structures, DNA recognition mechanisms, and DNA recombination mechanisms between IS621 and Cre (PDB: 1CRX and 3CRX). In the recombination reactions catalysed by IS621 and Cre, the top strands in two DNA molecules are cleaved, forming covalent protein–DNA intermediates. DNA cleavage sites are indicated by yellow triangles. Note that the relative angles between the two DNA molecules differ by ~180° between the synaptic complexes of IS621 and Cre, resulting in the opposite orientations of their HJ intermediates (parallel for IS621 and antiparallel for Cre). The orientations of the two DNA molecules are indicated by arrows. TS, top strand; BS, bottom strand.

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