Extended Data Fig. 3: Spatial distributions of climate dynamics in the 2005, 2010 and 2015 droughts. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Spatial distributions of climate dynamics in the 2005, 2010 and 2015 droughts.

From: Amazon forest biogeography predicts resilience and vulnerability to drought

Extended Data Fig. 3

ai, Spatial distributions of climate dynamics in the 2005 (left column), 2010 (middle column) and 2015 (right column) droughts for: (a)-(i): Drought dynamics showing drought onset date (row 1, a-c), drought end date (row 2, d-f), and drought duration (row 3, g-i, end date minus start date). Pixel-by-pixel drought responses (EVI in Figs. 14; or GOSIF in Extended Data Figs. 1 & 5) are taken as the standardized anomalies that occur during the pixel-specific drought period defined here. (j)-(r): climatic anomalies of: photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) (row 4, j-l), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (row 5, m-o), and precipitation (row 6, p-r). precipitation (Data source: see the ‘Climate variables’ section of methods).

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