Extended Data Fig. 1: Drought maps 2005, 2010 and 2015/16 droughts and GOSIF-based forest responses droughts. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: Drought maps 2005, 2010 and 2015/16 droughts and GOSIF-based forest responses droughts.

From: Amazon forest biogeography predicts resilience and vulnerability to drought

Extended Data Fig. 1

(a)-(c): Maximum cumulative water deficit (MCWD) standardized anomalies. (relative to the long term mean MCWD across years, blue=positive, orange=negative) during drought for (a) 2005, (b) 2010, and (c) 2015 droughts. MCWD is calculated (see Methods, ‘Climate variables’) as the maximum water deficit reached for each hydrologic year (from May of the nominal year to the following April). The “drought region” is defined as pixels whose MCWD anomaly is more than one SD below the mean (light orange to red). (d)-(f): GOSIF-based forest response to droughts. GOSIF anomalies during drought, relative to the long term mean GOSIF (green=positive, orange=negative) in drought regions for the (d) 2005, (e) 2010 and (f) 2015 droughts, respectively. (g) EVI (left axis) and GOSIF (right axis) anomalies in the 2005 drought elliptical region (as depicted in Figs. 1a, 2a, and here in Extended Data Fig. 1d) show consistent patterns versus HAND (bin averages ±95% CI, with N = 6,547 5-km pixels for both EVI and GOSIF); (h) GOSIF anomalies (bin averages points ±95% CI and solid regression line) vs. water-table depths (indexed by HAND) support hypothesis 1 (with negative slopes, consistent with EVI in Fig. 3a) for the 2005 (green, slope = −0.016 ± 0.006 SE m−1), 2010 (purple, slope = −0.012 ± 0.003 SE m−1), and 2015 (blue, slope = −0.010 ± 0.003 SE m−1) droughts, paired with HAND distributions in each drought region (bottom graphs, right axis, with N = 34,980, 30,004, 43,475 5-km pixels for 2005, 2010, and 2015 droughts, respectively).

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